View Full Version : Hey Popo, here's a question for ya.
07-05-2012, 01:42 PM
So I'm driving home, as we hit Max Cap (means that in my call center job, there's no more seats available so I can just go home paid), and I come up to a school, and the slow school light is flashing, but no one is even at the school as school isn't in session yet.
I was confused, should I still slow down anyway or can I go the normal speed? I slowed down anyway but the people behind me started tailgating and revving at me..
I figured erring on the side of caution was better than the alternative.
07-05-2012, 01:56 PM
Let me ask you a question that hopefully answers this for you...
If you come to an intersection with traffic lights and you are going straight across... the one designated for you is red, but NO ONE else is around, should you still obey it and wait for the green?
You did the right thing... its not up to the drivers to decide if someone is at school... drivers follow the rules of the road.. period.
07-05-2012, 02:11 PM
Just wanted to make sure, cause I pissed off other drivers by slowing down.
It's like when I was at a red light one time, it was a right turning lane.. It was a red right-arrow, and I had always thought that red right arrows were to NEVER go even when clear. I hadn't known that despite my home city this is true, my neighboring city it is NOT true, and you can go.. I upset people behind me because I refused to go. So ever since that, I always like to make sure of these lights what's right and whats wrong.
07-05-2012, 10:23 PM
So I'm driving home, as we hit Max Cap (means that in my call center job, there's no more seats available so I can just go home paid), and I come up to a school, and the slow school light is flashing, but no one is even at the school as school isn't in session yet.
I was confused, should I still slow down anyway or can I go the normal speed? I slowed down anyway but the people behind me started tailgating and revving at me..
I figured erring on the side of caution was better than the alternative.
Those are usually the D-bags that don't have kids and don't think about what if it was their kid getting hit by a car whipping through the school zone. Good call on your part.... Maybe they thought you were cruisin for summer school teachers.
Mrs Popo8
07-07-2012, 11:42 PM
HAHAHAHHAHAHHAA were you being serious asking this question or were you joking? I for one do not think if a cop pulls you over for speeding and you say, Im sorry officer the guy behind me was honking and made me go faster it was not my fault would be a valid excuse for a traffic violation......
07-16-2012, 02:10 AM
^^^Thats my girl..... Lol
(Yes... I purchased my 1st app TapaTalk)
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