View Full Version : Walking around with a loaded weapon!!

04-27-2012, 02:11 PM
My wife and I got into a discusion about this........a rather heated one too. She was getting in my ass about it to which I explained it was her fault. I mean I don't like it either cause it can go off rather easy espeicialy if the view is nice. Plus us guys get all kinds of weird thoughts and think of doing things we normally wouldn't think of. If I'm in a bar and see somthing I like then I may shoot one off you know? Alot of you guys are probaly carrying a loaded one right now!! Is it fair? No but sometimes it happends. And ladies, yes ladies, probaly have them too. I don't know if they call them by the same thing. It's the new age ladies so go ahead. And if your somewhere and you see some guy you like then fire one off. As long as no on see's you then your ok. I remember when I was young I fired mine in women all the time and didn't think twice about it. Luckly no one came to later and said "yea that's the guy!". My wife got mad cause I shot one off in the room. I told her "hey no one got hurt". It's like she don't want me to hold my own weapon! Hey its mine and If I wana hold it play with it and shoot it then dammit I will!!!!! Hmp...............I was just proof reading this post and it looks like I was talking about a handgun or rifle huh???

I was talking about my C$CK!!!!!:D

04-27-2012, 02:34 PM
My wife and I got into a discusion about this........a rather heated one too. She was getting in my ass about it to which I explained it was her fault. I mean I don't like it either cause it can go off rather easy espeicialy if the view is nice. Plus us guys get all kinds of weird thoughts and think of doing things we normally wouldn't think of. If I'm in a bar and see somthing I like then I may shoot one off you know? Alot of you guys are probaly carrying a loaded one right now!! Is it fair? No but sometimes it happends. And ladies, yes ladies, probaly have them too. I don't know if they call them by the same thing. It's the new age ladies so go ahead. And if your somewhere and you see some guy you like then fire one off. As long as no on see's you then your ok. I remember when I was young I fired mine in women all the time and didn't think twice about it. Luckly no one came to later and said "yea that's the guy!". My wife got mad cause I shot one off in the room. I told her "hey no one got hurt". It's like she don't want me to hold my own weapon! Hey its mine and If I wana hold it play with it and shoot it then dammit I will!!!!! Hmp...............I was just proof reading this post and it looks like I was talking about a handgun or rifle huh???

I was talking about my C$CK!!!!!:D

Just goes to show how dirty some people's minds are. I knew EXACTLY what you were talking about after the first sentance...