View Full Version : Thought I was going to bite it today.......

12-24-2012, 11:40 PM
with the family in the car while driving in the snow. We were heading to my mother-in-laws for dinner, and the road we live on and direction we have to go leads us down a fairly steep hill with a stop sign at the bottom intersecting with a fairly busy country road.

We were in the Pacifica, AWD at least. It was snowing, and it was laying pretty good. I was doing about 20-25 MPH and before the hill crested and started down I started slowing. Well going down the hill, the sheer mass of the Pacifica was too much and as hard as the ABS was working (GOD I hate that feeling/sound) I couldn't maintain slowing. About halfway down I told my wife "We're screwed."

With about 1/4 of the hill to go, a car stopped at the bottom, no one coming up, I figured I'd try to salvage the Pacifica and hit whatever I was going to slide into with the side of it. So I cut the wheels hard to the left (car at the bottom was just moving out at least) and got it progressing towards a full sideways slide, and thankfully, that was enough to get the tires to dig in and bite! I was moving slow enough that I didn't go shooting off, and instead got stopped crossways in the oncoming lane right at the stop sign, breathing a sigh of relief cause there was NO traffic coming either way on the intersecting road. Hop on and make my quick turn, all is well.

I HATE that fucking hill. I had to trudge a mile home when my Celica couldn't get up it in a snowstorm at midnight coming home from work last year. I thought for sure the Pacifica was gonna crack something today.

12-25-2012, 12:02 AM
WOW man glad you and your fam are ok, been there in a situation like that too years ago so I feel for ya.
This just means that you will have an extra good time this year :)
Merry Christmas.

12-25-2012, 12:10 AM
I know the abs sound you're talking about. That low mechanical hum accompanied with the brake pedal kicking back on your foot assures you that "yes, you have no control of me now, MUHAHAH!" I hate it too. Banked curves scare the hell out of me. You can't move fast enough to keep from sliding down into oncoming traffic. Glad you're safe and free from damage.

12-25-2012, 10:49 AM
Wow, glad it turned out like it did dude... We have all been there before, though..

SMok3 Em A11
12-25-2012, 11:09 AM
Being from the south I have had few encounters with snow/ice but I can imagine it is not fun knowing that control is beyond your driving ability. Glad it turned out ok and no one was hurt.

12-25-2012, 12:05 PM
Being from the south I have had few encounters with snow/ice but I can imagine it is not fun knowing that control is beyond your driving ability. Glad it turned out ok and no one was hurt.

Yeah, I was in Ohio and West Virginia recently, I didn't realize how hill it was out there. Sean, time for a 4x4 diesel truck

12-25-2012, 12:16 PM
I've slid sideways through an intersection once because they traffic light was hiding behind a tree. My first thought was oh boy time to buy another caprice

12-25-2012, 12:22 PM
Been driving in this crap since i was 16...no matter what ur driving...its a crap shoot...lol.

Even had the escalade sliddi g down hill yest...ABS hummin...

Larry (Popo8) Co-owner

12-25-2012, 01:55 PM
Do any of you guys use chains on the tires to help? I know that's generally a nothern thing, can't even buy chains down here, so when it ices over, you're better off just staying inside cuz everyone loses their minds and forgets how to drive at the first sign of ice/snow/sleet/etc. Here in Dallas, you're more likely to get hit by some idiot who doesn't know how to drive in this weather than losing control of your car. :(

01-01-2013, 02:53 AM
Do any of you guys use chains on the tires to help? I know that's generally a nothern thing, can't even buy chains down here, so when it ices over, you're better off just staying inside cuz everyone loses their minds and forgets how to drive at the first sign of ice/snow/sleet/etc. Here in Dallas, you're more likely to get hit by some idiot who doesn't know how to drive in this weather than losing control of your car. :(

Ive never run chains... Studded sbow tires on my old my old bird tho

Larry (Popo8) Co-owner