View Full Version : Question for the Police

Tyler Wheat
05-26-2013, 09:58 AM
I know there's a couple of you here. I'm hoping Josh can chime in since he is in MO. I know that this kind of stuff differs from state to state.

Well here's what happened-

Got a ticket for window tint in the wife's car yesterday. I know its too dark (its 10% and that's on slight factory tint), but I'm not going to change it. I'm actually not aware of what the law is, honestly. I'm sure its lighter than I want. This is the 1st one in the 3 years we've been in MO. Been pulled over a few times and nothing has ever been said about it.

Anyway... can the guy give me a ticket without actually testing the tint?

"How are we doing? Are you aware we have window tint laws here in Missouri?"

"I'm good. I'm sure they do have tint laws here. They're pretty relaxed in Oklahoma where we lived when we bought the car. Do you need my insurance?"

*Officer looks at insurance card.

"Here's this back. Take your license out of your wallet and I'll be back with it."

*Officer goes to car, comes back, and hand me my license

"I've issued a citation for your tint being too dark. Here's your court date- June 13th at 3. Do you have any questions for me?"

"No Sir."

"Ok. Be safe."

Is there no process for this or is he allowed to eyeball for tint and issue tickets based on that. The above was all the conversation that was had. It was a quick "wham, bam, thank you maam" type of deal. I figured it would be with speeding, that they have to have some sort of verification that you are in violation of the law, but I dunno. Maybe they can do this kind of stuff.

Oh, and I didn't sign a ticket- he just handed it to me. Don't know if that matters or not.

Anyway, just looking for some info from people that know more about this kind of stuff than I do.

05-26-2013, 10:04 AM
Well he must have seen it to stop u for it right?

Or do u mean he did not see it during the stop?

Co-Owner/Admin @ LTXtech.com

05-26-2013, 10:06 AM
Either way...in PA i never have people sign tickets. i write "issued to driver" and hand them the copy.

Co-Owner/Admin @ LTXtech.com

Tyler Wheat
05-26-2013, 10:23 AM
Well he must have seen it to stop u for it right?

Or do u mean he did not see it during the stop?

Co-Owner/Admin @ LTXtech.com

I'm saying he never tested it. Tint alone was the reason he pulled me over, so he did see it.

05-26-2013, 11:16 AM
Is window tint a primary law in missouri?

Tyler Wheat
05-26-2013, 11:23 AM
No idea

05-26-2013, 11:35 AM
Is window tint a primary law in missouri?

Yes it is.

Tyler usually people in MO sign summons but it's not required. All the signature is is a promise to dispose of the charge via court appearance, pay fines, or attorney. Your still responsable wether it's signed or not. Front driver and passenger windows can be no darker than 35% the rears are not regulated. We do have meters that tell what % the tint is but it's not necessarily needed, if the Officer can articulate in court that a reasonable person would agree the windows are darker than 35%. It sounds like in your case that may not be too hard! We try to use the meter whenever possible to take the human opinion out of it but it's not always possible batteries die, etc. It's an equipment violation (non-moving) so likely just a fine but depending on who wrote it the fines could increase with repeat summons.

I had 5% on my Camaro when I was younger and after 3 tickets I felt like "they" were remembering my car and I was an easy stat. Since it was a violation and a legal stop everytime I didn't have any room to complain. I had to suck it up and switch to 35% which is what it is to this day.

Sounds like the Officer could have given you a little more info while he spoke with you and maybe had a more polite exit. He's probably just as frustrated as I am right now working all weekend while everyone's off having fun but, that's not an excuse. Many people's only contact with law enforcement is on traffic stops and unfortunatly Officer's get into the habbit of becoimming robots and not actually talking to the people they stop.

Tyler Wheat
05-26-2013, 11:54 AM
Well crap. Sounds like I'm up the creek then. It just seemed weird that there was no testing, no signing. I've never gotten a ticket I didn't have to sign before. It just seemed "off". It'll probably take a few times before I change it since I learn the hard way :shiner: This is the first time in 3 years, so I doubt it will be an issue.

I didn't have any problem with the way the guy acted. Just trying to illustrate that it was a very very quick stop. He wasn't going out of his way to be unfriendly. Just another part of it that was different than other stops I've had I guess.

05-26-2013, 11:56 AM
I have the windows in my cruze tinted with 12% all the way around with a eyebrow on the windshield. I've not been pulled over in this car yet but what I've learned in the past with other cars is to roll all the windows down and turn the dome light on (if its at night) so the officer can see you as they approach the car. If they stopped you just for the tint they'll mention it and you just tell them you let the windows down so they could see you. Most will appreciate the consideration give a verbal warning and move on.

05-26-2013, 12:03 PM
I didn't have any problem with the way the guy acted. Just trying to illustrate that it was a very very quick stop. He wasn't going out of his way to be unfriendly. Just another part of it that was different than other stops I've had I guess.

Yea I'm guessing he was a traffic officer or working the "click it or ticket" grant this weekend. In either case they have to have a certian number of traffic contacts (not summons) per hour to be eligable for the grant reimbursement. This would explain the quick contact.

Like firebird said a large number of Officer's just want to see what's in the car they're approaching. Helping them do this is probably only going to bennifit you, or they'll think your trying to hide it by rolling down the windows!!

05-26-2013, 12:07 PM
You should've been like, "do you have any idea who I am??? Ever heard of the chrome shop mafia???"

Well crap. Sounds like I'm up the creek then. It just seemed weird that there was no testing, no signing. I've never gotten a ticket I didn't have to sign before. It just seemed "off". It'll probably take a few times before I change it since I learn the hard way :shiner: This is the first time in 3 years, so I doubt it will be an issue.

I didn't have any problem with the way the guy acted. Just trying to illustrate that it was a very very quick stop. He wasn't going out of his way to be unfriendly. Just another part of it that was different than other stops I've had I guess.

Tyler Wheat
05-26-2013, 12:08 PM
I'm going to just have my wife drive all the time now when we're together. She NEVER gets written up, just warnings every single time.

Tyler Wheat
05-26-2013, 12:09 PM
You should've been like, "do you have any idea who I am??? Ever heard of the chrome shop mafia???"

LOL noted for next time

05-26-2013, 03:06 PM
OK...let me start by saying...I have tinted windows on all my stuff...and i dont write tickets for tint....i may stop a car over it to see what they are up to...but i dont write tickets.

In pa we have two sections we can write tint under...one specifically requires a tint meter and a percentage...the other just requires us to attest to the fact that we can not EASILY see through.

My guess is he wrote u for ur states equiv of the 2nd one.

As for signing the citation...I neverbhand people i dont know a weapon...a pen to stab me with or a metal clip board to hit me with...I simply write..."issued to driver" in the sig area....

Hope that helps....

Co-Owner/Admin @ LTXtech.com

Tyler Wheat
05-26-2013, 04:19 PM
That does help. Not as much as you guys telling me that the officer messed up and I've got an easy out on the ticket, though. No biggie though. I'm guilty. Maybe he didn't have anything better to do. Minor inconvenience.

05-26-2013, 04:22 PM
That does help. Not as much as you guys telling me that the officer messed up and I've got an easy out on the ticket, though. No biggie though. I'm guilty. Maybe he didn't have anything better to do. Minor inconvenience.

WISH i could tell u that.... :(

Eitger way... Plead not guilty.

Co-Owner/Admin @ LTXtech.com

05-26-2013, 08:05 PM
....here in PA it costs an extra 5 bucks to plea not guilty IF U LOSE.

There is a chamce the Officer wont show....then it gets dismissed.

Co-Owner/Admin @ LTXtech.com

05-26-2013, 08:16 PM
In NC you can pay a fee with your inspection to have dark tint, but the fuzz will still give you crap if its really dark.

05-26-2013, 08:23 PM
In PA it is no LONGER CRITERIA for inspection...but its still in the vehicle codes. :)

Co-Owner/Admin @ LTXtech.com

05-26-2013, 08:32 PM
....here in PA it costs an extra 5 bucks to plea not guilty IF U LOSE.

There is a chamce the Officer wont show....then it gets dismissed.

Co-Owner/Admin @ LTXtech.com

That's it??!! Id be playing those odds every time!

05-26-2013, 08:40 PM
That's it??!! Id be playing those odds every time!

And it happens alot... Ive overslept thru hearings... Ive had emergencies that have kept me from hearings...and when on duty...a CALL takes precidence over court.....

Co-Owner/Admin @ LTXtech.com

05-26-2013, 08:45 PM
Some PD's here pay the officers to show up (CHP) but most do not so they dont show unless you really piss them off like my dad seems to do almost every time he interacts with the police such as writing "F@#$ you" where your supposed to sign, this man hates cops so bad that when he found out I was going thru the reserve academy he didnt talk to me for 2 years and when I did talk to him I tild him that if I had gone on with the career then I would have given him my business card to tape to the back of his license and that usually gets you out of a ticket then he was mad that I let my wife talk me out of being a Deputy LOL.

05-26-2013, 08:49 PM
Some PD's here pay the officers to show up (CHP) but most do not so they dont show unless you really piss them off like my dad seems to do almost every time he interacts with the police such as writing "F@#$ you" where your supposed to sign, this man hates cops so bad that when he found out I was going thru the reserve academy he didnt talk to me for 2 years and when I did talk to him I tild him that if I had gone on with the career then I would have given him my business card to tape to the back of his license and that usually gets you out of a ticket then he was mad that I let my wife talk me out of being a Deputy LOL.

We all get paid to show up...example i get a minimum of two hours (at time and a half) pay for just showing up
..but that does not undo ANY of the above reasons thay have and do keep.me from making it to court.

Co-Owner/Admin @ LTXtech.com

05-26-2013, 08:55 PM
Know how i avoid these tickets? I don't tint my windows.... LOL I try to fly under there radar best i can since the TA draws enough attention on its own.

We had a car towed in front of our house couple days ago. And wife said the cops was looking at my car for for a while while they was in our front yard.

05-26-2013, 08:57 PM
LOL...That would be the best way to avoid us.... Never do anything wrong. Hahaah.

Co-Owner/Admin @ LTXtech.com

05-26-2013, 09:01 PM
LOL...That would be the best way to avoid us.... Never do anything wrong. Hahaah.

Co-Owner/Admin @ LTXtech.com

It works interior of car is open to see in. And i drive like a old man. With seat belt on. And maintain proper distance from car in front of me.....

My insurance agent loves me:D

05-26-2013, 09:11 PM
Hahaha...my windows are 5%...& i never wear seatbelts...except in cars that have annoyimg dingers.

Co-Owner/Admin @ LTXtech.com

05-27-2013, 01:13 PM
It's mandatory we be at court every month. If we aren't there for some reason the court grants the city one continuance. Court customers are allowed one continuance by themselves (in order to retain an attorney) and their attorney can get a few more. No extra fees however you plea. If you plea not guilty in our court and the Officer isn't there you will have to come back next month for trial. Just kinda depends on what the fine is, and what your times worth to you!

Tyler Wheat
05-27-2013, 02:32 PM
What's the reasoning behind pleading not guilty?

05-27-2013, 02:38 PM
What's the reasoning behind pleading not guilty?

If you plead guilty... your done...you pay the fine...guilty.

If you plead not guilty...you get a hearing, and plead your case.....and even something as simple as the cop not showing up.... can get you off.

05-27-2013, 02:39 PM
It's mandatory we be at court every month. If we aren't there for some reason the court grants the city one continuance. Court customers are allowed one continuance by themselves (in order to retain an attorney) and their attorney can get a few more. No extra fees however you plea. If you plea not guilty in our court and the Officer isn't there you will have to come back next month for trial. Just kinda depends on what the fine is, and what your times worth to you!

Josh, do you have one hearing date every month...or are they scattered throughout the month.

05-27-2013, 02:43 PM
What's the reasoning behind pleading not guilty?

Just depends on how much time and effort you want to put into it. How much is the ticket for? How much is it going to cost you to take a day off work to show up to court? Gotta weigh those options out. I don't think window tint is a moving violation so it shouldnt make you insurance go up or put points on your record.

Tyler Wheat
05-27-2013, 02:43 PM
Oh I see. Doubt I'll be that lucky though

05-27-2013, 03:03 PM
Chris is right (at least in PA)...vehicle equipt cites are not movi g violations...and here it is 110.50

U may not be that lucky...but there is a chance...Do like Chris said...and weigh it out.

Co-Owner/Admin @ LTXtech.com

05-27-2013, 03:04 PM
Whatever you decide..if you go to court to fight it...DO NOT take that car.

05-27-2013, 05:09 PM
I've gotten tint tickets and I've never heard of them measuring the tint, but then again here in MI anything darker than factory tint and more than just the top 6" of the window is illegal for the front row windows. Backseat windows can be tripple limo tinted and it wouldn't matter. Likewise, I've never signed any tickets I've gotten. Speeding, tint, etc.

05-27-2013, 05:24 PM
And those variations in laws between states is why i always stress ...in PA...

But even here, either violation carries identical punishments

Co-Owner/Admin @ LTXtech.com

Tyler Wheat
05-27-2013, 05:46 PM
Its not worth the time away from work for me. I'll just pay it and move on. I was really hoping one of you guys would say he screwed up, but doesn't appear that he did.

05-27-2013, 06:19 PM
Its not worth the time away from work for me. I'll just pay it and move on. I was really hoping one of you guys would say he screwed up, but doesn't appear that he did.

Sorry man.

Co-Owner/Admin @ LTXtech.com

Tyler Wheat
05-27-2013, 07:46 PM
You don't have to be sorry, Larry. I just wanted to know and now I do. I'm not real hip on this kind of stuff, so I turned to people with more insight than myself.

05-27-2013, 07:50 PM
You don't have to be sorry, Larry. I just wanted to know and now I do. I'm not real hip on this kind of stuff, so I turned to people with more insight than myself.

Well glad to help...

Co-Owner/Admin @ LTXtech.com

Tyler Wheat
05-27-2013, 08:00 PM
I appreciate it. You and everyone else.