View Full Version : Damnit!!
08-07-2012, 10:01 PM
Last Thursday I got rear ended in the HHR. I was on 202 out for lunch with a friend form work and was stopped near the Taco Bell when a older lady in a Honda barrel assed right into us. Bumper and tailgate took the blast. Got estimate today using recycled parts for ~$2800-3100. It is at Winner Dover and in a good friend’s very capable hands. Me and my passenger had to report directly to DuPont medical and were released to go to our own doctors for evaluation. We are both very sore. My back and neck are killing me. I am not sure of the speed of the impact, but it was well over 25 MPH. I am happy things were not worse and the car can be fixed. The lady tried offering me $100 to not report it.... It is all up to the insurance companies now, but to add insult to my injury my rental car is a FORD!! An Edge ltd AWD... actually not that bad... I had just driven my Camaro the day before. If it had been that car rear ended, I would be typing this from Prison….
08-07-2012, 10:04 PM
Bummer dude. At least you're somewhat OK from it. Could have been much worse.
08-07-2012, 10:05 PM
Agreed hopefully you will start felling better soon
08-07-2012, 10:09 PM
That sucks man... take it easy.... and glad ur ok...
TapaTalk ROCKS!!!!
08-07-2012, 10:11 PM
Thanks All! well the muscle relaxers are cheaper than beer and give the same effect. LOL... i am just bummed cause i just put the rims on it and lowered it. I am going to hold on to it for m 14 year old son. I am very lucky and very appriciative of the lack of bad injuries to me and my co-worker. these kind of accidents, especially when dealing with the same insurance company for me and the person that hit me, can be a PIA casue of all the paperwork, time running to doctors, phone calls etc... I am not complaining, just saying how this is just more aggravating cause of the inconvienence casued by anothers actions. The other person does not know how lucky she was that it was just my HHR
08-07-2012, 10:12 PM
I got rear ended almost 2 years ago and I'm still f'ed up. I really hope and pray that all you guys have is a little whiplash. But don't make the mistake I made. Get a lawyer immediately or at the very least get an MRI before accepting anything or giving any statements to their insurance company. It is THE only way to know what damage was done to your bodies. I'm so so sorry you have to go through this....
08-07-2012, 10:18 PM
I got rear ended almost 2 years ago and I'm still f'ed up. I really hope and pray that all you guys have is a little whiplash. But don't make the mistake I made. Get a lawyer immediately or at the very least get an MRI before accepting anything or giving any statements to their insurance company. It is THE only way to know what damage was done to your bodies. I'm so so sorry you have to go through this....
THis is what I am concerned about and the insurance company has already tried once (4 days since accident) to settle. THey say "soft tissue" injures are not as severe as broken bones, scars, lost limbs, paralaysis, etc.. I dont totally disagree, but I am still hurting and I was not before this happened. I love how thay try to put a $ value on that kind of stuff. I think all it was is a little whiplash and sore muscles. I have to see a Chiropractor 3x a week ofr a month and need a re-eval and possible xray/MRI. I am not looking to drag this out or sue the pants off someone, just get my shit fixed and feel better. Sorry to hear that you are still in pain, it sucks for sure.
08-07-2012, 10:42 PM
I'm telling ya, even if you start to feel better, demand an cervical and lumbar MRI. Nerve issues due to ruptured discs can get worse over time. A strained neck muscle is on thing, and I felt the same way you are now, but you need to know if you have any permanent damage that has the potential to cause major problems down the road, because that's a whole other can of worms....
08-07-2012, 11:10 PM
Hope you get to feeling better soon.
08-07-2012, 11:42 PM
THis is what I am concerned about and the insurance company has already tried once (4 days since accident) to settle. THey say "soft tissue" injures are not as severe as broken bones, scars, lost limbs, paralaysis, etc.. I dont totally disagree, but I am still hurting and I was not before this happened. I love how thay try to put a $ value on that kind of stuff. I think all it was is a little whiplash and sore muscles. I have to see a Chiropractor 3x a week ofr a month and need a re-eval and possible xray/MRI. I am not looking to drag this out or sue the pants off someone, just get my shit fixed and feel better. Sorry to hear that you are still in pain, it sucks for sure.
Mine was not a crash, but I hurt my back at work from a slip at work Jan 2011.... 20+ injections, multiple denervations, numerous Therapies, and Im still screwed up..;. The back.. the neck.... suck. I hate to say it, but the only way to LOOK OUT FOR NUMBER ONE....IS SPEAK WITH AN ATTORNEY......
08-08-2012, 08:50 AM
Old people really need to be banned from driving
08-09-2012, 07:59 AM
^^^ this
I am getting an MRI today. My right leg is bugging me and my toes are going numb. Chiropractor won't work on my lower back unless I get the MRI.
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08-09-2012, 09:43 AM
Better to find out sooner than later if you have disc issues. Good luck and keep us posted
08-09-2012, 12:58 PM
this was my rearend crash
08-09-2012, 05:20 PM
Hope you feel better soon. My mom was rear ended a while back. $8000 of damage to the car and lots of Chiropracter vists later she is doing ALOT better. I don't know about your insurance but ours told her to keep all the receipts etc and they would reimburse her. They even paid me for a missed day of work to take her to the Dr.
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