View Full Version : WTF happened to...( rant of the day)

02-04-2013, 11:34 AM
Personal responsibility and common sense? I know what I do outside of work shouldn't dictate what happens at work but I am trying to better myself and go to school. I have to go to classes on Mon, Wed and Fri, These classes take place 50 miles away and it takes me an hr to get there and about 45 mins to get home let the dogs out, shower change and clean up for classes. My class starts at 9 am and I am supposed to get off at 7 am so if I get off on time I can make it without driving like a Jacka$$ or rushing to s*** shower and shave. Now for the past 3 days I have had to wait on staff and funny enough it has been the same staff for the past 3 days that was supposed to relieve me. Well on Saturday morning he was 20 mins late then yesterday he was a no show so it took them 45 mins to get me a staff to relieve me and today was the straw that broke the camels back, he was 14 minutes late. I don't give a rats a$$ if you cant drive and your "baby momma" or "baby girl" or whatever doesn't want to get up or the baby needs to get ready for day care. Millions of people can make it to work on time and what makes you so freaking special? I don't care if you are black, white, yellow, red, pink, or spotted you have a job taking care of people and they are depending on you and they get antsy if the rhythm is thrown off. Your shift starts at 6:45 that means you should be clocked in and ready to drive to the work site. 98% of my coworkers show up at 11 or at least 5 minutes before how is it that the overnight crew is on time but those working "normal" hours cant show up to save their lives. The kicker of this is I get in trouble for staying late but if I were to just say heck with this and leave I lose my job and get blacklisted. If I was the boss I would have him on an attendance policy and maybe this is the military training in me showing through but 3 strikes and you are out or at least dealt with accordingly. I got pissed and called the 7-3 supervisor and she resigned to the fact that he feels like he can show up anytime he wants. What is wrong with this country when people like this maintain a job and get no slap on the wrist or anything. Am I being a douche for expecting people to respect their coworkers or should I just resign to the fact that this is the way this next generation is?

02-04-2013, 11:47 AM
Its the way people are. I'm 23 with a good job history yet had trouble finding work a couple years ago. A guy I knew was always late for work and would drag after a week could get jobs at the drop of a hat. I've seen so many do the same things and not get fired yet if I'm late its a big deal. It's all in who you know these days.

02-04-2013, 12:06 PM
Yep. Younger generation has never even heard of some thing called 'Work ethic'. Kids these days dont even attempt gettin a job until there 16, usually after mommy and daddy but them a car. Course there just a waste of space @ work anyways so we`re better off w/o them. They only do the bare minimum, as little as they can get away with, never punctual, NOT dependable! I started working for fam when I was 10, allot of my friends were working @ 12, ALL of my friends had jobs @ 14, and Im only 27 so wtf happened over the last decade? Hell allot of these kids dont even try gettin jobs anymore, its all about easy $! Selling drugs, breaking & entering & my community is the type where no one ever used to lock their houses & cars(majority still dont) but efff that I`ve been locking up for the last few years as all these lil punks have been ripping people off. Started noticing it about 7yrs ago @ parties, lil wanna be wankster kids would show up & shit would get stolen, killed the party scene right quick. GEN-gd4-nothin

02-04-2013, 12:53 PM
The younger generation sucks. You have no idea how many i have fired. Every store manager at my job lets noshows and being late slide but i don't. had a girl that was always late try to call in on my shift a while back. Saying she couldn't find a ride. But i could hear rode noise. And a kid said she asked hIm to cover her shift because she was going to KC with some friends.

So i called her back and said i would come get her. It's only a mile away. And she started making excuses. I said is it because your in Kansas City? she said yes real quite. I said your fired and hung up. lol

Granted there not all bad we got one kid that has been with us since 16(4 years now) and he works hard,goes to school. And is always willing to help.

02-04-2013, 01:02 PM
Not all bad I've had a job since I was 16. I helped my grandparents etc before that. Most kids now days are just punks. My sister-in-laws ex bf used to rob people and finally got caught stealing. Two days before his court date he was arrested again for theft. As long he has money for pot, booze, and pills who cares where it comes from right? My current job (with who I know) I could get away with almost anything but I'm here everyday and always on time. But I also got married then had a kid so I just do everything backwards these days. (No offense to anyone that has had or having kids out of wedlock. Referencing the kids that do and don't take care of them and the dads run off etc)

02-04-2013, 01:08 PM

02-04-2013, 01:10 PM

02-04-2013, 02:27 PM
ok my bad I was about to blow a gasket and trust me this was the PG version of what I wanted to say and told a friend

02-04-2013, 04:23 PM
Talking about the younger generation. Yes, most of that is true. And i am 18, i worked for a fast food place for over a year and the one time i was a no shoe, i had it requested off months ago, then reminded the manager a couple weeks before i left...but he still scheduled me even though i has about 4 hours away with no phone. So i got fired.

Since then i have been going insane putting in applications at dealerships, small shops, valvoline, and plaza tire. But it is the same story at every place, "your resume and qualifications are fantastic, and i would hire you right now, but i really need someone to work 9-5". But if i could work 9-5 and still go to high school i would. But because of school it has cost me multiple job opportunities. Now it almost makes me want to just give up until summer, but on the other hand i want to build another car for the shootout...but no money=no car.

02-04-2013, 05:05 PM
don't be a fool stay in school money will come and so will cars... but you will kick yourself later if you don't get your education when your fresh... I am living proof of that

02-04-2013, 05:44 PM
don't be a fool stay in school money will come and so will cars... but you will kick yourself later if you don't get your education when your fresh... I am living proof of that

I agree completely. It's kicking my ass going back to school after I got out of the military, the only thing that really keeps me going is the fact that I'm not about to let my broke ass be beat by a bunch of weed smoking punks, and I didn't want to be stuck in some dead end part time job with no real skillset aside from blowing shit up from a really long ways away. That and the short story of the program is racecar engineering school :D

02-04-2013, 06:04 PM
Yep. Younger generation has never even heard of some thing called 'Work ethic'. Kids these days dont even attempt gettin a job until there 16, usually after mommy and daddy but them a car. Course there just a waste of space @ work anyways so we`re better off w/o them. They only do the bare minimum, as little as they can get away with, never punctual, NOT dependable! I started working for fam when I was 10, allot of my friends were working @ 12, ALL of my friends had jobs @ 14, and Im only 27 so wtf happened over the last decade? Hell allot of these kids dont even try gettin jobs anymore, its all about easy $! Selling drugs, breaking & entering & my community is the type where no one ever used to lock their houses & cars(majority still dont) but efff that I`ve been locking up for the last few years as all these lil punks have been ripping people off. Started noticing it about 7yrs ago @ parties, lil wanna be wankster kids would show up & shit would get stolen, killed the party scene right quick. GEN-gd4-nothin

Have you looked at child labor laws lately? They make places not want to hire a 14-15 year old. Here's why:

Fourteen- and 15-Year-Olds May Not Be Employed:
1. DURING SCHOOL HOURS, except as provided in Work Experience and Career Exploration Programs and Work-Study Programs.
2. BEFORE 7 a.m. or AFTER 7 p.m. except from June 1 through Labor Day when the evening hour is extended to 9 p.m. (time is based on local standards; i.e., whether the locality has adopted daylight savings time).

Highlights: 3 hours a day, can't work past 7 pm during the school year. 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week summer only.

I'm 22, 6 years ago when I was 16 it was a NIGHTMARE trying to get a job anywhere. Nobody wants to hire you because you're not an adult, period.

Now, I am absolutely not defending all the people that are too lazy to find a job, or just want to make a quick buck no matter what it involved, I'm just offering a little perspective as to how difficult it is to find employment as a kid.

02-04-2013, 09:13 PM
I was 16 working 7-14s over the summer at McDonald's bringing home bank for a kid lol

02-04-2013, 09:16 PM
Idk, I couldn't find a job till I was 17 and it took me going and pestering the manager at Sonic for 2 weeks straight just to get an interview before he hired me. He was really skeptical about hiring kids cuz he was running one of the top grossing Sonic's in the nation and wanted to continue climbing that ladder, so he didn't have time to fuck around with lazy kids. It's definitely gotten a bit easier just to land an interview as I've gotten a bit older. And with the economy worse now than it was then, I can imagine that most places just look at the age on a resume and toss it aside for someone older because it's a "safer bet" that they'll be reliable.

02-05-2013, 02:49 AM
Yeah I`m not familiar w/ any labor laws lol so didnt think of that. But theres ways around everything unless the only jobs around your area are corporate. 10-14 was a family job so no matter, cash $. 14-18 I worked @ a restuarant/deli 6:30-2:30 then 7-11, got away with the hours cause they paid me 13/hr 4 8hrs instead of 9/hr 4 12hrs. Course this was summer only, I live in tourist town so no work in the winter but w/e as i made big bux 4 a kid & school n all. No shortage of work here in the summer, i could get every1 here that wanted to work as many jobs as u can handle so the kids in my area have no excuse. & of course im not lumpin all youngins in the same boat, it just seems like that boat is 100x bigger than it used to be. Fishing is another waY around those laws as ther is no record of hrs, alot of my friends started @ 12, 14 or 16, i was a late bloomer @ 19 lol owell kids dont know wat to do w/ that kind of $, all my friends, & me blew right thru it bsides for 1 who owns his own house, boat(FV) & denali

02-05-2013, 03:02 AM
Lol was just thinkin about how ironic that^ is as hes the only 1 of us who didn`t finish HS. But yeah kids unless your making 6figures stay in school & even if you are, stay in school. I know my bud wishes he finished...probably why hes so cheap cause he needs all those material items to feel better about himself.And sorry for any typos/swears, was an 18hr day n just sittin down 2 eat dinner. Drrrrp brain dead

02-05-2013, 07:50 AM
There are always gonna be exceptions to the rules. He was clearky one of them. Curious what he is doing now?

Larry (Popo8) Co-owner

02-05-2013, 09:25 AM
We are(wer) all sea scallopers(wer as in I got hurt n now work on the seafood dealer side). Theres day scallopers & trip scallopers(ie 14days) & we were all day scallopers which during my HS years you could make +100k, now with fuel & regs you can make 80k. He bought his own boat when he was 20 but the gov`t ganked(not bought back the $150k permits but took) 3000+ permits 4 no reason yrs ago so he was struggling oystering with it for a few yrs. Then he landed a site on a new bedford trip scalloper 4yrs ago & has been making nearly 200k since and his boat has been tied up ever since as u cant give away a fishin vessel w/ no permits these days.

02-05-2013, 09:28 AM
We are(wer) all sea scallopers(wer as in I got hurt n now work on the seafood dealer side). Theres day scallopers & trip scallopers(ie 14days) & we were all day scallopers which during my HS years you could make +100k, now with fuel & regs you can make 80k. He bought his own boat when he was 20 but the gov`t ganked(not bought back the $150k permits but took) 3000+ permits 4 no reason yrs ago so he was struggling oystering with it for a few yrs. Then he landed a site on a new bedford trip scalloper 4yrs ago & has been making nearly 200k since and his boat has been tied up ever since as u cant give away a fishin vessel w/ no permits these days.

So he is def one of the exceptions as far as what he makes...but the risks are there and its hard work.

Is he self employes then making that 200k?

Larry (Popo8) Co-owner

02-05-2013, 01:56 PM
So he is def one of the exceptions as far as what he makes...but the risks are there and its hard work. Is he self employes then making that 200k?Larry (Popo8) Co-ownerLTXtech.comYeah its f`n brutal work, cant count how many green horns never even made it thru a whole trip n would jump in the bunk n quit, & I`ve never even gone trip fishing which my friends who do it say they feel like ther going to drop dead towards the end of the trip(6 guys, 50k lbs of scallop meat = millions n millions of whole scallops u shuck). They def earn the 15k-24k they make on a trip! Not to mention the sh!t tons of brushes w/ death. & technically every fisherman is self employed as we`re 1099`d which sux cause thers no workmans comp. Theres a law called the jones`s act thats supposed to cover all mariners but its not cut n dry like workmans comp, my injury settlement will be years in court plus I`l have to dish out a 3rd of w/e I get to lawyers.