View Full Version : (sigh) another new truck

04-25-2012, 06:12 AM
Some of you may remember back in december when I purchased an 01 F250 powerstroke and a 38 foot enclosed cargo trailer.
Well, I found out (thankfully not the hard way) that I was way, way overloaded both in cargo capacity of the truck and gcwr of truck and trailer. It was bad enough that it would have resulted in at least a 6,000 dollar ticket after all the fines were added in, and having to go get a bigger truck anyways.
So I skipped the whole get a ticket thing and went straight to the bigger truck. Last night I purchased a 2001 Dodge Ram 3500 DRW quad cab cummins truck with a 6speed manual. I have to say that I am pretty pleased with the truck thus far (had a 3 hour drive home last night to get aquainted) and it feels much stronger than my powerstroke ever did (probably because the bastard is geared so low. I'm in 6th by 35mph unless I'm getting on it, in which case I'm in 6th by 40 lol)
I'll post some pics today after I get off work. Or maybe tonight. I want to hook up to my trailer and see how she tows when I get off work today :D

04-25-2012, 08:45 AM
Sounds like a good upgrade. I never thought about tickets for towing something with a vehicle too small. I guess pulling my Nova with my Impala would be worthy of a fine as well :(


04-25-2012, 04:41 PM
Sounds like a good upgrade. I never thought about tickets for towing something with a vehicle too small. I guess pulling my Nova with my Impala would be worthy of a fine as well :(


hahahahaha i think that would be a huge fine.

04-25-2012, 05:56 PM
Jesus what the hell are you towing?

04-25-2012, 07:11 PM
Jesus what the hell are you towing?
The big red thing in the back round. Properly packed, my tongue weight is around 3000 pounds. Which that alone was well over the cargo capacity of my old truck, not counting the weight of fuel, not counting myself and my fiance and all the other stuff that we packed in. When I moved my fiance down, I was probably close to 1700 pounds over my old trucks cargo capacity, plus well over my gcwr. If I had got caught, that would have been no bueno. On top of the fines, i would have had to get a bigger truck anyways. So I skipped getting the ticket and went straight to the bigger truck part.

I'll get some better pics tomorrow morning.

04-25-2012, 08:08 PM
Well Im glad you figured it out the easier way... and looks like a GREAT rig!

04-25-2012, 08:59 PM
Well Im glad you figured it out the easier way... and looks like a GREAT rig!

Me too man. What got me thinking about it was I overheard someone say that the fines for the weight alone for being 1k over was 1500 dollars, and that didn't include the actual fine itself. Then once I started figuring out my numbers, that's when I said screw that, I'm getting a dually lol.

That trailer hauls SOOOO nice with the tri axle set up and being 38 foot long, and the 1 ton dually suspension makes towing a breeze lol. Plus the granny gear makes starting out alot easier than an auto, at least in my opinion.
Since I've got the blue truck, I'm thinking about painting the gooseneck portion to match, and running white stripes down the side of the trailer.

04-25-2012, 09:50 PM
id rather be cunnin then stroking!!! lol

04-25-2012, 10:05 PM
id rather be cunnin then stroking!!! lol

before you can be cummin or strokin, you gotta be hard like a rock! :shiner:

04-25-2012, 10:09 PM
lmao iv never head that part

04-25-2012, 10:13 PM
I saw it plastered on a duramax truck somewhere a couple years ago