View Full Version : Concealed carry question

03-01-2013, 08:39 PM
This question is mainly directed toward popo, since he lives fairly close to me, but anyone feel free to give their .02

I just received my CCW and I had a thought about something I hadn't thought of before. Say I'm carrying while driving and I get pulled over... assuming it's a traffic violation, but obviously won't know until they approach. What's the smartest thing to do here? Should I come right out before anything else and just politely say that I am licensed to carry a weapon and currently have it on me... should I remain quiet about it until I find out what the stop was for and make a decision after I know (for instance, just let it go if he's just giving me a speeding ticket and will not be asking me to leave the vehicle for any reason). Or should I just absolutely keep my mouth shut about it because obviously I am not going to whip it out with an officer around... I am just wondering what officers typically like to hear. I would hate to be pulled over for coasting a stop sign, tell him I'm armed, then end up with my face on the hood of the car and being searched because the officer was having a bad day and I told him I had a gun. Basically just wondering if there is an etiquette or unwritten rule on the issue to prevent problems.

03-01-2013, 09:07 PM
Thats a catch 22 there...if you dont say anything, they might be like "why didnt you tell me you are carrying" but if you do tell them they will probably just ask to see it and check the serial #

03-01-2013, 09:13 PM
I put both my hands on the wheel and tell the officer that I have a firearm in the car.

03-01-2013, 09:14 PM
That's kinda what I was thinking... probably depends on the officer and what their first impression of me is. I was just wondering if there is a way MOST officers will prefer to have it dealt with. I mean I am sure I could easily just sit there and say nothing about it and be perfectly fine, but then I started thinking about maybe if they run my info through the system and my permit comes up and I hadn't said anything and then they happen to ask me about it and why I didn't tell them.

03-01-2013, 09:16 PM
I put both my hands on the wheel and tell the officer that I have a firearm in the car.

This ^^^. I let him know that I have a CCW and my firearm on my right hip where I need to reach to get my wallet. Missouri now will add "CCW" in red letters in the top right corner of your license if you want.

03-01-2013, 09:20 PM
Nooo you guys got it all wrong. You wait for the officer to walk up to your window the you rapidly without saying a word, reach unde your shirt an quickly pull your gun out and sayand say 'im shellys new boyfriend and I'm out of my mind@ (name that movie!) Then proceed to tell the officer to freez mutha (watch yo mouth).

03-01-2013, 09:22 PM
Sorry sendin this from my phone and it keeps f@kin up.

03-01-2013, 09:23 PM
hahah sin city I think lol
Sorry sendin this from my phone and it keeps f@kin up.

03-01-2013, 09:24 PM
SOON as I get thru sum stuff here... Ill post some personal experiences.

This is a very common question and Im glad u asked.....

Larry (Popo8) Co-owner

03-01-2013, 09:25 PM
the first thing you should do is let a officer know your legaly carrying. I had 2 cops come at with their guns unholstered at walmart because some lady called the cops cause I had a gun but I was 18 and was practicing my rights to open carry so I was okay.

03-01-2013, 09:25 PM
LT1runner - lol thanks for the tip but I think I'll wait to hear popo's advice here haha... and no, I don't know the movie

03-01-2013, 09:43 PM
hahah sin city I think lol
You are correct sir!

03-01-2013, 09:49 PM
LT1runner - lol thanks for the tip but I think I'll wait to hear popo's advice here haha... and no, I don't know the movie
That's how we do it in PHoenix baby! Haha but not really though. I'm a dick! Felling goofy right now sorry but you're right. Popo might be a little more of an authority on this subject reather than a gangsta like me.

03-01-2013, 09:52 PM
Ugh! "Reather than a gangsta like me?" Reather? Wutsa reather? Damn phone!

03-01-2013, 09:55 PM

03-01-2013, 10:29 PM
OP, let me start by saying, Im glad you asked this question rather than just trying it one way or another.... I will respond through a few posts which I quoted and will give you my best advice at the end....

Thats a catch 22 there...if you dont say anything, they might be like "why didnt you tell me you are carrying" but if you do tell them they will probably just ask to see it and check the serial #

There is no catch 22... there is a right way and a wrong way... YES, many anti government people will tell you if you are carrying legally you do not need to say anything and they are right.. you dont have to say anything... BUT THE OP asked, what is the prefered way by Officers......

I put both my hands on the wheel and tell the officer that I have a firearm in the car.

....and JAMIE was dead on.... You as a civilian know (for the most part) who I am when I turn on those overhead lights... get out of that (most of the time) marked car that says "POLICE", make a presence in my fancy uniform and bat belt.... but remember , we DO NOT know who you are. All we are ever taught is always be carefull... never become lax, and always make sure you (us) go home to your (our) family every day.....

This ^^^. I let him know that I have a CCW and my firearm on my right hip where I need to reach to get my wallet. Missouri now will add "CCW" in red letters in the top right corner of your license if you want.

...In pay we do not have that, but attaching CCW info to registations and DLs would be a great idea.... First, I could run your tag and know..."this guy could legally be carrying a fire arm. That may not put me at ease, but knowledge allows better decision making to be made...

the first thing you should do is let a officer know your legaly carrying. I had 2 cops come at with their guns unholstered at walmart because some lady called the cops cause I had a gun but I was 18 and was practicing my rights to open carry so I was okay.

Instances like this happen all the time. And although open carry is acceptable, there are other things that come along with it that the person carrying must realize. First, when you show someone you are carrying, you become the first target.... whether it is because you are a threat, or they want your gun because they dont have one, or when they try to do whatever bad thing they are gonna do, you may hurt them (the bad guy)... I strongly urge people not to open carry for their own safety.

2nd...if something serious were to happen, (this is gonna sound funny) like people panic, and mass hysteria breaks out because they saw you with a gun in walmart, and someone gets trampled... here in PA if it can be proven that that was caused because of something you did, you could actually be charged with RISKING a CATASTROPHY, or even worse if death occurs....

Now I know, not everyone is going to agree with me... or the laws... or what I have to say, because it feels like big brother taking advantage, or looking for to much control.... but thats not my intention.

When I stop a vehicle, I dont know who I have. I assume everyone wants to hurt me, so Im at a level 8 out of 10 as I walk up... Because if I dont, I wont stay as sharp. So I assume everyone just robbed a bank and has a hostage in the trunk. I approach slowly and "textbook" 90% of the time. When I see a driver with his/her hands on the wheel, (passengers with their hands where I can see them as well) when I approach, I instantly have the ability to drop down to a level 6... when the operator starts off by saying, "Officer, I just want you to know I do have a fire arm in the vehicle," I will jump my level back up... however I feel better because if I can see everyones hands... I cant be hurt. Once that is said to me, I will immediatly say, "thank you, without moving, can you tell me where the fire arm is located." Now the answer here has gone all over the place... everyhing from , in the front of my waste band, to under the seat, to in the glove box....etc.
At that point, I am usually told that the person has a permit to carry, or something along those lines.

Now, just because you are legally carrying does not mean that I cant be attacked with that firearm, so I want to seperate you from it. Depending on where it is, I will request you to follow my directions so i can safely take control of it.

Once I have, we will proceed through the stop... I will take your credentials and return to my vehicle. I will confirm your CCW, your DL, make sure you have no wants and warrants, check your reg, your insurance,and make sure that the vehicle is legit... finally I will unload and run the numbers on the gun. As long as everything checks out, I will return to you (usually I dont write tickets) and give you everything but the fire arm. I will explain to you how Im giving you a warning, and thank you for being up front with me. I will then hand you your unloaded firearm, and your ammo (seperate).

And you will be on your way....

Yes... I know what some are thinking... FUCK ThAT, IF I DONT SAY ANYTHING, IT WOULDVE GONE QUICKER , AND THAT PIG DOES NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO TOUCH MY GUN.... your right.... but...

One night, at 130 am, I watched a blazer pull out of the parking lot of a local garage. I followed the vehicle and finally stopped it after making a turn with no signal. Just wanted to id the occupants, so that I could have a lead if I later learn a crime happened a the garage. I called out the stop, and approached. My partner arrived and approached on the passenger side. A young white male was driving and a young white female was front passenger. I looked in all the windows as best I could (tint) as I walked up and explained why I stopped the driver. I asked for paperwork, and he immediatly leaned over to the glove box, where my partner could see... as he did, I looked on the floor of the driver side, and saw the but of a firearm sticking out from under the seat. While he was still leaning , I slowly unholstered, raised my duty weapon to eye level with him, took half a step back, and waited for him to return. A soon as he turned his head, I began barking orders at him... my partner saw me prior so he drew as well, only to avoid having me in the shot, he pulled the female out of the vehicle, down to the street and cuffed her. I kept my gun pointed, and made sure to make it clear that if he moves for the fire arm... I would shoot. He told me he understood and waited. As soon as the passenger was in custody, my partner called out that we had one at gunpoint (at that point cops come from everywhere).

As I continued to cover, my partner came around, and took the driver out of the vehicle at which time I cleared the vehicle and holstered......

I pulled the gun out to find out that it was a marksman BB gun..... the driver was a thug , wanna be drug dealer with 3 lbs of weed in the vehicle and warrants... but the point was... HE DIDNT SHARE WITH ME, that he had a "firearm" in the vehicle, and I saw it on my own and this is what happened.

YESS YESSSSS I know, people are gonna say, but he didnt need to tell you... it was not real. And again, your right... my point of the story is real or not, I believed it to be real, and although I was not threatened with it, I am the one who discovered it, and things could have gone bad quickly... not to mention, 3 officers from 2 other townships responded... taking them away from their area.

So in the end... ALWAYS be honest... it may inconvenience you, but the rule always has been... if your not doing anything wrong, then you need not hide anything.

Sorry so wordy...... Hope that helps????

03-01-2013, 10:44 PM
Well put and answers the question to the point where there are no other questions, good job!

03-01-2013, 10:47 PM
Thanks man... sometimes I know I get off track because I get so wordy.....

Well put and answers the question to the point where there are no other questions, good job!

03-01-2013, 10:54 PM
That's exactly what I needed to hear popo. Now that I know that, I will know how to proceed in the event that I am pulled over. That last scenario you described was pretty much what I was worried about... although I have a weapon, it will be no threat to the officer, so I will just clearly announce it and have it taken, then returned, without my face being pushed into the hood or the ground, or having 3 or 4 units pull up behind me like I was some kind of high threat criminal... Thank you and I will keep that info in mind anytime I have a weapon concealed on me. BTW I 100% agree with the open carry thing... you are simply making yourself the first target for not only criminals, but any LEO's in your vicinity as well. I hate it when people walk around open carry and then try to prove how police are violating their rights as an American. I mean, if I was police, I would be wary of ANYONE walking around with a gun open for anyone to see. It's more the CRIMINAL these people need to worry about, rather than the POLICE who are "violating" them...

03-01-2013, 10:55 PM
I normally do not open carry for the reason mentioned above. I do not want to be seen as a threat to other people. however I did happen to on that. another question to ask is what is considered a hidden firearm if I do not have a cfl does the firearm have to be 100% visable? ive always went with this method to be on the safe side. say I have a winter coat on going point a to b is that concealed? also, is it true you have to be 1000 feet from a school if you do not have you cfl? any helpful info would be great
Thanks man... sometimes I know I get off track because I get so wordy.....

03-01-2013, 10:58 PM
Im really glad I could help.... Just remember there are always dick cops out there, and there is a chance you will be treated improperly.. but better to be in the right and be treated improperly then file a complaint later, than to give the dick cop a reason.

03-01-2013, 10:59 PM
Ugh, can you repeat what you said popo? I was looking at family guy.

Oops, sorry, moving along now.

03-01-2013, 11:00 PM
I normally do not open carry for the reason mentioned above. I do not want to be seen as a threat to other people. however I did happen to on that. another question to ask is what is considered a hidden firearm if I do not have a cfl does the firearm have to be 100% visable? ive always went with this method to be on the safe side. say I have a winter coat on going point a to b is that concealed? also, is it true you have to be 1000 feet from a school if you do not have you cfl? any helpful info would be great

As far as I have read, you cannot carry on school grounds or in courthouses. Popo may have a better response than I, but I read the laws regarding PA concealed carry and that is all it stated. I didn't read anything about a 1000ft limit.

03-01-2013, 11:04 PM
That is correct.... you can not as a civilian carry in schools... on school property.... in federal buildings (IE POST OFFICE, DISTRICT JUSTICE OFFICES, COURT HOUSES) etc... and if a building or establishment has posted that you can not have a fire arm on their property, that TRUMPS your CCW.

03-01-2013, 11:06 PM
Im really glad I could help.... Just remember there are always dick cops out there, and there is a chance you will be treated improperly.. but better to be in the right and be treated improperly then file a complaint later, than to give the dick cop a reason.

Exactly why I was asking. Just wanted to be sure I would be doing the right thing myself. I understand that some cops will be out there with a power trip but I was just interested in the "right" thing to do legally, and if I feel that a complaint is necessary, I can deal with that later myself. The area I live in is pretty safe and I had only one police encounter here before, for speeding, and the cop actually let me off with a warning which was very nice of him considering how long he was following me lol.

03-01-2013, 11:07 PM
another small question I never bothered to test. if you oc do you have to have the gun 100% visable. for example its cold out.. if I have a coat on but its on my hip and partially visable, is that considered concealed?
That is correct.... you can not as a civilian carry in schools... on school property.... in federal buildings (IE POST OFFICE, DISTRICT JUSTICE OFFICES, COURT HOUSES) etc... and if a building or establishment has posted that you can not have a fire arm on their property, that TRUMPS your CCW.

03-01-2013, 11:08 PM
Well Im glad I could help... Maybe I will start a "ASK A COP" thread, that can be stickied.....

03-01-2013, 11:09 PM
No bother... in PA anything more than 50% hidden is considered concealed.

Honestly though... as a cop who cares, I urge you to not open carry.

another small question I never bothered to test. if you oc do you have to have the gun 100% visable. for example its cold out.. if I have a coat on but its on my hip and partially visable, is that considered concealed?

03-01-2013, 11:13 PM
another small question I never bothered to test. if you oc do you have to have the gun 100% visable. for example its cold out.. if I have a coat on but its on my hip and partially visable, is that considered concealed?

Good question, but I would really just consider concealed carry to prevent issues.

Well Im glad I could help... Maybe I will start a "ASK A COP" thread, that can be stickied.....

LOL that is a great idea, seeing as I have asked about 2 questions myself in the past couple months regarding certain issues with law enforcement. Obviously you're expertise in is the PA area, but I'm sure many areas have similar laws and ideas that you can at least contribute to.

03-01-2013, 11:14 PM
No bother... in PA anything more than 50% hidden is considered concealed.

Honestly though... as a cop who cares, I urge you to not open carry.

Guns bring a pretty penny on the street, you might get whacked in the back of the head and it took from you, then shot with it. I don't like people knowing I have mine.

03-01-2013, 11:14 PM
thank you, I agree with you. I dont on a regular basis I have a few times, but it always makes me feel like im "a target". thanks a lot for the info. i think a thread may be a good idea lol
No bother... in PA anything more than 50% hidden is considered concealed.

Honestly though... as a cop who cares, I urge you to not open carry.

03-01-2013, 11:16 PM
Again, my pleasure... Ill tell you, even with my badge on my belt and my gun on my hip when I go to court or something... it makes me feel like a target.... Id rather hide it all and have the element of suprise.

03-01-2013, 11:18 PM
yea, ive tagged along with a cop for a few days before it was pretty intense. the city of erie is goin down the shitter
Again, my pleasure... Ill tell you, even with my badge on my belt and my gun on my hip when I go to court or something... it makes me feel like a target.... Id rather hide it all and have the element of suprise.

03-01-2013, 11:21 PM
EVERYWHERE MAN..... everywhere.

yea, ive tagged along with a cop for a few days before it was pretty intense. the city of erie is goin down the shitter

03-01-2013, 11:28 PM
im glad i moved out of the city where theres open grass and fields and not bank robberies and shootings. its sad to see but it boils down to the irresponsibility of a lot of the parents of the current generation, they just dont care.
EVERYWHERE MAN..... everywhere.

03-01-2013, 11:29 PM
It really all does start at HOME.

im glad i moved out of the city where theres open grass and fields and not bank robberies and shootings. its sad to see but it boils down to the irresponsibility of a lot of the parents of the current generation, they just dont care.

03-01-2013, 11:34 PM
im glad someone agrees with me. its the laziness of society. a lot of people are taking advantage of government aided funding and sitting on their ass, when they can go get a job. they have kids to get the monthly x amount per child a month so they can waste it on themselves, buy drugs or whatever they choose to do then the poor kid gets raised up in that enviorment and low and behold todays issue. not saying that its always the case but its upseting
It really all does start at HOME.

03-01-2013, 11:36 PM
I live just outside of Lancaster City and I had to drive in to the sheriffs office twice to get my permit. Once for application, once more for photo. The office is inside the courthouse in the middle of the city. I have no problem driving through the city, but I HATE parking there lol. I drove the Z both times because my other option is my truck which is a LONG diesel pickup 6 speed, and I HATED having to park my baby in the middle of the city lol. I'm more of a country/suburban guy myself so I always avoid the city, but I felt my CCW was worth it. I just want to make the best of it and avoid ANY possible confrontation with the law, so I figured my best bet was to post up here first BEFORE something happened, just so I had a solid, pre-planned, COA in case of being pulled over or otherwise stopped by officers. Thank you again POPO.

03-01-2013, 11:42 PM
I was taught to "upon being pulled over " hand over your license and your license to carry concealed....you can actually lose your permit if you fail to do so..in the state of tx that is..when they ask, inform them if/where your firearm is..you don't have to let the hold the gun if they ask...

But to be cordial, I usually do..it puts them at ease..nothing against police, but you'd be surprised how many if them are really uninformed about your right to carry, and the rules/laws that pertain to it..

Let me be clear, I have nothing but respect for police...anyone whom puts there lives at risk every day, to ensure our freedom and liberties...we'll they're alright by me...but there are flips to every coin...

I say that with all due respect...long story(do I have any other kind? :p ) but be sure to know your rights...from state to state...and if your traveling, know what states will honor your license, and what stares don't..

I carry concealed too...I have a pt92af with a 20 rd mag +1 in the chamber, federal hydro shocks 124 grain, in the console, and an Identical piece on my person at 6 o'clock while driving, and at 3 while out if the car. .

Both guns have custom trigger pulls via the trigger springs, 15 lb wolf recoil springs, polished feed ramps, ans both are kept clean as a whistle. :)

03-01-2013, 11:48 PM
That looks like a huge conceal piece

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03-01-2013, 11:50 PM
brandon - sounds like you have a couple nice pieces there lol. Always better to be safe than sorry. Personally I have glock 30, and will probably never carry more than the standard 10rd mag in the gun, plus the 13rd g21 mag. But I do also have an extended mag that I have squeezed 28 .45 acp rounds into lol... haven't tested it yet, but should be pretty fun to shoot.

03-01-2013, 11:52 PM
Let me also stress.. when I give my answers above.. they are based off of PENNSYLVANIA... and CHRIS is right, if your going to carry from state to state, or through a state, KNOW THE LAWS in those other states.

As a Police Officer, I can carry in any state, almost anywhere.. and when I leave PA, I no longer am loaded with the hydras, because there are states that do not allow them.... even if your an off duty Police Officer.

03-02-2013, 12:02 AM
Let me also stress.. when I give my answers above.. they are based off of PENNSYLVANIA... and CHRIS is right, if your going to carry from state to state, or through a state, KNOW THE LAWS in those other states.

As a Police Officer, I can carry in any state, almost anywhere.. and when I leave PA, I no longer am loaded with the hydras, because there are states that do not allow them.... even if your an off duty Police Officer.

Again, that's exactly why I posted the thread... to get POPO's advice, in MY state. So just make sure you read and understand the laws in your state before you go saying that so and so said you CAN do this or that...

03-02-2013, 12:10 AM
Yeah they're big to conceal..but I'm 6'6" :) 45's are far better for stopping power.....

But I also carry 2 extra mecgar mags 20 rounds...:) per gun..

I love these guns because they're old and heavy, 1994 year make..just like my car lol..I never realized that until now :)

The feed ramps, I polished those myself..these guns feed anything from wad cutters, to plinking crap from Russia...and they keep firing..

My wife carries a glock in 45. I have martial arts training... my wife's only training is in click pow...:D so I make sure her gun will go click pow...glocks they just work...:)

03-02-2013, 12:48 AM
Agreed with all of the above, however, I was just posting for anyone pulled over while carrying, on what the best move was. Not for SHTF situations... that's why I'll have my g30 on me, .45acp plenty of stopping power and plenty rounds on me to do so lol...

03-02-2013, 12:56 AM
Gonna lock this thread, and let the conversation spill over into the ASK A COP thread.