View Full Version : Maserati... Say WHAT?

08-09-2012, 08:49 PM
I'm cruising my customary victim-zone, which typically for around here is a new six-lane secondary which is posted at 45 MPH.

Anywho, I'd found nothing on the way out and had just turned it around to troll the return before taking it back to the house.

I'm pulling up on a stop light with two cars of no potential play on the left and right lanes with the center lane wide open, with only a sharp white Euro-something in the left lane ahead of me, but he didn't seem to be in much of a hurry and those guys rarely go anyway.

Next thing I know the guy guns it and cuts me clean off the whole-shot slot in the center, forcing me to re-test my minimum stopping means.

I figured it was just another case of Euro-obliviousness, and that the dude was about a million years old didn't do much to change my mind.

However, to my delight the car was a Maserati, which I've long wanted to test... AND the old Dude NAILED IT coming out.

Naturally... The old Z rolled him up in short order, having rolled into the left lane and out in front shortly after she shifted into third and he got out when my rear bumper shot past his front. But I guess because the road was wide open and there'd been nothing biting lately AND that it was a bad-ass looking Maserati, I stayed in it for quite a while and didn't note the top speed, but when I did get around to checking the cluster, I'd been coasting down for a fair bit and was coming through 105... so it was probably 130-140. WELL into the "Go-Directly-To-Jail" zone.

Now I rarely get her anywhere near that speed, but I did that day... if I had to defend it, I'd go with the Maverick Defense; which I realize didn't work for him, but it was an honest rationalization and I've got nothing any better.

Now I tell ya that to tell ya this: When I am running I set the RD on max everything including volume... FTR: The RD is Valentine ONE... which is IMO the best RD money can buy for less than five bills.

About a mile down the road from the light up to which I had coasted, I see this old Exploder whipping through traffic, clearly demonstrating all the signs he wanted to go. The problem was two fold...

First, it was a Chevy Explorer...so there isn't much pride in gutting one. And Second, I recognized the pile as an undercover ticket generator.

So I was sure that he hadn't painted me with anything up to and including laser... so the actual evidence thing was shakey at best, but I was fairly sure he was about to pull me over for a sound jerking around.

He flashed a Ka pulse once he pulled in behind me, but I was pacing traffic at 55-60 and turned off at the next intersection.

So... a spanking of a beautiful Euro cruiser and a close call with the federalis all within 3 minutes.

That's all I've got except for a sweet little run against an Audi TT. Quick little car... the driver of which tried a Ricer fly-by at around 70... on a 500WHP Z28 running 5.13s. He got a few degrees south of my passenger rear corner, but I already cut her loose for some German chow and we walked on off with little for him to do but sit there and watch.

I turned at the light, he followed and took another shot which produced the same result. Good guy though, he flashed the lights and a thumbs up when he bailed.

08-09-2012, 08:51 PM
LMAO, I love the way you write these man! Good kill on the Maserati.

08-10-2012, 12:10 AM
You should write for a paper column or something.... GOOD KILL


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