View Full Version : Please Re-motivate me!
05-02-2012, 10:48 PM
so the other day i took my car out for a drive (drove about 30 miles) and it just was not exciting. lately i have actually had thoughts about pulling the plug compleatly on my build, but then i think about what i all ready have invested in it and i would be out thousands of dollars then i have also just thought about pulling the plug on the F/I and going with a mid N/A. its just right know i'm 5 digits invested in it with almost the same amount left to go. but right know i think its just the "fun factor" of my car is gone, its rolling to 190k miles still original, leaks like a sieve, getting a horrible mid RPM miss (though i had that fixed, but know think its the opti), horrible drivetrain vibration/knock, body looks like hell, EVERY thing in the car shakes and rattles.....and the fact that i'm moving again in 11 months and i don't want to have a non-op car to move.
to put it simple right know i just see the car more as a burden then something fun...
05-02-2012, 10:57 PM
Ok, So what we need to do is this. Start playing music that was in the breakfeast club, buy alot of Pabst Blue Ribbon, come over to your house and knock this shit out. Boost in a weekend. Then let me take it for a drive.
05-02-2012, 11:57 PM
Its easy to get that way.... it crosses my mind now and then..... mostly during this last top end build, and being NON hsnds on and useless thru the build..... relying on everyone else to get MY project dun.... It sucked!!!! I have over 30k in my car and i buy stuff for it weekly ..... i have thought.... "i coulc get rid of tge camaro, the vette and tge truck and buy a sick zo6....." but then....... then its time to fire it..... i crank the key ... it chugs..... it cracks..... it fires..... i sit in it as it shakes.... watching the oil pressure build and its at tgat momemt i remember...... THIS IS ME. gimped or not.... hands on or not..... i dreamt about making it right, and when it fires its sll worth it........
I have thought to myself.... "next time it breakes.... im dun.... im parting it out...." but looking back at it.... that was 3 builds ago.... lol.
I always tell people.... if u want a good investment..... buy lAnd.... not a car. if u want a cgeap hobby.... knit. dont look to make horsepoeer in a car........ Your in a "plsce" right now.... i think it will clear.
For me i know when jm in that place ..... i cant take it eith me..... so me and mine, are gonna fuken enjoy it NOW.....
IDK if that helps...but only u know whats in u..... if ur unsure dont bail on it.... but freeze it. till the answer hits u......
05-03-2012, 05:49 AM
Go to the shootout and hang out with 100+ of us. You'll have all of the motivation you need.
05-03-2012, 06:14 AM
I know that feeling with the amount of times mine broke down, (7 optis in 2 years) always battling it to make it run right. 1 issue after another. But I didn't completely give up. Just switching to the darkside
05-03-2012, 06:19 AM
I dont know your situation. I also dont have a boat load into my car not that im not in almost 10k with swap,parts, and paint job but i figure most of it is would have to be done for up keep purposes any way. But my car is a toy I have two other vehicle. The way i look at it is that it is a piece of history driving it has a unique feel to it that modern cars dont have and by selling it I wont be able to go back to that era of car. I enjoy working on it but im not gona lie there have been times where I have gotten frustrated and threw a wrench down. I know this is stupid but my goal is to put as many miles on my car as I can. I cant wait to get to 500,000k im only at 150 right now
Joker Z28
05-03-2012, 08:58 AM
I know that feeling with the amount of times mine broke down, (7 optis in 2 years) always battling it to make it run right. 1 issue after another. But I didn't completely give up. Just switching to the darkside
You going Honda?
05-03-2012, 10:01 AM
You going Honda?
Soundin LSX to me....
Joker Z28
05-03-2012, 10:13 AM
Not soo much of a darkside. Still GM and American. He is just going to the weaker side haha
05-03-2012, 10:21 AM
OP, I get that feeling every once in awhile.
My car's been stored since last October. As you may or may not know, I've got over 27K invested in my build alone, not including what I paid for the car. I know your pain on that one...and I know Fastbird, PoPo, and many others are in on that one as well. About halfway through the build, I kept thinking "Why am I doing this? Should I just pull the plug and get out now, or take a huge risk and keep going?"
I've driven my car twice this year so far. Between working, finishing my bike build, building the roadster, and trying to have somewhat of a home/girlfriend life, I'm pretty beat down. I think "I could just sell the camaro, I'm not even driving it anyway" and "I could drive the camaro this weekend because it's supposed to be nice, but I've already got plans to work on the roadster all weekend".
But.....when I do go to that storage shed 1 town away and take the cover off, my heart rate starts to rise. Then I get in it, and fire it up. I back it out of the shed and get on the road with it...and once it's warmed up, I lay into it , spray soot out the back, and haul ass. Then I giggle like a little girl, and realize "this is why I built this car. This is why I spent WAY too much money on it. THIS is why I'm not selling it".
Keep your head up man. When I get down like that, I take a break from it. Think about other things. Spend time with friends. Go on a weekend trip out of town. When I get to a hardcore level of being "in the zone" when it comes to working on something like this, I get tunnel vision, get frustrated, and I don't think straight. Give your brain a time-out.
05-03-2012, 10:23 AM
Go to the shootout and hang out with 100+ of us. You'll have all of the motivation you need.
05-03-2012, 10:29 AM
so this is what im thinking about doing since i already have most of th parts to do it. im thinking about just pulling the plug on the S/C and going N/A. but C/R wise i was going with a 10:1 for the boosted set up, im thinking with head work and some thiner headgaskets i can get th C/R back up to the 11 range. i guess it just took some time for the reality and cost of F/I to seenk in. and right know i could have my new motor running with what i got just need a cam. i know it would not be the best N/A engine but then i could also go ahead in the feuture with the F/I build and still have the block to support it. need ideas and opinions....
05-03-2012, 10:39 AM
a 10:1 CR is a bit high for my taste in the boost world...but it's doable. Just less PSI I guess.
If you wanted to switch to F/I in the future, I wouldn't have any head work done (facing for higher CR). Just go with the thinner gaskets for now and change the cam.
What are you still missing for your boost build?
05-03-2012, 10:41 AM
OP, I get that feeling every once in awhile.
My car's been stored since last October. As you may or may not know, I've got over 27K invested in my build alone, not including what I paid for the car. I know your pain on that one...and I know Fastbird, PoPo, and many others are in on that one as well. About halfway through the build, I kept thinking "Why am I doing this? Should I just pull the plug and get out now, or take a huge risk and keep going?"
I've driven my car twice this year so far. Between working, finishing my bike build, building the roadster, and trying to have somewhat of a home/girlfriend life, I'm pretty beat down. I think "I could just sell the camaro, I'm not even driving it anyway" and "I could drive the camaro this weekend because it's supposed to be nice, but I've already got plans to work on the roadster all weekend".
But.....when I do go to that storage shed 1 town away and take the cover off, my heart rate starts to rise. Then I get in it, and fire it up. I back it out of the shed and get on the road with it...and once it's warmed up, I lay into it , spray soot out the back, and haul ass. Then I giggle like a little girl, and realize "this is why I built this car. This is why I spent WAY too much money on it. THIS is why I'm not selling it".
Keep your head up man. When I get down like that, I take a break from it. Think about other things. Spend time with friends. Go on a weekend trip out of town. When I get to a hardcore level of being "in the zone" when it comes to working on something like this, I get tunnel vision, get frustrated, and I don't think straight. Give your brain a time-out.
i think part of is it i have taken too much time away from the car, and as i said right know its just got no more fun factor to drive since the motor that is in it now has close to 190,000miles and is on its last leg, and with my new block being done next month i dont want to invest any money in to the old motor. as in my other post i think im just going to hold off on the F/I.
i want to make it clear, I AM NOT SELLING the car
05-03-2012, 10:44 AM
a 10:1 CR is a bit high for my taste in the boost world...but it's doable. Just less PSI I guess.
If you wanted to switch to F/I in the future, I wouldn't have any head work done (facing for higher CR). Just go with the thinner gaskets for now and change the cam.
What are you still missing for your boost build?
sencers, gagues, intercooler, piping, bypass valve, 24x, i got a list at home.
05-03-2012, 10:45 AM
Go to the shootout and hang out with 100+ of us. You'll have all of the motivation you need.
i all ready have vacation planned for it, and as of now its actually looking like im going to be able to make it. :D
05-03-2012, 10:46 AM
Doesn't sound like you're missing that much...unless the list is bigger than that.
05-03-2012, 07:51 PM
Stop on over, I will give you a ride in the car and motivate ya.
05-03-2012, 09:03 PM
Stop on over, I will give you a ride in the car and motivate ya.
well ill be back in IL from about 25 June till about 20 July....
05-04-2012, 12:14 AM
I keep thinking about this dilema... Your NOT far from the BOOST build as far as investment....
Are you sure, after comming this far... you wanna stop with the original plans?
05-04-2012, 07:03 AM
well ill be back in IL from about 25 June till about 20 July....
Get a hold of me when you get back and we can meet up.
05-04-2012, 08:17 AM
so the other day i took my car out for a drive (drove about 30 miles) and it just was not exciting. lately i have actually had thoughts about pulling the plug compleatly on my build, but then i think about what i all ready have invested in it and i would be out thousands of dollars then i have also just thought about pulling the plug on the F/I and going with a mid N/A. its just right know i'm 5 digits invested in it with almost the same amount left to go. but right know i think its just the "fun factor" of my car is gone, its rolling to 190k miles still original, leaks like a sieve, getting a horrible mid RPM miss (though i had that fixed, but know think its the opti), horrible drivetrain vibration/knock, body looks like hell, EVERY thing in the car shakes and rattles.....and the fact that i'm moving again in 11 months and i don't want to have a non-op car to move.
to put it simple right know i just see the car more as a burden then something fun...
Welcome to my world. LOL! Now my car isn't in the condition of yours per say, it's pristine from the ground up. But since it hasn't ran in yrs it's no longer fun in that aspect. Basically throwing good money after bad.
It's hard not to see a project through and that's the only thing that keeps me from straight chuckin it and calling it a day. I know in the end (whenever that is) though when it is running all those bad memories will be an after thought.
Just boils down to what you really want to do and then sticking to your guns no matter what.
In terms of investment? Got all you guys beat. Most expensive paper weight on the board. I'm in ZR1 territory and w/ that being said, one definitely has to question their sanity to have all that dough in a car that doesn't run. That's not including the cost of the car. My F/I build alone was close to 40K.
Not sure if any of that was motivational. Ha-ha but don't go for my record. 13 out of 16 yrs non op. There, how's that for motivation! :D
05-04-2012, 06:03 PM
well i have been talking to people and thinking it through and i am not going to compleatly pull the plug on the boost, ill probably just get the motor built and run it N/A for a wile till i can finish getting to parts i still need for boost. which really is not that much but the other stuff i want to beef up is where it gets expensive. like right know i have a WELL built trans (id say stage2 equivalent) and a built 10bolt, but i want to upgrade both of them (nother $4k) want to swap front end to UMI ($1,700), finish getting the 24x ($1,300 more). then on top of that i need to buy a trailer before next year so i can move all my shit. but im thinking even the underpowered engine will be more fun then the almost dead engine thats in the car. but i have also thought about selling the pro-charger and going with a turbo set up...
i mainly just think im frustrated because i wont make my highly unrealistic time line and my car is garbage right now.
SRZ- i most defiantly know about your car, even back from the days your car has been my motivation....and i think percentage wise i got you beet for down time, owned it for almost 7 years and its been down for 5...its a jack stand racer!
05-04-2012, 07:22 PM
Jackstand racer...LOL Never heard that before, I like that.
Good for you on keeping w/ it. A running car is better than any non runner car any day of the week.
05-05-2012, 07:33 AM
I think the problem may be that you may have bit off more than you can handle with this car/build. These cars are in some cases approaching two decades old. They require more maintenance and upkeep than something newer, or with less miles. I know you have been gone, and busy (we all have our times), and its easy to let things go on the car that need to be maintained to fix all those misfires, creaks in the suspension, and flaws in the body. If you let them go long enough, it starts building up, then you've got more than you want to mess with all together, and you end up in the boat you are in with not enjoying the car anymore.
If you want advice, I'll give you mine. You need to decide what you can maintain, and afford in this car. I am a strong advocate for FI cars and building them right. But it is extremely expensive and requires a lot more up-keep. If you find you are struggling keeping what you have in good shape, I would say go with something you can afford, and would be able to more easily keep up on. You can make a very fun H/C/I car without going through the expense and upkeep of going the FI route. If that's not enough power, you can cheeply add nitrous. The important thing here is that you can keep the car in good enough shape that you enjoy it again. Because once you look at the car as work, and not fun, things go bad from that point, and you'll loose interest like you have.
I personally can't fully keep up on everything with my two F-bodies all the time either. Both are not drive able at the moment. But every year I try to knock out some of the big things that they need, and in between I try to do things here and there so that the maintenance list doesn't build up to much. From anyone who has rode or seen my cars, you know that they are well kept, and a lot of fun to drive. This is what you, and others must do to enjoy our cars.
05-05-2012, 07:40 AM
^ AMEN. Couldn't have said it better myself.
05-05-2012, 09:09 AM
I think the problem may be that you may have bit off more than you can handle with this car/build. These cars are in some cases approaching two decades old. They require more maintenance and upkeep than something newer, or with less miles. I know you have been gone, and busy (we all have our times), and its easy to let things go on the car that need to be maintained to fix all those misfires, creaks in the suspension, and flaws in the body. If you let them go long enough, it starts building up, then you've got more than you want to mess with all together, and you end up in the boat you are in with not enjoying the car anymore.
If you want advice, I'll give you mine. You need to decide what you can maintain, and afford in this car. I am a strong advocate for FI cars and building them right. But it is extremely expensive and requires a lot more up-keep. If you find you are struggling keeping what you have in good shape, I would say go with something you can afford, and would be able to more easily keep up on. You can make a very fun H/C/I car without going through the expense and upkeep of going the FI route. If that's not enough power, you can cheeply add nitrous. The important thing here is that you can keep the car in good enough shape that you enjoy it again. Because once you look at the car as work, and not fun, things go bad from that point, and you'll loose interest like you have.
I personally can't fully keep up on everything with my two F-bodies all the time either. Both are not drive able at the moment. But every year I try to knock out some of the big things that they need, and in between I try to do things here and there so that the maintenance list doesn't build up to much. From anyone who has rode or seen my cars, you know that they are well kept, and a lot of fun to drive. This is what you, and others must do to enjoy our cars.
no offence but nothing you said here was help full in any way. yes i know i could have built a fun H/C/I car, but at this point i would need to change internals of my motor, change heads....if i did that i mite as well just sell off every thing and start from scratch. the point of this was to RE-MOTIVATE me, not tell me in a nice way i was a dumb ass for trying to build a FI motor, and really from the start of this months ago you have been knocking my ideas and saying a "a P1 is a waist of money". your negative comments are just getting old.
05-05-2012, 09:23 AM
no offence but nothing you said here was help full in any way. yes i know i could have built a fun H/C/I car, but at this point i would need to change internals of my motor, change heads....if i did that i mite as well just sell off every thing and start from scratch. the point of this was to RE-MOTIVATE me, not tell me in a nice way i was a dumb ass for trying to build a FI motor, and really from the start of this months ago you have been knocking my ideas and saying a "a P1 is a waist of money". your negative comments are just getting old.
Well, I've re read my post several times, and don't really see how what I posted could be conceived as "negative", but its your thread buddy. I was trying to post something I thought would get you enjoying your LTX again.
FWIW, if I have offended you, I apologize.
05-05-2012, 10:48 AM
the past few days i have had a lot of people telling me "it cant be done" and "LT's are Paper weights" (not people on this board) so i have been a little defensive when it comes to my build and with all them people saying things like that it has given me more motivation to finish it just to prove them wrong. Call911 sorry if i took your post the wrong way but when i first read through it, it seamed like you where being negative. i want there to be no hard feelings since i would like to pick your brain about set up stuff later on (probably at the shootout).
and as i kinda said before, i know that ill be $20k+ in to the final build, but i just gave my self an unrealistic timeline to complete it in (especially on an E-5 pay lol). but the past few days i have gone over my finances and put my self on an EXTREME budget, so i can get stuff paid off and get the car done.
05-05-2012, 11:09 AM
the past few days i have had a lot of people telling me "it cant be done" and "LT's are Paper weights" (not people on this board) so i have been a little defensive when it comes to my build and with all them people saying things like that it has given me more motivation to finish it just to prove them wrong. Call911 sorry if i took your post the wrong way but when i first read through it, it seamed like you where being negative. i want there to be no hard feelings since i would like to pick your brain about set up stuff later on (probably at the shootout).
and as i kinda said before, i know that ill be $20k+ in to the final build, but i just gave my self an unrealistic timeline to complete it in (especially on an E-5 pay lol). but the past few days i have gone over my finances and put my self on an EXTREME budget, so i can get stuff paid off and get the car done.
Thats no problem dude. I know how in life all you want is your car to be where you want it to be and it seems like that is an endless process sometimes. Just keep after it man, and we'll have you squared away.
I was pushing the D1SC at the time just because you were saying your power goals were 600, and it would be doable easily with the D1SC, but very difficult with the P1SC. I give popo a lot of crap about his P1SC, but in reality, it is a fine blower.
Back to the subject, it sounds like you know whats going on with everything financially and where the car is at. The only way builds on this level get done quick is with a TON of cash and people that can help you. For all the rest of us that don't make that much cash (I can't do it even on O-2E pay), we have to budget, save, and unfortunately wait for everything to pull together. I guess what I was getting at earlier is, if you did downgrade to an N/A route, you may in the end be happier, because you could have it sooner, and it would be cheaper to enjoy on the long term. At the same time, having a supercharged monster is a whole other bag of marbles. Boost is addictive, and is a ton of fun. It just sucks cause it ain't cheap, and it means a lot more maintenance to keep it right. Especially during the build phase because it always seems that something else pops up you need that you didn't think you did before, or there is some other "issue" to be ironed out before it is all dialed in. Most guys take years to get things right (it did for me, and Fastbird, and Silas started before either of us and he still is sorting things out).
You just have to decide what you want. If you want something cheaper, and can enjoy now, leave it N/A. You can still enjoy what you have even if you don't want to change up the H/C/I setup you have. If you are willing to hold out until you can finish everything off to continue to go the FI route, then I believe it will be worth all the hassle and wait. Either way we are here to help and support you.
I don't think anyone here is like the poeple on LS1tech. We genuinely care, and are here to offer our experience, and advice. Not to be D-bags and post just to piss poeple off.
05-05-2012, 12:01 PM
I am SOO with you on the part of needing to be "Re-motivated". My screen name comes from my 1996 RS. I bought it brand new when I was 17 & had LOTS of fun with it. I almost had the car taken away from me a time or two for being stupid. I always wanted a V8 standard shift though, so something was missing. I bought a 1994 LT1 motor out of a rearended camaro & built it. Not knowing about the differecnce between the OBDI & II at the time. Nothing special, just a small cam with heads & a small bore job. It took me a yr & a half to get the engine done with the accessories & all. The plan was to swap the V6 A4 for a V8 M6. Thats where the project96 comes from. I found a 1994 TA M6 with a blown motor & have spent prolly the past 4 yrs piecing everything else together. The car was in pretty good shape so I decided to keep the TA & drop the engin ein it instead. After parting out the old motor I have about 1500 in the chassis. I have way more than that in the engine alone. Now that I am at the point of trying to start the engine it has no injector pulse. I am at the same point of wanting to push the damn thing in the river & call it a day. I have 3 kids that do sports among other things around the house so there is not alot of time for the car. When there is it just seems like I have been making excuses not to mess with it. It has become work for me thus not enjoyable. The car is at someones house now getting looked at & I hope he can figure something out. But I know at some point it will run & make all the headaches well worth it. I guess what I'm saying is don't give up & keep on pushing.
05-06-2012, 09:39 PM
talking to people around here i just got to get my car done right so that i can prove to them that he LT can still hold its own...way too many cocky LS guys around here and really none are that fast. i thing if my car was still running good i would be able to run them, but my hole ignition system is dying (multi cylinder miss firing from about 3k RPM up)
05-06-2012, 09:42 PM
..... I give popo a lot of crap about his P1SC, but in reality, it is a fine blower.
Its all good.....
05-06-2012, 10:04 PM
talking to people around here i just got to get my car done right so that i can prove to them that he LT can still hold its own...way too many cocky LS guys around here and really none are that fast. i thing if my car was still running good i would be able to run them, but my hole ignition system is dying (multi cylinder miss firing from about 3k RPM up)
Well lets start with the ignition problem. Do you know what it is? Is it throwing any codes?
Opti's are known culprits, but sometimes it can just be a bad plug wire or signal coil. If it happens to be the signal coil, I have a good working used MSD Blaster coil I'll give you a good price on to help you out.
05-06-2012, 10:22 PM
to be honest i dont even want to spend the time and money to figure out what it is since ill be switching to the EFI 24x with the new motor, and today a police officer was nice enough to pull me over and un-politely inform me that my car has expired tags. so im thinking about just parking it now and since i get my new block next month and i can start the new build.
05-06-2012, 10:30 PM
....., and today a police officer was nice enough to pull me over...... _n.jpg
05-06-2012, 10:38 PM
i played the military card with out of state plates and he just told me to go park it till i get new tags...i got off lucky
05-06-2012, 10:42 PM
i played the military card with out of state plates and he just told me to go park it till i get new tags...i got off lucky
I always gave military and nurses a break!
05-07-2012, 11:14 AM
and as i kinda said before, i know that ill be $20k+ in to the final build, but i just gave my self an unrealistic timeline to complete it in (especially on an E-5 pay lol). but the past few days i have gone over my finances and put my self on an EXTREME budget, so i can get stuff paid off and get the car done.[/QUOTE]
I feel you there man(E-5 pay...doesnt go as far as i had hoped haha) i lost pretty much all my motivation when i got home from korea and i finally got to see that my parents had been completely neglecting my car which i had literally just finished putting the 383 into a month before i left fore korea. I actually half though about making a thread like this myself haha. to top it off im now in a warrior transition battalion thanks to a tramatic brain injury...but i tell you what after hearing it start(having to force it to idle and not stall) and kicking the soot out of the engine i remembered why i still have it and why i just bought KORE3 brakes front and rear. and even though i sold my p600b a few months back im still hoping to switch to FI once i get the bird up to GA. not sure if it helped re motivate at all but i just know i can relate to the feeling.
05-07-2012, 04:48 PM
To the OP, I guess I didn't know you were only weeks out from doing the motor swap. Definately wait till then and then get the bugs worked out.
Keep us up to date
05-07-2012, 05:08 PM
Ill be taking lots of pics...and i think i have remotavated my self. Now i cant wait to get my new engine....
01-18-2013, 10:12 PM
well, its starting to happen again. i dont know its its just the cold weather that is doing it or what, but motivation is slowly starting to slip away again. ya, i know that i just posted up pictures of my finished intake and almost finished engine, but i see that, then i look at the car and see all the shit that is still needed and just seeing the list is what is killing me. its never ending, i get 1 thing done on it and 3 more thing are added. but i will say that i am way too far in to my build to pull the plug on it, its just who knows when ill get it done. it seems that im throwing every spare dollar i have at it and its getting no closer to being done. last night i sat in my garage for 2 hours with music playing just staring at it with not a single urge to pick up a wrench...and now we have gotten official word (after waiting in limbo for 6 months) that my unit here in Oklahoma is closing down, so buying a trailer has jumped up on my list since i have no idea as of yet when there going to move us out of here, that's another big hit to the pocket book since i was not planing on dropping that money till about june/july.
im going to go bang my head against the wall....
01-18-2013, 10:25 PM
I hear ya on so many levels. The cold has kept me in the house lately, just dropped about $1500 last week on parts, need another $1500 to get it on the road, been laid off for 3 months with no sign of work on the horizon..... its just a blah time man. As soon as some nicer weather breaks I think it will get better. Hang in there!!
01-18-2013, 10:26 PM
01-18-2013, 10:44 PM
I hear ya on so many levels. The cold has kept me in the house lately, just dropped about $1500 last week on parts, need another $1500 to get it on the road, been laid off for 3 months with no sign of work on the horizon..... its just a blah time man. As soon as some nicer weather breaks I think it will get better. Hang in there!!
if i had to deal with unemployment i would have thrown in the towel a LONG time ago!
and i have seen just about every supercharged ltx vid on the web, but they do nothing for me any more other then piss me off cause the quality SUCKS on 99% of them...
01-18-2013, 10:51 PM
Its not too bad you just have to learn how to live. When I'm working I'll buy a car to fix up and flip while I'm off, it helps fill in the gaps. Selling all those fnar's helped out A BUNCH. Best thing to avoid are long term loans. Anyways, this thread is about motivating you and right now all I have is this.....
Do you want to be taking bets with Larry about who's car would be faster if pushed off a cliff (because they don't run) again this year?? His car is ready.
01-18-2013, 10:54 PM
Its not too bad you just have to learn how to live. When I'm working I'll buy a car to fix up and flip while I'm off, it helps fill in the gaps. Selling all those fnar's helped out A BUNCH. Best thing to avoid are long term loans. Anyways, this thread is about motivating you and right now all I have is this.....
Do you want to be taking bets with Larry about who's car would be faster if pushed off a cliff (because they don't run) again this year?? His car is ready.
law of gravity, everything falls at the same would be a tie... :D
01-18-2013, 11:05 PM
Dude...look thru my threads.... I can show u bills....reciepts...and time gone by waiting that will make ur head spin... And remember...this wasnt even my first first one was a scam and was destroyed....then the second one....broke a valve spring on the dyno before ky so i was car-less a second time...and i returned to 5g in top end...and 4g im tuning and misc... 9g on top of an investment that books at 4k.....
But now....after owning the car for 8ish years or more...its all RIGHT!
Larry (Popo8) Co-owner
01-18-2013, 11:11 PM
Dude...look thru my threads.... I can show u bills....reciepts...and time gone by waiting that will make ur head spin... And remember...this wasnt even my first first one was a scam and was destroyed....then the second one....broke a valve spring on the dyno before ky so i was car-less a second time...and i returned to 5g in top end...and 4g im tuning and misc... 9g on top of an investment that books at 4k.....
But now....after owning the car for 8ish years or more...its all RIGHT!
Larry (Popo8) Co-owner
Oh i know.
But right know im actually in my garage cleaning up a bit...
Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
01-18-2013, 11:14 PM
Dude...look thru my threads.... I can show u bills....reciepts...and time gone by waiting that will make ur head spin... And remember...this wasnt even my first first one was a scam and was destroyed....then the second one....broke a valve spring on the dyno before ky so i was car-less a second time...and i returned to 5g in top end...and 4g im tuning and misc... 9g on top of an investment that books at 4k.....
But now....after owning the car for 8ish years or more...its all RIGHT!
Larry (Popo8) Co-owner
This is the kind of thing that keeps me motivated even when I'm not doing much with my car. And sometimes you just have to step back for a little while and take a break. And other times you have to reevaluate the project and break it up into stages.
01-19-2013, 02:41 PM
well i guess, just venting a little bit helped. spent last night and this morning in my garage working, and made some good progress on the inside of the car.
thank you guys! :D
01-19-2013, 02:52 PM
well i guess, just venting a little bit helped. spent last night and this morning in my garage working, and made some good progress on the inside of the car.
thank you guys! :D
We are always here.. and we will always be here to give you that motivation... even if its an ignorant kick in the ass.
You have a long road ahead of you... but I promise... It will be worth it when your done.
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