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View Full Version : New Best NA @ GLD

10-31-2012, 10:20 PM
Last Friday I took the TA to GLD for some end of the season runs.

I was track tuning a new file after Jim had the car on the dyno.

1st run
9.85@135mph ( car was coming somewhat lean in the midrange area and added more fuel in the second run)

1st run vid


2nd pass (No vid, RSDs was happening that nite so clocks were off) and New best 9.81@136mph (a/f ratio was at a constant 13.0 for the most part and 34*) Still playing with it


Still feels its got a bit more on it.

Thanks to Eric from Midwest chassis "shady lady" launches keeping the nose down and not all crazy like before, great person to deal with.

Got a lil something in the works over the winter. Shooting for a couple of tenths faster NA :devil:

Tyler Wheat
10-31-2012, 11:01 PM
Awesome! I wanted to post so I remember to watch the video later. It won't let me on my phone.

10-31-2012, 11:23 PM
Awesome! I wanted to post so I remember to watch the video later. It won't let me on my phone.

What I've been doing is reply with quote, copy the youtube URL, and paste it onto the nav bar of your browser. Sucks you can't just click on it but it works

11-01-2012, 07:09 AM
nice run what was the DA? 110 in the 1/8th is awefully high for a 1.33 60' wow

11-01-2012, 07:18 AM
Thanks Mike, the DA was in the 500s that day.

Tony Shepherd
11-01-2012, 07:39 AM
Nice run Carlos! Do you think it can hit a .70?

Time to start spraying that car. Thats what you built it for! Do a gear change, converter change, and hit the juice.

11-01-2012, 08:01 AM
Thanks Mike, the DA was in the 500s that day.

negative? lol

11-01-2012, 08:38 AM
Nice run Carlos! Do you think it can hit a .70?

Time to start spraying that car. Thats what you built it for! Do a gear change, converter change, and hit the juice.

Thanks Tony! The car def has a .7xx on it. I'm surprise how well the TA is doing NA with a built nitrous motor. I wonder what it would do with NA pistons and going to 14.1 compression.
8s on spray should be very attainable!

11-01-2012, 08:39 AM
Congrats on the new best. That car is running good. I can't wait to see some nitrous runs soon.

11-01-2012, 09:47 AM
Thanks Tony! The car def has a .7xx on it. I'm surprise how well the TA is doing NA with a built nitrous motor. I wonder what it would do with NA pistons and going to 14.1 compression.
8s on spray should be very attainable!

what was your weight on those passes?

11-01-2012, 10:02 AM
Well, let me get on the scale... My weight this morning was 152.8#s ;)

11-01-2012, 10:03 AM
so around 2900.....gotcha ;)

regarless.....nice runs.........wish i could get some air like that i went to make a pass this weekend with mine in 300ft air and the alterator siezed on me in the staging lanes....i gotta figure out how to get weight out more too...my 3275lb pig is too heavy!!

11-01-2012, 10:27 AM
so around 2900.....gotcha ;)
You finally got something right about my cars weight, car sits at around 2910#s w/o me, I'm sure you can calculate my race weight now.

regarless.....nice runs.........wish i could get some air like that i went to make a pass this weekend with mine in 300ft air and the alterator siezed on me in the staging lanes....i gotta figure out how to get weight out more too...my 3275lb pig is too heavy!!

Give me a ring whenever you'd like, I'll give ya some tips how to get rid of some car weight real quick. Alternator going bad? Are u getting enough juice?

11-01-2012, 10:48 AM
You finally got something right about my cars weight, car sits at around 2910#s w/o me, I'm sure you can calculate my race weight now.

Give me a ring whenever you'd like, I'll give ya some tips how to get rid of some car weight real quick. Alternator going bad? Are u getting enough juice?

it got plenty of juice the bearing just decided to quit and the pulley stopped turning and it ate the belt.......its just a stock autozone ls1 alternator.......gonna fix it and head to cecil in a couple weeks to take my spot back on the fastest ET list ;)

the fact im up to 195 aint helping either i could loose 20lbs off my fat ass too....working on that as we speak but its a bit harder than cutting off parts of the car lol ditiching my 4l60e and 9.5" lockup street converter for the th350 is gonna save me 50lbs right off the bat.......plus me back in shape wont hurt lol....i had mono for a couple months this summer it ruined me i gained weight cause i didn't do shit for two months....ugh!! my problem now is the converter i have is slipping a crazy 11-12% on the top end so im out of gear at 135ish mph....i made one pass launching easy saturday morning...it spun outta the hole and went 10.01 @ 136 but i was on the limiter at the traps......the new trans and converter will make a world of difference for me get that slip cut in half i want a 140mph trap but i cant do it with this converter....136mph trap yeilded a 8200rpm finishline

11-01-2012, 11:35 AM

11-01-2012, 11:39 AM
Nice runs, it's movin out for sure!

11-01-2012, 11:42 AM
Mono is a bitch to have, and the worse part is that lasts for a few weeks, sucks! Going to a th350 will be a nice upgrade for you, Man u spin that lil 385 to the moon. I was shifting at 7500 on those runs, didnt really try going above that. Fix that alternator and post some new numbers; Good luck!

11-01-2012, 01:03 PM
The car has come a long way over the years. The car looks amazing and run hard!!

congrats again on the new best

11-01-2012, 06:50 PM
The car has come a long way over the years. The car looks amazing and run hard!!

congrats again on the new best

For sure Larry man! This is a project with started together I'm just putting the final touches to it :beer:

11-01-2012, 07:03 PM
Why did you edit the video? It sounded a little different this am, especially the launch and the first few seconds. Go re-edit it, and take the music out. We want to hear the engine!

11-01-2012, 08:09 PM
Congrats again Carlos, I was wondering when you were going to post it up.

11-02-2012, 09:25 AM
Thanks Jeff, we finally dialing this small cube Ltx

11-02-2012, 09:26 AM
Not sure about the vid stuff, I haven't made any changes to it since I posted.

11-02-2012, 07:29 PM
Not sure about the vid stuff, I haven't made any changes to it since I posted.

When you first posted it, the music faded to zero just before you launched. You could hear the engine and nothing more. The launch sounded real nice and then about 1 second into the launch, the engine pitch totally changes. You can still hear it even with the music, but you have to know what to listen for. You can play dumb all you want. Next time hit it out of the hole instead of on a window switch set a thousand above your launch rpm.

11-02-2012, 07:33 PM
Lol holy hell joelster. You should work for the FBI cracking cold cases!

11-02-2012, 08:34 PM
When you first posted it, the music faded to zero just before you launched. You could hear the engine and nothing more. The launch sounded real nice and then about 1 second into the launch, the engine pitch totally changes. You can still hear it even with the music, but you have to know what to listen for. You can play dumb all you want. Next time hit it out of the hole instead of on a window switch set a thousand above your launch rpm.

You have got to be the biggest crybaby in all of the LTX community.

11-02-2012, 08:42 PM
You have got to be the biggest crybaby in all of the LTX community.

Hardly. I just can't stand dishonest people. Sorry he's a friend of yours.

11-02-2012, 10:17 PM
When you first posted it, the music faded to zero just before you launched. You could hear the engine and nothing more. The launch sounded real nice and then about 1 second into the launch, the engine pitch totally changes. You can still hear it even with the music, but you have to know what to listen for. You can play dumb all you want. Next time hit it out of the hole instead of on a window switch set a thousand above your launch rpm.

Are you serious Joel ? you think he sprayed the car for 4 tenths just to say he ran 9's on motor ? The car will go eights once he changes the gears and converter that pass was on motor.

11-03-2012, 05:46 AM
Are you serious Joel ? you think he sprayed the car for 4 tenths just to say he ran 9's on motor ? The car will go eights once he changes the gears and converter that pass was on motor.

I have no doubt the car will go 8's on a big shot. I have nothing against the car at all, I think it's a gorgeous car that is very well set up. But....no way in hell that particular run was an N/A run. I have 2 slips of his from the shootout. Granted they were in bad air at 2200-2500ft, but no way an N/A car would pick up like it did. It was cutting 1.44 sixty foots at the shootout and going 6.52's at 105.xx to the 1/8th. Now all of the sudden it's cutting 1.33's and going 109.99mph to the 1/8th.

You know damn well how hard it is to scratch and claw for every tenth and hundredth once your car is running into the 10's. Those tenths don't come easy, you have to change parts and tweak and tweak. Now suddenly he "found" 4 tenths at the bottom 10-second level and 4+mph to the 1/8th???????????? That's an honest 80+hp swing. Not gonna happen. He's trapping mph that would outrun Rick Abare, with a "nitrous" converter and a "nitrous" cam. I ain't buying it. Go listen to the video again.

11-03-2012, 09:09 AM
I have no doubt the car will go 8's on a big shot. I have nothing against the car at all, I think it's a gorgeous car that is very well set up. But....no way in hell that particular run was an N/A run. I have 2 slips of his from the shootout. Granted they were in bad air at 2200-2500ft, but no way an N/A car would pick up like it did. It was cutting 1.44 sixty foots at the shootout and going 6.52's at 105.xx to the 1/8th. Now all of the sudden it's cutting 1.33's and going 109.99mph to the 1/8th.

You know damn well how hard it is to scratch and claw for every tenth and hundredth once your car is running into the 10's. Those tenths don't come easy, you have to change parts and tweak and tweak. Now suddenly he "found" 4 tenths at the bottom 10-second level and 4+mph to the 1/8th???????????? That's an honest 80+hp swing. Not gonna happen. He's trapping mph that would outrun Rick Abare, with a "nitrous" converter and a "nitrous" cam. I ain't buying it. Go listen to the video again.

I'm NOT surprise these comments come directly from you. You defenetively should be a politician with all the BS you talk!:cry-baby::cry-baby::cry-baby:

I'm sure you ketp my slips from the shootout, and yours read 10.62 @ 128.2. Now YOU tell us how in hell you picked up 5 tenths and 5 mph???? DA on that run was 2722. Would you say DA helped ya? of course it did!

Anybody with minimal knowledge of how NA cars run knows that NA cars depend on DA to run faster times. Now add a couple changes to the equation which you dont and wont know about my car and the result are 9.8s NA. The DA on my runs that day were negative so couldnt got any better than that

Now for you to be saying that I sprayed the car after a sec in the run is just plain ridiculous. Why would I spray the car to run 9s?? Shit if I spray the car and runs 9.8s I might as well dump it in the yunk yard.

My car went 10.0s before the shooutout with better air and 60ing in the 1.3xx range. I do benefit a lot with good DA due the big tires I run and the additional torque I get from it to keep the tires moving out of the hole. No good air=1.4s for me, that's how my car is.

Im posting my 10.1; 10.0; 9.9 and 9.85 slips so you stop talking smack and stop throwing false accusations on this forum AGAIN!

But whatever dude, think WHATEVER you want, I can CARELESS what you think!!!!


11-03-2012, 09:32 AM

11-03-2012, 01:50 PM
Great runs carlos! Beautiful car no arguing that. I do hear what joelster is talking about but its prolly just the converter those definetly look like N/A passes

11-03-2012, 04:11 PM
I'm NOT surprise these comments come directly from you. You defenetively should be a politician with all the BS you talk!:cry-baby::cry-baby::cry-baby:

I'm sure you ketp my slips from the shootout, and yours read 10.62 @ 128.2. Now YOU tell us how in hell you picked up 5 tenths and 5 mph???? DA on that run was 2722. Would you say DA helped ya? of course it did!

On that run when I ran you I shifted from 1st to 3rd. My best run that day was a 10.48 at 130.07, running 104.41 to the 1/8th. When I went to Empire dragway to run the times in my sig, I removed the weight ballast in back, removed the passenger seat, installed new rear tires, cut the coils 1/2 coil, and re-mounted the ram-air setup. DA was 1077. Car was probably about 3040 or so, roughly 50lbs lighter than the shootout.

Anybody with minimal knowledge of how NA cars run knows that NA cars depend on DA to run faster times. Now add a couple changes to the equation which you dont and wont know about my car and the result are 9.8s NA. The DA on my runs that day were negative so couldnt got any better than that

Now for you to be saying that I sprayed the car after a sec in the run is just plain ridiculous. Why would I spray the car to run 9s?? Shit if I spray the car and runs 9.8s I might as well dump it in the yunk yard.

My car went 10.0s before the shooutout with better air and 60ing in the 1.3xx range. I do benefit a lot with good DA due the big tires I run and the additional torque I get from it to keep the tires moving out of the hole. No good air=1.4s for me, that's how my car is.

Im posting my 10.1; 10.0; 9.9 and 9.85 slips so you stop talking smack and stop throwing false accusations on this forum AGAIN!

But whatever dude, think WHATEVER you want, I can CARELESS what you think!!!!


Good runs!!!!!! The DA on your 9.99 run was 200 feet and it trapped 133, now in Oct with the DA at -660 ft it went 136.xx. That's a massive jump for a swing of 860ft. I wish my car responded like that!

11-04-2012, 02:50 PM

I had to do it lol... Figured that would lighten the mood....

And if that doesnt help maybe tgis will:


Larry (Popo8) Co-owner

11-04-2012, 06:24 PM
Wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-04-2012, 06:29 PM
Wow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I knew that would get reaction... Everyone love Johnny Depp... LOL

11-04-2012, 06:52 PM
I knew that would get reaction... Everyone love Johnny Depp... LOL

Not talking about Johnny sorry. :doh:

11-04-2012, 07:13 PM
Not talking about Johnny sorry. :doh:

LOL... really???

11-04-2012, 08:57 PM
Not talking about Johnny sorry. :doh:

lol, that is a huge ass!

11-04-2012, 09:03 PM
lol, that is a huge ass!

Yes it is but a nice huge ass. ;)

11-04-2012, 09:08 PM
Man September needs to roll around! I'm ready for the shootout! Jeff you plan on sticking with ESNA or going to MOD NA ?

11-04-2012, 09:23 PM
Man September needs to roll around! I'm ready for the shootout! Jeff you plan on sticking with ESNA or going to MOD NA ?

Planning on stepping up but I'm not sure if I will have it ready for 2013.

11-04-2012, 09:29 PM
Planning on stepping up but I'm not sure if I will have it ready for 2013.

hmmm got ya! Or you could go for a 4th golden opti in a row :finger: I just pulled out my th400 tonight cause there were some good size chunks of steel laying in the bottom of the pan :frustrated:... Hopefully I can have it all together for this years shootout.

11-04-2012, 09:33 PM
hmmm got ya! Or you could go for a 4th golden opti in a row :finger: I just pulled out my th400 tonight cause there were some good size chunks of steel laying in the bottom of the pan :frustrated:... Hopefully I can have it all together for this years shootout.

U got 300 days

Larry (Popo8) Co-owner

11-04-2012, 09:34 PM
hmmm got ya! Or you could go for a 4th golden opti in a row :finger: I just pulled out my th400 tonight cause there were some good size chunks of steel laying in the bottom of the pan :frustrated:... Hopefully I can have it all together for this years shootout.

That probably won't be an option because someone wan'ts to buy my topend and I won't put a stock intake back on the car if I sell mine it's going to be a single plane.

I hope you get it fixed I would love to see you there.

11-04-2012, 09:48 PM
U got 300 days

Larry (Popo8) Co-owner
Not enough time! lol, just a money issue... unemployment sucks a big one

That probably won't be an option because someone wan'ts to buy my topend and I won't put a stock intake back on the car if I sell mine it's going to be a single plane.

I hope you get it fixed I would love to see you there.

Should be there! skip the single plane and stick a big ole sheet metal hogans on it! That would be the badest looking lt1 ever with a sheet metal intake on it.

11-04-2012, 09:58 PM
Not enough time! lol, just a money issue... unemployment sucks a big one

Should be there! skip the single plane and stick a big ole sheet metal hogans on it! That would be the badest looking lt1 ever with a sheet metal intake on it.

Haha, I wish I had the coin for a sheet metal intake hell Iv'e seen a couple of hogans going for 2K used.

11-05-2012, 12:53 PM
Haha, I wish I had the coin for a sheet metal intake hell Iv'e seen a couple of hogans going for 2K used.

Shoot Christmas is right around the corner..... Sure you can convince your significant other that you need it lol... Ever looked into a Beck? My buddy has one on his turbo build and I wanna say it was like 2 grand new, so maybe 1300 to 1500 used?

11-05-2012, 08:36 PM
Shoot Christmas is right around the corner..... Sure you can convince your significant other that you need it lol... Ever looked into a Beck? My buddy has one on his turbo build and I wanna say it was like 2 grand new, so maybe 1300 to 1500 used?

Did any of you guys see that intake I brought to the shootout from my old car? I run mechanical alcohol injection on a supervic so I don't use a EFI manifold anymore.

http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b234/pmr253/DSC03877-1.jpg Looking down the top
http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b234/pmr253/DSC03867.jpg From the side
http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b234/pmr253/DSC03868.jpg Injectors have been moved
http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b234/pmr253/DSC03883.jpg I have the intake in the middle as well, I bought it used off some guy and it totally wasn't what he claimed it was. I was actually going to block off the front and put a carb on top which would have worked just fine. I would probably give this intake away if you wanted to try and get it to work.

The top intake had about $1100 custom work not including all of the fuel lines and fittings, I had the GM quick connect fittings to go to the AN lines but I sold them at the shootout.

I'll probably sell that top intake for $650-700, I'd have to make $650 after shipping and paypal. The other intake $200, it would take some work.

Here is the intake I'm using now http://i.imgur.com/kk7vl.jpg, single plane super vic with mechanical injection.

11-05-2012, 09:01 PM
All I see is smiley faces

11-07-2012, 01:36 AM
All I see is smiley faces

Same here (via tapatalk)

Larry (Popo8) Co-owner

11-08-2012, 06:15 PM
12547 Here is the intake manifold
12548Injector bungs have been repositioned
12549With the top cover off
12550It is the one on the right. The one in the middle I have as well along with a stock LT1 intake.

11-08-2012, 06:55 PM
I have a strange tingling sensation below the waist....... interesting

12-02-2012, 03:00 PM
congrats carlos! man your total raceweight is less than the weight of my car w/o me in it, lol! you running a 4.56 gear on motor? or 4.71 or ????

i haven't decided if i am gonna come out spraying next spring, or running it on the motor like i did this year???? we'll have to see. i almost wish i would have gone back to the motor gear before i parked it. especially since i got the suspension dialed in a bit!

12-02-2012, 03:56 PM
congrats carlos! man your total raceweight is less than the weight of my car w/o me in it, lol! you running a 4.56 gear on motor? or 4.71 or ????

i haven't decided if i am gonna come out spraying next spring, or running it on the motor like i did this year???? we'll have to see. i almost wish i would have gone back to the motor gear before i parked it. especially since i got the suspension dialed in a bit!

Thanks Taner! For that pass we were on a 4.86 gear trapping at 7800rpms.

12-10-2012, 10:41 AM
Thanks Taner! For that pass we were on a 4.86 gear trapping at 7800rpms.

shows you how much my converter is slipping vs a good race converter .....i trapped 137 at 8300 on the rev limiter with 4.56's and a 29" slick, good ole 12% slippage vigilante lol