View Full Version : So last night was extremely crazy. What would you do...

04-15-2012, 01:19 PM
Well I have to make a rant thread and just get some opinions on what to do. I've never seen anything like I did last night. I actually felt like my life may have been in danger along with my dads and a few other people. This is a long story so bear with me.

My family owns a skating rink here in Athens, we are located on a small commercial road that only had one exit while the other end loops around. We try to keep our rink as clean, safe and family friendly as possible and have a great reputation because of it. Across from our business is the "Athens Arena" that used to host concerts, boxing matches and different shows, but was recently purchased by a man who owns a couple of small businesses in town (junk car lot, Mexican grocery store). Now he is using it for a private venue for parties and indoor rodeos. Most of the events they have had so far have been somewhat organized and no one comes over onto our property and bothers us or causes trouble. Last night was waaay different though. :frustrated:

We were having an all night skate event at our rink. I got to work around 11 o clock pm and there were cars parked on both sides of the road all the way down it. Every parking lot of every business was full all the way down with old box chevys on 24s. I get to our rink and see my dad out front with a few other guys he knows and they look stressed out, continuously running people off of our property. I notice most of the girls getting out of the cars are wearing nothing but lingerie type stuff. 99% of the guys appear to be Lil Wayne look a likes. I park in our lot, and talk to my dad to see whats going on. He was MAD. Ive ever seen him as mad as he was last night. There was a wet spot and maxie pad in our lot right in front of our front doors where a drunk girl thought it would be funny to pop a squat and piss in front of kids and their parents picking them up. He had just ran over 10 guys off pissing on the side of our building. Weed was burning in the air STRONG.

At this point he had called the police three times. They finally sent one cop out after my dad got very stern with the dispatcher on the phone. Once she got there and seen how serious it was she called in three more cars. They basically told us that unless they see someone breaking the law they cant do anything about it, which I understand how the law works but its still frustrating. They stayed about an hour until all of the thugs and drunks got into the building and then left. They let us know that all we could do was tow cars if they parked on our property. :doh:

The party made it an amazing hour and a half before hell broke loose. I was inside the rink working when my dad came in and told me to come out front and make sure no one tries to come into our building. Apparently three shots were fired and the whole crowd comes running out at once. There was an estimated 2000. We called 911 again and they sent out three cars. We just watched helplessly as fights broke out everywhere (men and women)and glass was getting broken and cars kicked. They started pouring into our lot, some covered in blood. I felt bad for the police because it was just so chaotic. All they could do was get on loud speakers and tell everyone to go home. I mean what do you do with a group of over 2000 drunk people in their underwear (apparently it was a "pajama" party).

It took over 2 hours to get all of the cars out. We had a few parents try to come pick up their children and had to wait almost an hour to make it a half mile down our road. Im sure that after that night we are going to lose some business from parents who saw all of that. I mean I wouldnt want my kid around it. I almost think the guy who owns the building is padding some pockets in our local government. I dont see how he can have an alcohol serving permit right next to 2 different churches, and how he can have that many people pile in a building a little bigger than a highschool basketball gym without the fire marshall ever showing up. I know the guy has money because he bought a house with cash from my boss I do construction work for (over 300k). When he first got the building I think they were running drugs out of it because during the day multiple unmarked box trucks would pull into the building and leave after a few minutes. They would always keep the garage door closed unless and truck was pulling in.

The police were VERY under powered last night. It was bad to see them just letting drunk people drive/do burnouts in traffic, and fight and not do anything about it. If they start having parties like this a lot I dont know what we will do. I dont know who we should try to complain to or call. Being from a small town I was in shock seeing this. I guess some of you guys from bigger cities may see stuff like this, but I never had and it has left a bad taste in my mouth.

04-15-2012, 03:42 PM
That is insane....I hope that doesn't happen again for your and the areas sake other wise higher law enforcement might have to get involved if they aren't already. I will never understand the mentality of people like that.

04-15-2012, 06:12 PM
Ooo wow what a nightmare . I hope that crap stops for you real fast it seems to me that the police and local government would be ready to put a stop to that right away especially after all of that.

04-15-2012, 06:41 PM
Yeah the police didnt seem interested in helping until AFTER shots were fired inside. Pretty crazy. We have spoke to the owner of the building multiple times but he has no interest in changing anything. He did have a group of workers out there this morning cleaning up all of the trash and broken glass off of the whole road/parking lots.

Here is some math though. They were charging $30 a head to get into the party and had over 2000 people. Then you add alcohol sales to that... They brought in some big $$$ in two hours.

Im sure my father will be making some phone calls this week. They have had some crazy parties there before but we have been closed when it lets out, and this one was just way over the line. Shit, Ive had to get on the roof and clean beer bottles out of our gutters multiple times that were thrown up there stopping them up.

04-15-2012, 08:34 PM
Wow that sucks to hear. I work in a smaller town (around 10K pop.). The town next to us is about the same size but they have a bar that's one of the few 3am bars in KC and the only one that far east. When I was on nights we were in their city assisting with crowd control nearly every Friday and Saturday. The city made them step up their own security and began paying OT for additional officers when there were concerts, MMA fights etc. It's a scary feeling knowing your out numbered by angry / frightened/ intoxicated people who can take on a mob mentality at any minute. The only thing you can do is try and disperse everyone and keep them moving as soon as possible and deal with the smaller crowds that regroup. I'd talk to the city and see what they can do, as long as the guy is paying his bills and has the proper permits for events there's probably not much they can do. Defiantly very frustrating situation.

04-16-2012, 07:46 PM
Sex.... drugs...... and rock and roll, you say????? Let me know when the next one is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-16-2012, 11:30 PM
That is terrible man. I really hope it did not affect your business in any way. I live in South Florida and stuff like that is pretty common in some of the larger cities (like Miami). People just don't know when to grow up...

04-16-2012, 11:48 PM
Sex.... drugs...... and rock and roll, you say????? Let me know when the next one is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im all about it in the right places, just not fighting, gunshots and breaking shit. And not in our parking lot with kids watching. lol.

We found flyers on our windshields yesterday advertising the next party. Young Dro will be performing there. This one will be on the other side of town. I wouldnt mind going to see him but the crowd is way too rough for me.

04-17-2012, 05:16 PM
If you feel that this will be an occurring problem. You will need to invest in MANY "No Trespassing signs", "Parking for _____________ <- (Insert business here) ONLY. Violators will be towed at owners expense." Call up a local tow company(s) and tell them you have some business for them ;) Find the local rules for how many signs need to be posted per footage. Then post them. On nights that you expect another problem to arise. Have you or another employee place a sticker on the windshield or a parking sheet on the dash of each of your patrons vehicles. So you will know who to tow and who not to tow. :/

I have no respect for people who park or trespass on my property. After being told not to or after installing signs.

Hopefully gun shots wil not occur next time. Hopefully you can defend your self as well... Especially from thoes who get towed.

04-17-2012, 05:53 PM
I have no respect for people who park or trespass on my property. After being told not to or after installing signs.

Hopefully gun shots wil not occur next time. Hopefully you can defend your self as well... Especially from thoes who get towed.

We have signs but we were actually scared to have people towed. The way we looked at it is that with children inside we didnt want drunk, mad people trying to get at us, or in the building for having them towed. We did have people at each entrance turning away non-patrons. A few cars made it in but not many. It was the foot traffic coming through that was more of a problem, especially after the shooting and fighting started.

We all had concealed weapons while doing parking lot duty. Like I told my dad though if it ever came to us having to protect ourselves, which I pray NEVER EVER happens, what do you do with the 1,999 people that are pissed you just shot one of them.

I understand that not all of the people out there were bad people, a lot of them looked like they were underrage to be drinking. Its just the mob mentality people get when in a group like that. Just like our friend there who was one of the cops there said, you just have to try to get them to leave and dont give them anything to be mad at.

My dad did some researching today and found out they do have a legal alcohol license but they were way way over their occupancy. My dad is going to get videos off the police cars and maybe show to the building owner and let him know how bad it was. Just an interesting fact, he owns over 40 properties in our county, which is also the smallest county in the state.

04-18-2012, 09:02 AM
Yeah I hear you. If the police couldn't handle it, its better to lay low. Good luck.