View Full Version : Anti Driving and Cell Phone Device

12-11-2008, 10:52 PM
Yea its about time, Honestly I think this should be on every car on the road, especially down here in South Texas.


Ever since I moved down here its never stopped to surprise me how bad the drivers are down here, I mean I am over-generalizing, but its pathetic its like you see a single car rollover in the news like once a week, just this past tuesday I saw a guy on a motorcycle die in front of the supermarket, because some idiot in the F150 barreled out of the parking lot and across 2 lanes of traffic.

12-11-2008, 11:08 PM
Is it illegal to eat a sandwich while driving? I mean, youre using one hand to eat the sandwich and the other to drive with , just like a cell phone...... Serious question

12-11-2008, 11:33 PM
First of all... I dont like how its designed specifically for teens... Anyone who drives is most likely guilty of answering a phone call when driving, so why just aim it towards teens?? So were going to take it away from maybe 15-20% of drivers??? Whats that going to do? NOT TOO MUCH! I've seen people of all ages driving next to me talking on their phones. I too am guilty, but usually try to avoid it when possible, or tell them I'll give them a call back in a few minutes, but still, thats talking on the phone and driving. I'm guilty of texting and driving too. BUT, I personally think thats no different than eating and driving, since i'm not looking at my phone when texting & driving. Is it still dangerous? YES, but so is several other things out there when driving.. Listening to music is even a distraction, pretty much everyone does it though.

This is going to solve absolutely nothing. If a kids parents make them have this damn thing, they are still going to find a way to contact who ever they are trying to contact. If a friend in the car has a cell phone, guess whos cell phone they are going to use? I see this idea as useless, and just an aweful concept.

Is it illegal to eat a sandwich while driving? I mean, youre using one hand to eat the sandwich and the other to drive with , just like a cell phone...... Serious question

I totally agree with that one... Its the same damn thing!

12-12-2008, 12:09 AM
I agree that it shouldnt be geared toward teens only.

The only way I can see around it, is if you turned off your bluetooth on your phone since it seems to operate off that signal, the only way I can see the inventors getting around this would be for the device to detect the gps signal that is emitted by all our phones, and if it changes that notify the car

and your sandwich comment made me laugh

12-12-2008, 12:19 AM
It isnt geard towards teens. My dad just got a ticket for talking on his cell and he gets out of ALL tickets. Hes FBI of 30 years, thats why he avoids the tickets. Pretty much just flashes his badge and the cops step aside

12-12-2008, 03:03 AM
I think its great, my mom and dad need one lol... they both are worse than I am :D

12-12-2008, 08:53 AM
I drive on the phone all the time... I don't think it effects the way I drive though. I;ve been told the same.
My dad however, drives in his own world... he'll put along at 25mph in a 45 if he's on the phone.

Anyone ever seen the numbers on smoking related car accidents? ;)

12-12-2008, 01:17 PM
actually it does affect you, before I changed my major to engineering i was a psychology major and if I remember correctly the part of the brain that does deep concentration stuff like driving is the same as the speaking part, so you literally cant do both at the same time, of course your brain can switch between them very fast, but sometimes not fast enough.

I really wish there was legislation like that here that ban's phone use while driving.

Last month I almost got ran over by this girl in a malibu texting away, she had it with both hands on top of the steering wheel. I ran to the other side of the street and i yelled and waved my hands, and nothing, she didnt even look up

12-12-2008, 01:51 PM
Should we take all the cigarettes from the millions of Americans that smoke and drive?

Just let it be. People can't drive and talk, thats their problem and maybe they shouldn't have screwed up in the first place.

12-12-2008, 01:56 PM
all depends on the state... back home in NY it is illegal, down here in Florida it isn't

12-12-2008, 04:10 PM
all depends on the state... back home in NY it is illegal, down here in Florida it isn't

Yep. Theyre trying to ban texting and driving here too.

12-12-2008, 05:03 PM
Yep. Theyre trying to ban texting and driving here too.

My uncle is a cop out in syracuse and he said that technically having an open soda bottle is considered "open container" and is probable cause to pull you over. He said the whole idea is to promote both hands on the wheel at all times. He said he hasn't seen many officers actually do this but if they wanted to they could.

12-12-2008, 05:17 PM
Is it illegal to eat a sandwich while driving? I mean, youre using one hand to eat the sandwich and the other to drive with , just like a cell phone...... Serious question

i think you pay less attention to the road when youre in a phone conversation and when eating a sandwich, unless its a fantastic sandwich, then i guess my argument is invalid...

12-12-2008, 05:36 PM
i think you pay less attention to the road when youre in a phone conversation and when eating a sandwich, unless its a fantastic sandwich, then i guess my argument is invalid...

LMAO!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

12-12-2008, 05:39 PM
i think you pay less attention to the road when youre in a phone conversation and when eating a sandwich, unless its a fantastic sandwich, then i guess my argument is invalid...

Im sure the sandwich would be fantastic. But you get my point dude.:laugh:

12-12-2008, 05:55 PM
I drive on the phone all the time...

how many phones do you go through? i would think driving on a phone would destroy it :laugh:

12-12-2008, 06:29 PM
i think you pay less attention to the road when youre in a phone conversation and when eating a sandwich, unless its a fantastic sandwich, then i guess my argument is invalid...

LMAO!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

x2 :laugh:

12-12-2008, 08:45 PM
I think some people are capable of talking on the phone and driving and some people are not....the texting to me is more dangerous than the talking in some cases...when you look away from the road to text that is dangerous lol Like 8 months ago I looked at my phone for like 1 second when I was sending a text and the car in front of me stopped and I slammed on the brakes but I still didnt have time to come to a complete stop in time and I slid into the back of his truck and he hit the car in front of him.. All because I glanced away for a second.. That was just stupid on my part and now I have learned my lesson, got several tickets for it.. So now if I text I dont look at the phone if there are other cars around and I keep my conversations short on the phone.

12-12-2008, 08:50 PM
No doubt the texting is more dangerous.

12-12-2008, 09:26 PM
I got a better and cheaper idea. Just super glue the car key to the cell phone. lol That way they can't access the phone to talk on it.