View Full Version : Boston bombing
04-15-2013, 03:49 PM
I dont want to step on anyones toes(admin wise) with this, but incase someone hase been living under a rock VsH1yI
best of hopes and wishes to all of those who have been effected and I hope they figure out who did this. I personally will be volunteering to help anyway I can(I am a MP).
04-15-2013, 04:33 PM
Larry (Popo8) Co-owner
04-15-2013, 05:20 PM
I've almost gotten to the point where I can't look at my Newsfeed... People posting pictures of sidewalks splattered with blood, videos showing the explosion and people being blown up, and worst of all was a photo posted by one person which showed a guy's leg missing from the knee down but almost all of the tibula bone was still present... just a bloody, mangled mess with about 2 feet of bone sticking out... Jesus.
04-15-2013, 06:22 PM
People have absolutely no respect anymore.
04-15-2013, 06:40 PM
i saw a few of those pics B....its disgusting.
Larry (Popo8) Co-owner
04-15-2013, 06:41 PM
just got home and seen this.
04-15-2013, 06:43 PM
People have absolutely no respect anymore.It is disrespect and detachment from reality. Everyone has a fucking camera and thinks it is their god given right to use it. A lot of people play violent games, this is not a fucking game. People watch "reality TV" (which is FAR FROM REAL!!) This is REAL, real tragedy, real pain, real death, real families that now have to deal with loss and fucking asshat people are posting it on facebook. I guess you can tell I am mad... my heart, thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and families hurt by this stupid act. I hope they find the perpetrators' and justice is swift and harsh..
04-15-2013, 06:51 PM
sadly I am not too offended by the pictures everyone is speaking of.....then again I have seen some rough stuff over my last 6 years in the army. I can understand the point of view of having respect for the victims and those effected but I do feel like this needs to be a wake up call for a lot of people, be aware of your surroundings and don't be afraid to speak up about anything suspicious....I just really hate seeing this happen...even more so on American soil and we need to do everything we can to prevent it from happening again. Once again if i get the chance to help the anyone involved in anyway I will jump on it. I dont care if the army says im broke I still want to help the American people anyway I possibly can. Not to push on anyone angry side or anything just my point of view and I do agree they went way overboard with some of the pictures.
04-15-2013, 06:59 PM
sadly I am not too offended by the pictures everyone is speaking of.....then again I have seen some rough stuff over my last 6 years in the army. I can understand the point of view of having respect for the victims and those effected but I do feel like this needs to be a wake up call for a lot of people, be aware of your surroundings and don't be afraid to speak up about anything suspicious....I just really hate seeing this happen...even more so on American soil and we need to do everything we can to prevent it from happening again. Once again if i get the chance to help the anyone involved in anyway I will jump on it. I dont care if the army says im broke I still want to help the American people anyway I possibly can. Not to push on anyone angry side or anything just my point of view and I do agree they went way overboard with some of the pictures.I understand you POV too.. but you saw what you saw in the military and that is part of the gig. I totally respect that and understand since I come from a military family. The general unwashed masses that think they are invincible and immune to this have never had to actually step into a real line of fire and see death.. like I said it is not a game, and you do need to be aware of surroundings and that people can be evil and want to cause you harm. There is no extra life or reset button. This needs to be a wakeup call in more ways than one!
04-15-2013, 07:31 PM
very well said. kinda what i was trying to get at but worded way better haha
04-15-2013, 08:10 PM
I understand you POV too.. but you saw what you saw in the military and that is part of the gig. I totally respect that and understand since I come from a military family. The general unwashed masses that think they are invincible and immune to this have never had to actually step into a real line of fire and see death.. like I said it is not a game, and you do need to be aware of surroundings and that people can be evil and want to cause you harm. There is no extra life or reset button. This needs to be a wakeup call in more ways than one!
04-17-2013, 04:09 PM
I share spikesters pov. Yrs the pictures are graphic and disturbing.. but people need to seethe horror in this event and not just the story of a bombing in Boston. Visual images have a much stronger effect on us. If people only heard about 9/11 or pearl harbor they wouldn't of been as engaged. Once you see the images people get much more disturbed, they get goose bumps, chills, they cry, they scream. It's always a serious wake up call that hits home much harder w/ a bigger impact. Go back to the Boston massacre, it was drawn images that had the biggest impact on people.
04-17-2013, 07:31 PM
I work in South Boston, I was close enough to it when it happened that a few friends at work heard it (I was inside at the time). I was down there today (right on newbury street, in the area of 100 feet from where it happened). We have jobsites on all those streets (newbury, boylston) where it happened.
Whole area still blocked off, 2 cops on every corner... Armed national guard everywhere (full body armor, assault rifles, ect...), pretty heavy stuff. Also have seen all the pictures, its hard to believe that happened here. The girl that was killed lives a couple towns over from me on the N shore.
04-17-2013, 09:12 PM
Am I reading that the FBI may have people of intrest...or people in custody???
Larry (Popo8) Co-owner
04-18-2013, 06:46 AM
CNN made a big snafu yesterday posting that people were in custody, then everyone copied CNN without validating it. Turns out they were wrong and had to redact their statements about people being in custody. As far as I know, no one is in custody yet but they have identified two potential suspects in the videos - now they just have to find them.
04-18-2013, 08:59 AM
I share spikesters pov. Yrs the pictures are graphic and disturbing.. but people need to seethe horror in this event and not just the story of a bombing in Boston. Visual images have a much stronger effect on us. If people only heard about 9/11 or pearl harbor they wouldn't of been as engaged. Once you see the images people get much more disturbed, they get goose bumps, chills, they cry, they scream. It's always a serious wake up call that hits home much harder w/ a bigger impact. Go back to the Boston massacre, it was drawn images that had the biggest impact on people.
I dont totally diagree that people need to see the images, but it is not everyones right to put out the images. By doing that they undermine the investigation and get people upset. Also it can make it seem less real, people become desensitized by that kind of stuff. We as a society are becoming less sensitive to horror, pain, gore, death, etc. due to the very good movie effects and CG games, etc.
As for the CNN snafu, I ranted (like I tend to do) on my FB last night.
Hey news media!! Let the professionals do their job to find the real suspects in the Boston Bombings!!! By fighting for ratings and the scoop you are undermining the investigation by putting out bad information, giving false hope to those affected, and insulting the intelligence of people that are smart enough to figure out that you are all full of shit.
I hope they do have some leads and I wont speculate but I have a few ideas of my own. I hope we all realize that this may be the new norm from now on. It has been like this overseas for years..
04-18-2013, 11:28 AM
One photo that really grossed me out was the photo of the guy in the wheelchair with his legs completely blown off and all was left was the bone. Thankfully, in every subsequent photo I've seen since the day of the bombing, they cut the photos off at the knee and just describe that his legs are missing -- to me that's more appropriate.
04-18-2013, 07:52 PM
I dont totally diagree that people need to see the images, but it is not everyones right to put out the images. By doing that they undermine the investigation and get people upset.
Amen. I am doing an internship with DHS and I assist with different forensic classes. we had a small discussion during a break about how the media has gone WAY to damn far with this(there were a few representatives from a couple different Federal investigations groups). From an investigative standpoint they(the media) needs to get the hell out of this. The news media in America makes me sick, the news anchors need to stop putting in their own opinion or digging in stuff that the general american public needs to know. Just give us basic facts no BS
04-18-2013, 09:19 PM
I dunno if you are a green day fan but even before american idiot I felt the way they do in the opening line " don't want to be an american idiot, one nation controlled by the media..". I was in journalism for a while, I was a writer for local newspapers and I was editor in chief for my college paper. I have grown totally disgusted by the commercialization of the media now. The general public are sheep following the talking heads. The talking heads are sheep following the money. I only kind of trust the AP now. I don't want to derail this thread too much more. I am still praying for the victims and for the LEA to have the guidance to get to the bottom of this. I am really getting tired of the general bs in this country now.. there is a reason my avatar is Che'. :)
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04-18-2013, 10:36 PM
Any one see the sudden rushed deportation of the saudi who was a person of interest in this?
Le sketch.
04-18-2013, 10:45 PM
Larry (Popo8) Co-owner
04-19-2013, 05:29 AM
Interesting turn of events in Boston. AP reporting the 2 suspects robbed a convenience store, shot at transit officer. Manhunt under way.
Godspeed to the LEA and bring these animals to justice.
Edit: 1 suspect dead.. unfortunately 1 LEA dead, one in critical condition. Other suspect on the loose. Considered armed and dangerous. Boston suburbs on lockdown.
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04-19-2013, 06:05 AM
Absolutely crazy turn of events - sounds like they were going to try blowing up another bomb at MIT.
04-19-2013, 06:19 AM
At least in general criminals are not that smart and eventually make a big mistake.
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04-19-2013, 07:24 AM
At least in general criminals are not that smart and eventually make a big mistake.
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2
Not smart?
They managed to plant a few bombs at a boston marathon, got past all that security and didn't get caught. I would say they have some inteligence to them.
Now, whether the plan was to get caught and die in a blaze of gun fire or bombs going off is more likely than just being dumb. Although sticking around boston didn't seem that great of a plan unless they had death wishes etc.
04-19-2013, 07:55 AM
I don't know if I'd give them that much credit for being smart with the Boston Marathon. There were a crap ton of people walking around with backpacks and bags - while there WAS plenty of security, it doesn't sound like it would have been that hard to sneak in with the spectators and casually drop off a backpack and walk away.
04-19-2013, 07:59 AM
Security, although pervasive, has gotten quite lax lately. We have been lulled into a false sense of security until now. I travelled internationally for years. Security overseas is serious, TSA and Security here is a joke comparatively before and after 9/11. I never said they we not smart, just not THAT smart. I am sure POPO can tell plenty of times "smart" criminals did something dumb and got caught/killed. As for their plan, it is a direct copy of other similar bombings overseas and the formula for the bombs is readily available on the web or the anarchists’ cookbook. As this unfolds we will see, let’s just pray that no other innocent people get hurt.
04-19-2013, 07:11 PM
This whole situation is just makimg me angry amd upset with society... more inocent people.... a dead cop...a hurt cop...and why....WHY!!!
im so fucking disgusted with humanity... such a fucking disapointment with people...
oh yeah...thats right.... it was the "religion..." the religion of peace.
FUK THIS SHIT... I Cant even publicly write what im thinking!!!!
Larry (Popo8) Co-owner
04-19-2013, 08:10 PM
he is in custody now.
04-19-2013, 08:20 PM
awesome job by LEA and great they got him alive! I totally understand your feelings Larry, but wait and see what this was really all about. The media has been speculating all day (as usual) and trying to fill time with nonsensical ramblings of estranged family members and friends of the suspects. I hope this little shit talks, if not a bullet is much cheaper than jail time and appeals. It still doesn't bring back the dead or heal the injured I know, but Justice will be served. I had a gut feeling about this when it started, I felt it was lone operatives not tied directly with any terror group. The fact no large terror group jumped up and took credit hours after the bombing was got me thinking that. Overall, we better brace for more of this stuff. It is common place in some countries and now a lot of nutcases got good ideas due to the 24/7 live coverage..
04-19-2013, 08:29 PM
I say rather than putting a bullet in his head they use one of his bombs and take him out to an empty field and blow his ass up with his own devices. Eye for an eye, motherfucker!
04-19-2013, 09:18 PM
awesome job by LEA and great they got him alive! I totally understand your feelings Larry, but wait and see what this was really all about. The media has been speculating all day (as usual) and trying to fill time with nonsensical ramblings of estranged family members and friends of the suspects. I hope this little shit talks, if not a bullet is much cheaper than jail time and appeals. It still doesn't bring back the dead or heal the injured I know, but Justice will be served. I had a gut feeling about this when it started, I felt it was lone operatives not tied directly with any terror group. The fact no large terror group jumped up and took credit hours after the bombing was got me thinking that. Overall, we better brace for more of this stuff. It is common place in some countries and now a lot of nutcases got good ideas due to the 24/7 live coverage..
its only a matter of time till military patrols our streets, blown up cars on the road sides...and we look just like any of the third world countries. We are spiraling down the drain...and none of our leaders have the balls to do what we need to save our selves.
Larry (Popo8) Co-owner
04-19-2013, 10:17 PM
Im going mad max style if that happens larry and i expect you to ride with me. You can be called Officer Pain and i will be Deputy Destruction. :thumbup::D
04-19-2013, 10:27 PM
its only a matter of time till militarybpatrols our streets, blown up cars on the road sides...and we loom just like any of the third world countries. We are spiraling down the drain...and none of our leaders have the balls to do what we need to save our selves.
Larry (Popo8) Co-owner
Now, thats a little bit meladramatic don't ya think?
04-19-2013, 10:47 PM
Now, thats a little bit meladramatic don't ya think?
I really dont.. I think its just a matter of time.
04-19-2013, 10:55 PM
Im going mad max style if that happens larry and i expect you to ride with me. You can be called Officer Pain and i will be Deputy Destruction. :thumbup::D
I am ready... (MADMIKE) LOL
04-20-2013, 12:34 AM
I am ready... (MADMIKE) LOL
Ill be "El Loco Taco Popo"
Larry (Popo8) Co-owner
Ryan Stout
04-20-2013, 02:57 PM
04-21-2013, 01:41 AM
How can that not be the "sign" for something very special....
Larry (Popo8) Co-owner
04-22-2013, 06:44 AM
Man Friday night's capture of the 19 year old suspect was intense! Someone was broadcasting the Boston PD's police channel live through and I listened to the whole thing. Very cool to hear the PD's communciations back and forth.
04-22-2013, 09:32 AM
Man Friday night's capture of the 19 year old suspect was intense! Someone was broadcasting the Boston PD's police channel live through and I listened to the whole thing. Very cool to hear the PD's communciations back and forth.
it can be pretty nuts.
And imagine... u MAY have just heard the primary channel...
usually there are scrambled TAC channels set up for gigs like this.
Larry (Popo8) Co-owner
04-22-2013, 12:29 PM
Yeah you're right, there were other channels.
The best moment was when someone is talking to the helicopter operator - "We might need to do something with your downstream, it's apparently broadcasting live on the internet." :lol: I searched for a solid 15 minutes but could not find his video feed.
04-22-2013, 12:35 PM
Yeah you're right, there were other channels.
The best moment was when someone is talking to the helicopter operator - "We might need to do something with your downstream, it's apparently broadcasting live on the internet." :lol: I searched for a solid 15 minutes but could not find his video feed.
LOL... yeah.. we like our radio privacy... but, it wont happen.
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