View Full Version : Camaro might be going bye bye. CALL911 ALERT!

Ryan Stout
06-04-2012, 11:35 PM
Well guys, I might just part out the Camaro. Plain and simple, I'm just bored with it. Its pretty well finished (minus a tune past 14psi). I drove it the other day to the store and back. Put it right back in the garage and grabbed the keys to the SSS and went to the new house. Yes, I bought another house (makes 2). Its on 4 acres, has a pole barn with electric and concrete floors, 2 car garage, and I got it for almost half the appraised value (repo).

I was burning some stuff in the yard today and was thinking about the car. I just went too far with it, plain and simple. Its like 90% race car now and I thought having a 1khp capable car would be fun to have, well its not what I thought it would be. I pour all this money into it to make it as reliable as it could be for what it is and now it just sits. I'm afraid to drive it on the street because it gets tons of attention, but can't take it to the track because its a 'vert and I need a 10pt cage (screw that). The car is basically worthless.

Here's my thoughts right now. Part the car out (minus stock parts and the actual body) and keep it in the corner of the barn so I can someday make it a nice, clean, fairly stock car to just cruise in with the top down. Keep the engine, trans, ECU, 24x stuff, since they're $$$$$ and I'd never get the money back from them (trans was a little over $4k alone, yes, seriously). Get a 1st or 2nd gen RX7, a nice kouki or zenki 240sx, old Vega, etc and swap my stuff into it. It'd be fast, small, light, and still have an LT1 powerplant. Of course I'd sell my cam and raise the compression to 11:1ish.

Basically I just needed to vent and bounce some ideas around. What do you all think? I hope Call911 understands since I'll still be a LTx guy.


06-04-2012, 11:54 PM
I understand what your saying... you do soooo much to it... its not a "fun" driver anymore.... Mine is getting there.... tuning headaches... cam surge.....fear of breaking things.......

But here is my advice... if you have two properties and the room to store it... just do it.... if after a certain amount of time of NOT being touched at all (this would reset every time you run to the store with it) then think about doing this...

Its just such a beautiful car, and if the only reason is boredom.... I wouldnt do it.

Just my 2c....

Especially because you are one of the lucky one who got everything right, and its not fighting you to be RIGHT....

Ryan Stout
06-05-2012, 12:10 AM
THat is true popo. I haven't had a lot of trouble with her really. Thought about snagging up a hardtop car and just swapping drivelines. The tracks here are just soooooo strict on verts and I'm not all for street racing like I used to with the car. I just wanna go and race and have fun with it really.

06-05-2012, 12:34 AM
I hear ya.... and that may be where we differ... I have no interest in hitting the track. Its just to hard on the car.... I like cruising it... KNOWING I have the go peddle available.....

But for me... knowing, is enough.

Once again, I think your car is awesome... I think the rag top makes it even cooler.... and worst case scenario, you get to make one pass at the track till they tell you, you need more cage and stop you from running......

Ryan Stout
06-05-2012, 12:38 AM
Lol true, I might get a 6pt and see how far I can push my luck. Maybe I'll just let it sit for a bit, idk. Just tired of letting it sit (if that makes sense lol) and being a shelf until I get it to the new house.

06-05-2012, 12:40 AM
That's not a hard choice to make if the car is running. I'd just keep it and store. Pull it out when ever you get the urge to beat on it and then stow away. I WISH I had your problem. Wanna trade? :D J/K. You own the car outright and it's not costing you anything, why not keep it? As for doing swaps now, I can see the temptation in doing that.

06-05-2012, 12:49 AM
Keep the drivetrain and put it something like an old hot rod............


06-05-2012, 08:15 AM
Buy a roller LT1 hardtop and swap it over. Then put a stock motor with bolt-ons into the Vert. You'll have a drag car and a cruiser. You could pick up a roller for $1500 or you could buy a bolt-on LT1 for $3-$3500.

Ryan Stout
06-05-2012, 09:25 AM
QC, I sent a guy an email about a 77 Vega and an old Checker cab lol.

Joelster, thought of that too. LT1 car with a spun main on CL here for $1200.

Decisions decisions! I do love it but it's a terrible street car and the rules make it hard to race lol.

Ryan Stout
06-05-2012, 09:39 AM
SRZ-Thats what I've been doing for almost a year now, it sucks because I wanna drive it so bad, then when I drive it I'm just like "meh, wahtever" and put it away. I just hate seeing it sit, but don't wanna drive it lmao.

06-05-2012, 11:03 AM
Here's a Polo Green one that runs/drives for $2500:



Here's a GREAT candidate. Has a 9" rear, very good paint, and looks badass!: $5000



06-05-2012, 11:23 AM
I looked at that red one a while ago. Its been for sale at least on and off for a while. The paint isnt as good as the pictures I really shied away from it. If you are interested in that one its not far from my cousins I can go check it out and get more pictures for you.

I have personally always feared pushing my car to far. to the point where it is a money pit and brings me no joy. Thats why I stayed away from doing forced induction and big cubes. I tell friend all the time a car is one of two things A) transportation b) a source of amusement and pleasure when it ceases to do one of the those two functions its time to move on. Because its not a piece of art and it should never bring you misery.

If it were me I would sell the drive ling and build something more fun to dd it but that up to you.

Ryan Stout
06-05-2012, 11:29 AM
I guess I could have 4 cars, too much is never enough!!!

Maybe I'll just put a 6pt in it and see what the track does. Maybe they'll cut me a break this year.

Ryan Stout
06-05-2012, 11:42 AM

06-05-2012, 04:50 PM
I wouldn't sell it trust me from experience if you did your going to regret it. Buy something else to play with and after awhile you will go back to it. I sold my ws6 and have regretted it every since.

06-05-2012, 05:49 PM
You will end up searching for a.replacement in a short amount of time........KEEP IT!!!!!!

Sent from my LG-P999 using Tapatalk 2

06-05-2012, 05:51 PM
I guess I could have 4 cars, too much is never enough!!!

Maybe I'll just put a 6pt in it and see what the track does. Maybe they'll cut me a break this year.

I thought the vert rules were roll bar for 13.99/faster, then 6pt at 11.49, cage at 9.99, etc like the rest.

06-05-2012, 09:20 PM
Why not just drive it and enjoy it? Any local clubs or events you could take it to?

Ryan Stout
06-05-2012, 11:32 PM
Fastbird, iirc it's 13.49 is a 6pt and 10.99 is a cage. I'll have to look again though. I guess I'll wait until the new house is done to decide. I'm too busy right now the way it is lol.

06-06-2012, 08:31 AM
I believe it is 13.99 for verts... my buddy and I got kicked off the track at Milan when he ran a 11.04 in his '97 vert.

Ryan Stout
06-06-2012, 09:32 AM
Could be. I know it's something rediculous.

06-06-2012, 11:22 AM
So I was thinking..... because I have recently been trying to finish the tuning on my car, and have been speaking with MOE....a few locals, and even Bryan Herter..... Any chance your driveability lacking is because its not tuned as good as you think it is.....?

I guess what Im saying is... maybe your tuned for max numbers, but not enough time was dedicated for driveability???

WHo tuned it for you?

Ryan Stout
06-06-2012, 11:37 AM
Tune from hp tuners repository and me. Its just way fat past 14psi (fine with me, it's usually at 8). Tune is ok so far. Have to crank on it for an extra couple seconds cold but that's it and I need to fix this throttle hanging issue when hot and around 25% tps. AMS is gonna do the tune for me, hoping do have it done by now but haven't had time/money lately. Shooting for 22psi. I think I miss power steering, AC, no headache from the noise every time I drive it lol.

06-12-2012, 02:39 PM
If I hear ONE more person parting out their LTX, or selling their LTX to get out of the LTX crowd for good, I'm gonna start taking names, and making some extra coordinates on the flightplan of the next Air Force sortie I fly (and I am going to go fly in a few hours)!

Don't know what to say Ryan. Building a very high HP sports car is not for someone who doesn't like to keep up on maintenance, and know that a very high HP car may sound awesomly powerfull, but in reality may me a little much for enjoying on the street or even the track in some cases.

I can't count how many times I have ran into issues with mine (I've got more than a handfull at this very moment). But the sheer joy of the car when it is running is more than enough for me to invest the money and time to keep it going.

I side with Silas though. Why part it out? Just keep the thing in the garage for a day when you know you will enjoy it.

06-12-2012, 07:05 PM
Glad Ben see's it my way. LOL! Ben, I'll pm you my address and you can drop a sidwinder or two if you like on the POS out in the back yard. Joke, I kid I kid. :D Tryin like hell to get mine back up because as you said, when it's running you forget everything else and despite all logic, want to throw more money at it. :)

Just keep her Ryan and get that tune sorted out on a load bearing dyno.

Ryan Stout
06-13-2012, 12:56 AM
I know its high maintenance but its just that it sits so much, I never drive it. A good buddy of mine forced me to bring it out the other night, I feel a little better with it now. I'm gonna do all the finishing touches and see where I'm at. Just got so much going on right now I don't have time for anything.

On the bright side, going from my old hotparts to my new is a world of difference. 7psi feels like 10 and it's WAY rich. Maybe I'll get it out more now.

Ryan Stout
06-13-2012, 01:49 AM