View Full Version : Starting New Career Path.
06-25-2012, 12:27 PM
As the title says I am embarking down the path of a new career. I made the final decision yesterday and I plan on starting training for it ASAP. I am enrolling in the Sheriffs Academy. For the longest time I wanted to start up my own shop and build cars, and engines etc, but for some reason now I just don't find that as enticing as I used to. I love working on cars and trucks and diagnosing issues but it is also my hobby and I don't want to burn myself out on it and give it up 10-15 years from now.
So approximately a month ago my Stepdad made a comment to me in regards to becoming a Police Officer or a Sheriff. He had mentioned it a couple times before but I never really gave it any thought until the most recent one a month ago. I started to look in to the Academy and what it entailed and I really liked what I saw and started to get more and more information on it. Yesterday I was out with my GF at the County Fair and the Sheriffs had a booth set up. I decided to go and talk to them and ask a few questions about the Academy and the job etc. And after that I was sold. I was able to talk to a couple of the Deputy Sheriffs and get their impressions and thoughts, I was also able to speak to the Backgrounds and Recruiting person and she answered just about all of my questions. Right now I am sending in an Interest Card to the Recruiting Office to get on the list for the July 2013 Academy which will give me enough time to finish out my AS Degree as well as get my fat ass in good shape. All the Deputy's I spoke with said to be able to run 5 miles nonstop before I even apply as the RTC Captain enjoys his running.
I'm really excited for this and just wanted to share :D
06-25-2012, 12:35 PM
I know Popo will have some great advice for you. My boyfriend is currently taking some criminal justice classes in pursuit of his B.A. in criminal justice, which also involves a police academy with it.
Sometimes it just takes some random enlightenment for a person to see a new goal for themselves! Good luck!
06-25-2012, 06:34 PM
good stuff. im an army rent a cop haha and while i was in korea i was in charge of the drug team for my area. I loved that level of investigations and over all police work
06-25-2012, 06:58 PM
Sometimes it just takes some random enlightenment for a person to see a new goal for themselves! Good luck!
That is too true! That's why I'm starting classes in a couple weeks for learning to build racecars. I had an "Aha!" moment and now that's where I'm headed.
OP- good luck with the academy, and like ZGOBYBY said, I'm sure popo8 will have some good advice for you!
06-25-2012, 07:28 PM
I had my "AHA" moment MANY MANY years ago...... And I 2 put myself through the academy....... I applied with 26 different Police Departments, and was offered jobs with 16 Police Departments... (PA is odd.... we have ALOT of small Police Departments, unlike states with LARGE PDs, like FL with all teh SHERIFFs Depts, and CALI with the LAPD... We literally have MANY MANY, small depts...... Our Sheriff's dept are also dif that other states... because they are NON patrolling. They basically do prisoner transports..... court house/room security, etc......
One thing I can say for advice MAKE SURE YOUR GOAL IS TO WORK FOR LARGE POLICE/SHERIFF's DEPARTMENTS. Small Departments are great if you can disappear easily... but if your a go getter, and you understand that life does REQUIRE breaking some eggs to make an omelette... a small Dept will not be the place for you.
I was alays a go getter, I follwed rules, but I was always creative... I ALWAYS got the job done, and never broke the rules to do so... however the attention I gained was never positive. ALSO, POLITICS in small depts BLOWS... not that it does not blow in larger departments, but in small depts, its like being face to face with a bully and no where to go, and NO WAY to win the fight... whether your right or wrong... Here is my example....
When I was on the Job for a few years, I was a DUI maniac... arresting more out on patrol by myself in one night than 30 cops on a DUI check point would pull.... One night I stopped a guy, he was twice the old legal limit, and a dick... I arrested him...... 2 days later I get called into the CHiefs office..... I was informed tha tI needed to drop the charges, when I asked for an explaination, the Chief at the time explained to me that the man I arrested WAS the person donating ceiling tiles to the Township for new ceiling tiles (they were in the process of renovating that building) ... I told the CHief that I would not do so , however as the Chief he could over power my paperwork...... That made him unhappy... I was written up for insubordination... I contacted my union, and began the FIGHT...(THIS STORY IS LONG< ILL TRY TO SHORTEN IT...)
-fought the chief
-won, had write up removed from my jacket.
-ended up being on the cheifs radar everyday... just looking for a reason to fuk with me...
Im no bitch, I took it... I smiled, and eventually I testified against that chief for calling african american memebrs of our township the N word.......
Karmas a mofo, but it didnt make it any less stessfull to me...
So back to my best advice... TEST with any dept hiring.... only stay with LARGE depts.... If you get hired with a small dept, use it as a stepping stone and continue testing. You are even more valuable as a seasoned officer, even with only a month under your belt.
Make sure the dept has ladders to climb... my dept does not... we have no rank.. we have one chief and 9 patrol guys. I have set myself apart from the rest by putting myself through many specialized training seminars.... out of my own pocket... IE: accident reconstruction...
If you dont know my story, Im bitter towards Police Work because of BS my dept is putting me through ... but I wont ever say dont become a cop.... I will say, learn from my mistakes, and make it what it was for me when I started... THE GREATEST JOB IN THE WORLD....
PS- in the academy they warned us about the 3Bs...... the 3Bs will destroy a Police Officer....BOOZE, BRIBES, and BROADS.... ITS TRUE.....
Feel free to contact me anyway if there are any questions I can help you with... I have 11 years under my belt..... so I have some good advice to give...
06-26-2012, 12:23 AM
I had my "AHA" moment MANY MANY years ago...... And I 2 put myself through the academy....... I applied with 26 different Police Departments, and was offered jobs with 16 Police Departments... (PA is odd.... we have ALOT of small Police Departments, unlike states with LARGE PDs, like FL with all teh SHERIFFs Depts, and CALI with the LAPD... We literally have MANY MANY, small depts...... Our Sheriff's dept are also dif that other states... because they are NON patrolling. They basically do prisoner transports..... court house/room security, etc......
One thing I can say for advice MAKE SURE YOUR GOAL IS TO WORK FOR LARGE POLICE/SHERIFF's DEPARTMENTS. Small Departments are great if you can disappear easily... but if your a go getter, and you understand that life does REQUIRE breaking some eggs to make an omelette... a small Dept will not be the place for you.
I was alays a go getter, I follwed rules, but I was always creative... I ALWAYS got the job done, and never broke the rules to do so... however the attention I gained was never positive. ALSO, POLITICS in small depts BLOWS... not that it does not blow in larger departments, but in small depts, its like being face to face with a bully and no where to go, and NO WAY to win the fight... whether your right or wrong... Here is my example....
When I was on the Job for a few years, I was a DUI maniac... arresting more out on patrol by myself in one night than 30 cops on a DUI check point would pull.... One night I stopped a guy, he was twice the old legal limit, and a dick... I arrested him...... 2 days later I get called into the CHiefs office..... I was informed tha tI needed to drop the charges, when I asked for an explaination, the Chief at the time explained to me that the man I arrested WAS the person donating ceiling tiles to the Township for new ceiling tiles (they were in the process of renovating that building) ... I told the CHief that I would not do so , however as the Chief he could over power my paperwork...... That made him unhappy... I was written up for insubordination... I contacted my union, and began the FIGHT...(THIS STORY IS LONG< ILL TRY TO SHORTEN IT...)
-fought the chief
-won, had write up removed from my jacket.
-ended up being on the cheifs radar everyday... just looking for a reason to fuk with me...
Im no bitch, I took it... I smiled, and eventually I testified against that chief for calling african american memebrs of our township the N word.......
Karmas a mofo, but it didnt make it any less stessfull to me...
So back to my best advice... TEST with any dept hiring.... only stay with LARGE depts.... If you get hired with a small dept, use it as a stepping stone and continue testing. You are even more valuable as a seasoned officer, even with only a month under your belt.
Make sure the dept has ladders to climb... my dept does not... we have no rank.. we have one chief and 9 patrol guys. I have set myself apart from the rest by putting myself through many specialized training seminars.... out of my own pocket... IE: accident reconstruction...
If you dont know my story, Im bitter towards Police Work because of BS my dept is putting me through ... but I wont ever say dont become a cop.... I will say, learn from my mistakes, and make it what it was for me when I started... THE GREATEST JOB IN THE WORLD....
PS- in the academy they warned us about the 3Bs...... the 3Bs will destroy a Police Officer....BOOZE, BRIBES, and BROADS.... ITS TRUE.....
Feel free to contact me anyway if there are any questions I can help you with... I have 11 years under my belt..... so I have some good advice to give...
Thanks Popo. That is some good advice and food for thought. The department im applying for is a pretty good size agency. And there are ladders to climb. Fresh out of the Academy I will be assigned to the County jail for 3 years as my first assignment. After that I will be able to apply for patrol/ other assignments.
As I have always been in my other jobs I always go above and beyond by learning specialized skills and techniques. And this will be no exception I will take as many class and as may different types of training I in order to set myself apart and stand out as an individual.
Honestly up until a month ago I had no idea where I wanted to go in life like I said it was between Cars and IT. But now I have to say I feel much more at ease about that because of this.
Tonight is the start if my new training regimen. I went on a 2 mile run with my dog tonight after work and I plan on doing this every night until the start if he Academy. If they want me to run 5 miles ill train to run 7 miles. If im going to do this I want to be the absolute best of the bunch.
Oh and Popo if I think of any questions ill be sure to send them your way.
Sent from my now unrooted but updated DROID 2(stupid updates)
06-26-2012, 12:48 AM
My pleasure...
My cell is 484-824-3343... text or call...
06-26-2012, 07:57 AM
Popo, you are awesome. You and I need to have a good talk at the Shootout. I was going to talk to you a while back, but I figured I would let it rest until some other day.
06-26-2012, 08:03 AM
Lol... I didnt really do anything Jen. I just write it the way I see it... and I put the good and the bad out there......
Anytime Jen... and if u wanna hit me up before that, feel free
06-26-2012, 03:19 PM
Like I said before thanks Popo, it really means alot. As I progress through the process and the Academy Ill keep the thread updated. Either today or sometime this week im going to go down to the Headquarters andsign up for a couple ride alongs and get a feel for what I'm in for lol
06-28-2012, 10:32 AM
Good luck my friend, I have the same ideas in my head still... Just on hold until the next civil service exam comes around...
Firefighter or police, I would be so happy doing either for a career. I just want to finally have a job/career where I go home and feel like I actually helped someone at the end of each day.
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