View Full Version : help a kid out, donate your old unused or extra tools.

12-31-2012, 01:07 PM
hey guys
ive recently been talking with a kid in downing wisconsin and he wants to get into working on things(bikes, fourwheeler,snow mobile ect) . ive chosen to send him some of my spares and extra tools.
i was wondering if anyone wanted to also send him some of your extra and non used tools? if you want to i will pm you his address to send it to him.

so far what ive gathered up from my spare kits is
1/4" 3/8" ratchets
various sockets in 1/4" 4/8" drive. not complete sets at all
some scewdrivers
i think i have 3/8"-3/4" in wrenches when i looked
some misc. things that might come in handy.

if anyone wants to help donate your more then welcome to help out. he doesn't have much of anything or money to buy any real tools, so i hope we can help him out.

12-31-2012, 01:14 PM
Wow... thats really nice.

Let me take a look when I get home.

12-31-2012, 01:31 PM
Im sure i got some spare stuff in my tool chest.

Ill take a look at what i have

12-31-2012, 01:54 PM
Let me get home and check on something, i'm pretty sure i have an extra drill with the charger and two batteries i don't need.

12-31-2012, 02:14 PM
I can throw a Harbor Freight multimeter, screwdriver set and tape measure his way.

12-31-2012, 02:40 PM
i sent pm's to everyone who said they would look and donate.

Mystery Bird
12-31-2012, 05:32 PM
I have some wrenches, pliers, a c-clamp or two, and some extra sockets. If he has an air compressor I'll give him an impact gun.

12-31-2012, 05:59 PM
he has a compressor of some kind because i know hes been borrowing air tools from his neighbor on and off. your more then welcome to send him a impact wrench. ill pm you the address.

01-03-2013, 09:21 PM
thank you all who have donated and decided to send out things to help noah out. i await to hear from him on what he recieves. if anyone still wants to help just post in this thread.

01-03-2013, 09:33 PM
Ive got a shit ton of extra craftsman stuff I havent touched in years. I could prob. fit 50lbs of sockets in a priority one rate box.
he could prob. make a full set of 1/4 and 3/8 sockets out of it all.

I have a handfull of broke craftsman wratches id go turn in and put the new ones in the box also.

01-03-2013, 09:46 PM
Badass. I've got those socket organizers I got off of Tyler a while back. Pm me his address.

01-03-2013, 11:23 PM
pm's sent thank you for your generosity.

also guys flat rate boxes work really well for extra tools. up to 70lbs. one flate rate. he got one large flate rate box worth from my extra stuff.

01-04-2013, 07:33 PM
Just wonder if you have any knid of back sotry on this kid? First name, age, etc?

01-04-2013, 10:06 PM
Just wonder if you have any knid of back sotry on this kid? First name, age, etc?

Good question...

Larry (Popo8) Co-owner

01-05-2013, 05:27 PM
Bump. Good question. Some bg info would be cool. Also what has he already received ? Hate to send out a box and he already for the same stuff.

I just started going thru my junk box. I made a complete rail. 6mm thru 22mm all craftsman 3/8 drive shallows. Just about the same in 1/4 drive. Prob. Have the same in sae also.

01-05-2013, 05:46 PM
I got a PM from the OP in reference to this question, I'm not sure why he didn't just post it up here. Sounds like the OP met him on another forum asking for tools and is trying to help him out, I thought the OP personally knew him. I'm still sending what I said, I'd just hate for this to be a scam and OP unknowingly helping with because he was trying to do a good thing. If he doesn't reply after the weekend I'll copy and paste the PM in here.

01-05-2013, 06:34 PM
I got a PM from the OP in reference to this question, I'm not sure why he didn't just post it up here. Sounds like the OP met him on another forum asking for tools and is trying to help him out, I thought the OP personally knew him. I'm still sending what I said, I'd just hate for this to be a scam and OP unknowingly helping with because he was trying to do a good thing. If he doesn't reply after the weekend I'll copy and paste the PM in here.

Op also sent me a pm as well... And as quick as i was to assume this was an innocent friendly gesture.... Ur question above, triggered the "what if" reality ...

Larry (Popo8) Co-owner

01-05-2013, 07:11 PM
Thanks for the response. I figured a family friend or something. As said above I hate to see thus kid get a ton of stuff and just sell all the double stuff he gets. When it could goto someone just getting into the car addiction and needs stuff also.

I'll still pay it forward and send some stuff. Just not a complete set of 1/4 3/8 like I would if it was a personal friend od the op.

That being said if anyone here needs specific tools Lmk and I'll see what I have.

01-05-2013, 11:41 PM
hey guys! not a scam, just trying to be a nice guy and help someone out. sorry i didn't think to put that up in the thread i was just awnsering people and making sure i didn't put his address up in public just on the off chance something funny would happen.

i wish i could say i know him really well, but fact is i just know him from another forum im on. ive talked to him quite a bit since i first started talking to him on that forum. seems to be a really great kid so i hope i didn't scare anyone or anything.

"his name is noah wyss, he is i think 16. he was on another forum i visit asking about starting his tool collection and i thought i would help him out by sending him some tools. he doesn't have much money(did many of us have any money at 16) and is saving and digging around local where he can.

i thought, well why don't i see if anyone else i know on other forums wants to help a young kid out. he wants to start working on his car and bike, snowmobile ect that are around his place. he has been borrowing tools from a neighbor when he needs stuff. i know he has a compressor of some kind because he borrows air tools occansionally.

i know it seems strange to ask people to help him out kinda out of nowhere, but i thought it couldn't hurt to try. ive had several people on this board decide to send him a care package or sorts with tools.

i guess call me mr. nice guy, i guess i felt sorry for him and know how it is not to have much. idk maybe im nuts"

well thats a direct copy of what i sent the others minus his address. if you feel like sending anything let me know. ill get a updated list of what i know people either sent or have told me they would send.

01-06-2013, 08:48 AM
Thanks for the reply, didn't mean to question you just cusious!! Very cool of you to help him out. This is proof that we (society) have no problem helping out those who want it and are want to better themselves. It's the free loaders who assume things are owed to them just because and have no intention of going anywhere that anger me.

Sorry off topic, stepping off the soap box!

01-07-2013, 06:13 PM
so far to my knowledge these tools have been spoken for

from me
ratchets in 1/4 3/8 1/2
two sets of wrenches up to 7/8
various old screwdrivers
various sockets in 1/4 and 3/8 not a complete set whatsoever
putty knife
oil can
misc things that i thought would be handy.

from this forum that i belive either have been sent or will be
multi meter
tape measure
impact wrench and some sockets
a lot of various sockets in various drive sizes

others have said they will look and send what they can.

i know ive gotten a couple donations from a few people, total is $10

if ive missed anything or i need to correct let me know.

01-09-2013, 10:51 PM
Pm me the address. I have a compression gauge, misc sockets, a few wrenches, & extensions. Mostly metric stuff.

Mystery Bird
01-10-2013, 08:15 AM
Heavy packed medium priority box went out yesterday.

01-10-2013, 10:23 AM
i will let him know. thanks guys. i told him to let me know when things arrive and take pictures if he can.

01-11-2013, 07:37 PM
Priorty mail box went out today, sorry it took so long. I threw in some extra stuff he might use.

01-18-2013, 07:43 PM
heard back from noah today, i copied the pm i got from the other forum. thought i should share it with all of you who have donated tools out of the kindness of your heart to help someone out. bless you all, im proud to say im a member of such a great forum with great people like you.

"Thanks man! I am a little surprised with what I got. I no longer need to buy sae wrenches, the 1/2 ratchet I got works perfect. I was going to order a lot of the things I got in the mail from you and other people. I got some new stuff, and some old, some VERY old. I even got some air tools! I got a air impact and an air ratchet too, I just need to put the ends where the hose pops onto the air tool. I forgot what the piece is called but they are real cheap. I found deals on a lot of hand tools too, I bought some stuff. I am searching for sockets, maybe a few smaller ratchets if I can't get the ones you sent me running smoother, I'll try to clean em out and lube them and see how they work. I am really thankful for all the stuff I got. Thanks, I wasn't expecting this much! I haven't been on lately so I couldn't tell ya about much."

thank you all for helping out noah, he is a great kid and looks as if we gave him a great start!