View Full Version : Prometheus movie...

06-29-2012, 08:13 AM
Wanted to see this since I saw the trailer last year. Finally saw it the other night. WOW! Was not what I thought exactly, but it was very good! Can't wait to see the next one (I believe Ridley Scott said he plans on making 3 total from this for the full lead in to "Alien").

If you are like me, and enjoy a good Sci-Fi movie, you will enjoy it!

06-29-2012, 10:11 AM
Been wanting to see it also, but I work 12-13 hour shifts per night and it makes it tough for time... Workin 6 days this week too, so not this week anyways!

06-29-2012, 10:22 AM
I loved it :metal:

06-29-2012, 07:50 PM
I'm glad to hear these reviews! I am a huge fan but after hearing how the critics said it sucked and watch it tank at the box office I held out. Maybe I will head out this weekend to check it out.

06-29-2012, 07:52 PM
I'm glad to hear these reviews! I am a huge fan but after hearing how the critics said it sucked and watch it tank at the box office I held out. Maybe I will head out this weekend to check it out.

With bad reviews, it will prob be on DVD before you know it. I just watched the new 21 Jump Street movie on DVD and loved it.... but it had bad reviews also.

06-29-2012, 08:58 PM
I also heard the same critic reviews, but did not see it "tank" at the box office. It was #1 when it first came out. I saw it on a Wednesday night at the local theatre where it was playing in 3 different screens, and on a Wednesday night a couple weeks after it opened, it was still more than half filled!

I think a lot of people aren't so much into Sci-fi movies unless they are Star Wars or Star Trek, but it seems like this one is doing pretty good.

I am picky about movies, and really do not like anything that wasn't done well, and this one was DEFINTELY done well.

Ridley said he would start shooting the next on later this year! I am excited to see how this series plays out!

06-30-2012, 05:40 PM
I really liked it. I like the alien series i cant wait to see the other ones.

06-30-2012, 11:31 PM
Yeah, it's LOOSELY based off the Alien series but it's going in a different direction altogether. I was dissappointed at 1st but after a couple of days for it to marinate on the ol noggin I began to thoroughly enjoy it for it's sheer size and scope of the ideas it was shooting for. Definitely a collectable when it comes out.

06-30-2012, 11:53 PM
Yeah, it's LOOSELY based off the Alien series but it's going in a different direction altogether. I was dissappointed at 1st but after a couple of days for it to marinate on the ol noggin I began to thoroughly enjoy it for it's sheer size and scope of the ideas it was shooting for. Definitely a collectable when it comes out.

Ridley Scott said specifically this was not going to be another Aliens movie, but that it had "Alien DNA in it".

Like you said, it was done on a big scale, and I love large scope movies (especially Sci-fi). There really aren't too many out there that are good, so its awesome when ones like this do come out. Can't WAIT to see where the story goes next!

07-01-2012, 09:26 AM
I like how it explanes some of the things in the first alien movie I always wondered about.