View Full Version : Even while out of work...I got another one.

08-06-2012, 08:36 AM
Even while out on injury.... my work carried enough momentum without me.
Got another one! May not have been harsh enough.... but.... the case was weak because the girls were not the most ccoperative. Alot of creativity and BS.... AND;


TapaTalk ROCKS!!!!

08-06-2012, 09:07 AM
12 and 13 wtf! At least Hes in the system now

Sent from my Galaxy IIIs via Tapatalk

08-06-2012, 09:21 AM
12 and 13 wtf! At least Hes in the system now

Sent from my Galaxy IIIs via Tapatalk

WORST PART was the 12 year old was his "g/f" and was NOT cooperative at all... the 13 year old was the friend that flirted with him to see if he would cheat on the 12 year old.....

08-06-2012, 09:22 AM

08-06-2012, 09:22 AM


08-06-2012, 10:06 AM
=l no good! that stuff has been happening more here lately in our area. and sometimes, ( not to be a negative Nancy ) I think if these girls sometimes aren't part of it as well. cause i saw here where a guy went to jail and a few months later they found out the girl was also in the wrong lying about it.

08-06-2012, 10:39 AM
=l no good! that stuff has been happening more here lately in our area. and sometimes, ( not to be a negative Nancy ) I think if these girls sometimes aren't part of it as well. cause i saw here where a guy went to jail and a few months later they found out the girl was also in the wrong lying about it.

Oh i know... if u look thru my older posts ive posted many of my articles.

Many times the minors/juveniles are willing participants.... but their age says they are not liable for their actions ... and the adults are.

TapaTalk ROCKS!!!!

08-06-2012, 10:47 AM
how true. and I'm still trying to figure this tapatalk thing out too lol. so I'm not sure if I'll be able to pull up older posts? lol. but yeah. glad they got him though.

08-06-2012, 11:25 AM
how true. and I'm still trying to figure this tapatalk thing out too lol. so I'm not sure if I'll be able to pull up older posts? lol. but yeah. glad they got him though.

click on my name... or anyones... will give u options to get to their profile

TapaTalk ROCKS!!!!

08-06-2012, 11:29 AM

TapaTalk ROCKS!!!!

08-06-2012, 11:29 AM
Ah, Phoenixville... my old hometown for a while.

08-06-2012, 11:32 AM
thank ya.

08-06-2012, 11:44 AM
Ah, Phoenixville... my old hometown for a while.

His dad was a cop out there also...

TapaTalk ROCKS!!!!

08-06-2012, 12:06 PM
Oh wow... I lived in that town for a couple of years, and loved it. Some of my best childhood memories were in Phoenixville.

Brett's dad is representing a 22 year-old that has a civil suit against him, from some girl that had consented to sex with him when she was 16, and now she is sueing him, because she just turned 18 years of age. I guess she tried to file a criminal case against, and I guess there wasn't enough for that to "go through." Girls these days are SCANDALOUS!!!

08-06-2012, 12:07 PM
Good job Larry!

I think in Texas it is called castration... Maybe it shouldn't just be used on cattle anymore.

Tyler Wheat
08-06-2012, 12:12 PM
I can't believe the circumstances around that incident. I honestly feel that people who commit this kind of offenses cannot be changed and the penalty should be more severe. (Not the high school senior dating the freshman, but 25 year old dating a 12 year old) Do you think he would have even went to jail if he was not on probation?

08-06-2012, 12:25 PM
He isnt going to jail.... his retail theft probation obviously is not holding enough weight, and unfortunatley... because he didnt have the physical contact.. not that we could get him to admit, and it was just SEXTING and IMAGES...... We are lucky to have gotten what we did.....

I was on desk duty at the time because of my current injury, and I put ALOT of time into this investigation... bluffs... creativity... is how I got him to admit to anything.

And Let me tell you how hard it is to go through ipod apps to get pics that are sent.... even with a warrant, its difficult to navigate to find stuff that has been deleted...


Tyler Wheat
08-06-2012, 12:55 PM
That's crazy. Maybe the girls' dad's should teach him a nice lesson.

08-06-2012, 02:26 PM
That's crazy. Maybe the girls' dad's should teach him a nice lesson.

There would have been a life sentence at my house.... It might have been me going to prison, but he wouldn't be around to tell his side of it.

Then on his Facebook he is engaged now? WTF?!?! Probably to the 12-year old.

08-06-2012, 02:43 PM
There would have been a life sentence at my house.... It might have been me going to prison, but he wouldn't be around to tell his side of it.

Then on his Facebook he is engaged now? WTF?!?! Probably to the 12-year old.

He got engaged while was in jail shortly after i took him into custody

TapaTalk ROCKS!!!!

08-06-2012, 02:45 PM
That's crazy. Maybe the girls' dad's should teach him a nice lesson.

The anger in me at the time agreed... but i realize if a good person goes to jail for getting revenge... I let them down.

TapaTalk ROCKS!!!!

08-06-2012, 03:01 PM
Way to go bro!!!!!!!!!
Ya know, the part that kills me is this guy was 24 dating a child! I dont care how much older she looks or may act.. the fact still remains she is a child Is his peepee so small only a little girl can make him feel like a man... Then i have to look at the judge, rather short sentance for not only being a sick bastard he also violated a previous case inwhich he was placed on probation!!!!!!!! he should see more time than that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-06-2012, 03:09 PM
Way to go bro!!!!!!!!!
Ya know, the part that kills me is this guy was 24 dating a child! I dont care how much older she looks or may act.. the fact still remains she is a child Is his peepee so small only a little girl can make him feel like a man... Then i have to look at the judge, rather short sentance for not only being a sick bastard he also violated a previous case inwhich he was placed on probation!!!!!!!! he should see more time than that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When you see him.. you see a pitiful emaciated male with a horrible complexion,... Im not sayin its any excuse. But our case was weak, I had the 13 year old cooperating, but the 12 year old was not... and both had deleted everything they could.
I was able to fetch a picture of a penis, and i bluffed him that it was identified as his (what kinda cop would I be to show a 13 year old a penis pic)... he believed me and gave a written statment, that was a "remorseful confession." I told him how that would make it easier than if I had to put kids on the stand to identify his penis in front of people...

Protecting the kids is my job as well, and not having them have to go through that is always my #2 aim.... If I was unsuccessful at bluffing him.... I would not have gotten the arrest.

The system protects the defendants..... and it sucks.

Tyler Wheat
08-06-2012, 04:06 PM
The system protects the defendants..... and it sucks.

I know this all too well. Believe me. It sucks for good, decent people. A defense lawyer is allowed to say ANYTHING to a witness, but if the state does it, then MISTRIAL. No doubt it is better than most countries, but is certainly not without its flaws.

08-06-2012, 04:57 PM
Wow popo Congrats. Messed up case but glad you got him. Personally I could never date anyone the same age as my sister and she is three years younger than me. So I dated my wife who is barely two years younger than me lol

08-06-2012, 05:26 PM
Good man Popo... You got those instincts.... Sad to see it all wasted with this whole "department trying to screw you" thing they got going there..

08-06-2012, 05:43 PM
i know... it eats at me to think I wony be able to make THOSE differences for people anymore

TapaTalk ROCKS!!!!

08-06-2012, 06:00 PM
i know... it eats at me to think I wony be able to make THOSE differences for people anymore

TapaTalk ROCKS!!!!

Dont count yourself out just yet my man, keep fighting the good fight...

08-06-2012, 06:07 PM
Dont count yourself out just yet my man, keep fighting the good fight...

Runnin outta steam man...

TapaTalk ROCKS!!!!

08-06-2012, 06:40 PM
He isnt going to jail.... his retail theft probation obviously is not holding enough weight, and unfortunatley... because he didnt have the physical contact.. not that we could get him to admit, and it was just SEXTING and IMAGES...... We are lucky to have gotten what we did.....

I was on desk duty at the time because of my current injury, and I put ALOT of time into this investigation... bluffs... creativity... is how I got him to admit to anything.

And Let me tell you how hard it is to go through ipod apps to get pics that are sent.... even with a warrant, its difficult to navigate to find stuff that has been deleted...


sucks you were not able to get more on him. our leo down here are running stings every few months to nail the sick phucks. they always manage to nail at least a half dozen or more.

08-07-2012, 07:29 AM
The guy in this case in completely wrong, I understand that. Morally, what is wrong with teen girls nowadays? I mean, I'm only 26, but I can remember back to when I was in middle and high school, and we did nothing like this. Girls are loosing their morals anymore. Plus, I don't even understand what would make a guy think a girl this young is attractive. It's all weird and disturbing to me. The youth of our country is going down the shitter, with more concern over sexuality and what they look like to the opposite sex, than what their future holds.

08-07-2012, 08:17 AM
Speaking if which I know a guy I went to hs with we 19 and dating a 13 year old. The were together last year which made him 22 and her 15.

08-08-2012, 12:04 AM
JUST GOT NOTIFICATION of ANOTHER one of my arrests, about to come to trial...

12 year old daughter VS father.
