View Full Version : Another expensive toy!
04-03-2012, 12:05 AM
well i dont have Pics as of yet, tomorrow i pick it up from the Dealer. i got my self a 2012 Yamaha YFZ450. its been a long time since i had one and it was just time to get a new one. figured wile i wait to get my block back i should get something ales to be restarted with and dump all kinds of money in to. ill have pics of it up tomorrow.
04-03-2012, 12:15 AM
Enjoy and be careful.... lol.
04-03-2012, 01:33 PM
Ohhhh, we nee the pics :D
Sounds nice man, and be safe of course! You know how other people drive...
04-03-2012, 02:03 PM
Awesome toy. I have a 400ex and really wish I had more time to enjoy it. I have always wanted to see how the new 450s were to ride.
04-03-2012, 02:17 PM
I'm more of a dirtbike kind of guy so I've had my eye on the new yz450f. I sold my 2006 rmz450 back in August and really want another bike when I'm financial able!
04-03-2012, 03:20 PM
Sweet man! You've worked hard, now its time to play hard!
04-03-2012, 09:03 PM
Sweet .
04-03-2012, 10:54 PM
the delivery truck never made it to the dealer today....i am quite frustrated since i have been waiting almost 2 weeks now...
04-03-2012, 11:11 PM
You know how that goes...
The more you want it to get there, the longer it takes...
04-04-2012, 09:56 PM
finally got it today. this is the only pic i got right know.
04-04-2012, 10:30 PM
finally got it today. this is the only pic i got right know.
That thing looks mean my Seargent!
04-04-2012, 10:38 PM
How do those compare to the Raptor 700R?
04-04-2012, 11:04 PM
i cant really say to much, but the 700r is a MUCH bigger bike and from my limited time on one i think they just feel top heavy and unstable in fast corners. and for some one my size (only 5'4) they are just uncomfortable. the 450 is just a great all purpose bike in my opinion.
04-05-2012, 08:36 AM
i cant really say to much, but the 700r is a MUCH bigger bike and from my limited time on one i think they just feel top heavy and unstable in fast corners. and for some one my size (only 5'4) they are just uncomfortable. the 450 is just a great all purpose bike in my opinion.
I had planned on getting a Raptor 700R this year, but that 450 looks sick!, and more aggressive than the 700R. I did a little research myself, and talked with a good friend of mine who sells ATV's. He said that the 450 is really a race ATV, and it has a lower center of gravity just for cornering, jumping, ect. Plus, the 450 is faster than the Raptor 700R, if you are into racing it. The bad part is, that with it geared towards being a race ATV, it also requires the oil to be changed every 8 hours, and at $60 an oil change to do it right with the required fully synthetic oil, plus the fact they don't have reverse... well, I think I will probably stick with the idea of getting a Raptor.
But don't get me wrong, that YZF 450R is a bad machine! Congrats again man! That thing is going to be a blast to drive!
04-05-2012, 10:07 AM
i do not have the 450r, i went with the YFZ450 which is still carbed keeping the price about $2,000 less. and also dose not require the oil change every 8 hours. if i remember right its like every 20 hours. i would say go ride a few and see what you feel more comfortable on.
04-05-2012, 09:29 PM
i do not have the 450r, i went with the YFZ450 which is still carbed keeping the price about $2,000 less. and also dose not require the oil change every 8 hours. if i remember right its like every 20 hours. i would say go ride a few and see what you feel more comfortable on.
I guess even having to change the oil every 20 hours would still seem like a pain to me (although its better than every 8 hours). You are right though, I should ride one. I've ridden a few Raptors (loved riding them). But after watching a YouTube video of the 450 doing jumps and taking corners, I'm pretty sure the Raptor can't be that fast around corners, or be as stable on jumps.
Now I guess I just need to find someone with a 450 to ride to really see the difference. I'm 6ft 2", and 175, so the bigger Raptor may be better suited for me.
04-21-2013, 07:55 AM
Alright, sorry to ressurect this thread, but I wanted to check in and see now that you had the quad for a while, how you liked it.
04-21-2013, 10:39 AM
Alright, sorry to ressurect this thread, but I wanted to check in and see now that you had the quad for a while, how you liked it.
loving it! i have about 50-60 hours of riding on it and not a single problem. most of the riding time is at the dunes also. only mods i have done to it are header, slip on, and nerf bars.
04-21-2013, 12:09 PM
I am taking my 2002 Kodiak to the dunes for the firs time on Friday. It undoubtingly will make me want a sport quad.
If you don't mind me picking your ear, I have some questions on your YZF.
Do you jump it at all at the dunes? If so, how does it handle?
What kind of octane or fuel do you put in it?
What is its top speed?
Lastly, do you have any videos of it?
Im still leaning towards getting a Raptor, but I really like the YZF450's.
04-21-2013, 03:58 PM
I am taking my 2002 Kodiak to the dunes for the firs time on Friday. It undoubtingly will make me want a sport quad.
If you don't mind me picking your ear, I have some questions on your YZF.
Do you jump it at all at the dunes? If so, how does it handle?
What kind of octane or fuel do you put in it?
What is its top speed?
Lastly, do you have any videos of it?
Im still leaning towards getting a Raptor, but I really like the YZF450's.
i have jumped it several time, and it has real good stability in the air.
all i run is 91 octane (100% when i can find it) but e10 does not seem to harm it.
as for top speed, i don't know....i have no speedo for it, but it will outrun Honda 450s, hang with LTR450, and only a little slower than the Raptor 700 (DISCLAIMER- THIS WAS ALL DONE IN SAND AND THE TYPE OF PADDLES MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE!)
i have a lot of gopro footage from the other weekend, ill try to do some crude editing and get something posted up.
04-21-2013, 04:41 PM
I also have a yfz450. It is the most fun I have rode. Lots of power, feels like more then my buddy's 700 raptor but his will beat mine in top speed. They are about 40 to 50 pounds heavier though and just feel so much bigger then my 450. It kinda depends on the style of riding you do also makes a big difference when picking one.
04-21-2013, 04:55 PM
Thank you both for the info. I'd love to see whatever video you can post.
I have access to woods, so mostly trail riding, but I have room for plenty of wide open throttle. I have buddies that go to the dunes a few times a year (the same ones I am going with on Friday), so I am betting ill go with them again.
From what I e researched, the 450 is a different beast than the 700. It's lighter, more agile, and can handle better. It has less power but as mentioned doesn't weigh as much so generally paddles in the sand aside it is faster.
I am still leaning towards a 700 as the maintenance is cheaper and so is the fuel (not that either drink much). Then perhaps swapping the shocks to some YZF450 shocks for a lower and better suspension.
It seems the amount of things I have to spend money on are endless though, and this is taking a back seat priority wise to some other things (like getting my Z up and running). So for now, I continue on the research, and I thank you for contributing.
04-21-2013, 06:53 PM
Ya the type of riding you do a raptor would suit you better as it has reverse ( not a big deal to me), higher ground clearance for the trails and you are quite tall so I think you would feel very cramped on a 450. I'm 5.7 and it fits me very well. Only thing the raptor really need is a set of handle bar risers but that's manly for my style and how I like it to feel more like a snowmobile. Either one you want be disappointed on.
04-21-2013, 07:58 PM
Thank you both for the info. I'd love to see whatever video you can post.
I have access to woods, so mostly trail riding, but I have room for plenty of wide open throttle. I have buddies that go to the dunes a few times a year (the same ones I am going with on Friday), so I am betting ill go with them again.
From what I e researched, the 450 is a different beast than the 700. It's lighter, more agile, and can handle better. It has less power but as mentioned doesn't weigh as much so generally paddles in the sand aside it is faster.
I am still leaning towards a 700 as the maintenance is cheaper and so is the fuel (not that either drink much). Then perhaps swapping the shocks to some YZF450 shocks for a lower and better suspension.
It seems the amount of things I have to spend money on are endless though, and this is taking a back seat priority wise to some other things (like getting my Z up and running). So for now, I continue on the research, and I thank you for contributing.
most of the riding i do is trail riding, i usually only hit the dunes about 1-2 times a year. but from someone my size i don't like the raptors there too big and too me feel unstable.
04-21-2013, 08:05 PM
Gotcha. Yeah, I'm 6'2", and 185lbs, so that's probably why the Raptor feels good. I'd love to ride a YZF450 though to see the difference. Maybe I'll get lucky at the dunes and I can meet someone that will let me ride theirs.
Thanks again for the info, and post up that vid! I'd love to see you thrashing on your quad!
04-21-2013, 08:10 PM
I'm not sure cost of maintenance or gas mileage are things I would use to purchase a quad. When the other guy has more fun you're not gonna say "oh yeah well mine gets good gas mileage etc" I know that makes me sound like a dick lol not meaning for it to though. I've ridden both and in my opinion the 450 is a much more well rounded quad, yeah the 700 will get ya some bragging rights on the big long straights but the 450 is so much more fun and manageable on the trails and jumps etc. I'm 6'1" 240lbs just for a reference. As far as I'm concerned I don't have a need for more power than the 450 gives, you can play around with sprocket sizes and tires etc
Riding locations and riding style would be the top 2 criteria I would use. Then look at the other stuff and see if you can live with it.
Just wanted to throw my .02$ in the hat
04-21-2013, 08:29 PM
04-21-2013, 08:54 PM
Gotcha. Yeah, I'm 6'2", and 185lbs,...
You need to eat more.
Someone get this boy a cheese burger!
His body is eating itself.
04-21-2013, 10:21 PM
I'm not sure cost of maintenance or gas mileage are things I would use to purchase a quad. When the other guy has more fun you're not gonna say "oh yeah well mibe gets good gas mileage etc" I know that makes me sound like a dick lol not meaning for it to though. I've ridden both and in my opinion the 450 is a much more well rounded quad, yeah the 700 will get ya some bragging rights on the big long straights but the 450 is so much more fun and manageable on the trails and jumps etc. I'm 6'1" 240lbs just for a reference. As far as I'm concerned I don't have a need for more power than the 450 gives, you can play around with sprocket sizes and tires etc
Riding locations and riding style would be the top 2 criteria I would use. Then look at the other stuff and see if you can live with it.
Just wanted to throw my .02$ in the hat
Everyone will want different things from quads. The gas mileage I don't really care about. Even if its premium, it still sips it. For me the biggest thing is really the maintenance. Im gonna ride a bit, so an oil change every 10-20 hours with the reccomended fully synthetic at $60 an oil change would not only be pricey, but between that and adjusting the valves as reccomended in the YZF450 I would need to wrench on it often. Compare that with the Raptor that goes 100 hours between much cheaper oil changes and no other engine maintenance on a regular basis and that equals a lot more time riding, and a lot less time wrenching.
But again, some like to wrench, and having the more nimble 450 would be well worth it to them. For me, right now at least, I think the Raptor suits me better.
04-21-2013, 10:27 PM
Everyone will want different things from quads. The gas mileage I don't really care about. Even if its premium, it still sips it. For me the biggest thing is really the maintenance. Im gonna ride a bit, so an oil change every 10-20 hours with the reccomended fully synthetic at $60 an oil change would not only be pricey, but between that and adjusting the valves as reccomended in the YZF450 I would need to wrench on it often. Compare that with the Raptor that goes 100 hours between much cheaper oil changes and no other engine maintenance on a regular basis and that equals a lot more time riding, and a lot less time wrenching.
But again, some like to wrench, and having the more nimble 450 would be well worth it to them. For me, right now at least, I think the Raptor suits me better.
just some food for though.....i use Rotella 5-40, and i have not had to adjust valves yet....
04-21-2013, 10:34 PM
Wow that looks like fun! Your quad sounds great and seems quick! Thank you for taking the time to post the video.
You need to eat more.
Someone get this boy a cheese burger!
His body is eating itself.
Lol, here I was thinking I could shed a few pounds.
04-21-2013, 10:40 PM
Wow that looks like fun! Your quad sounds great and seems quick! Thank you for taking the time to post the video.
thanks, all it is, is a FMF powerbomb header and HMF Comp slipon.
04-21-2013, 10:42 PM
also, weather you get a YFZ or a Raptor, is you ever ride at night DON'T be alarmed by the GLOWING header! all Yamaha's i have seen all glow read hot!
04-21-2013, 10:44 PM
also, weather you get a YFZ or a Raptor, is you ever ride at night DON'T be alarmed by the GLOWING header! all Yamaha's i have seen all glow read hot!
I've seen guys wrap them in the same heat wrap you see under the hood of a turbo car, but never realized they get that hot! Thanks for the heads up.
04-21-2013, 11:03 PM
Lol, here I was thinking I could shed a few pounds.
lol... soon ull be invisible when sideways.
Larry (Popo8) Co-owner
04-22-2013, 11:55 AM
I got a new yfz 450x a lttle more than a year ago but keep having problems with it shuting off on me after it got warmed up and wouldn't start back up. I'd have to wait a couple hours for it to start back up. So I took it to the dealership and they couldn't figure it out either. It sucked only being able to ride for a bit, so it went back.
She was nice and fast
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
04-22-2013, 08:26 PM
I built a honda 400ex, and put an R1 engine on it. Strecthed the frame 4inches and the swingarm 3inches. It was insanely fast, but very stable till around 150mph, I put the speedo and tach off the bike onto the quad. I miss itb but I did get my z28 for it.
I have pics of it in my profile on here.
04-22-2013, 09:16 PM
I got a new yfz 450x a lttle more than a year ago but keep having problems with it shuting off on me after it got warmed up and wouldn't start back up. I'd have to wait a couple hours for it to start back up. So I took it to the dealership and they couldn't figure it out either. It sucked only being able to ride for a bit, so it went back.
She was nice and fast
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
was it fuel injected?
I built a honda 400ex, and put an R1 engine on it. Strecthed the frame 4inches and the swingarm 3inches. It was insanely fast, but very stable till around 150mph, I put the speedo and tach off the bike onto the quad. I miss itb but I did get my z28 for it.
I have pics of it in my profile on here.
that is just insane! sand drag it?
04-22-2013, 09:22 PM
Yea the yfz X and the R are injected. I don't know if regular 450 is still carved but, if it is that's what I should have gotten.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
04-22-2013, 09:24 PM
Yea the yfz X and the R are injected. I don't know if regular 450 is still carved but, if it is that's what I should have gotten.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
mine YFZ is a base 12' model, still carbed! i have seen too many people have problems with the injected ones, same problem also. my buddy with a LTR is fighting the same problem going on 2 years now.....I'LL STICK WITH MY CARB!
04-22-2013, 11:45 PM
Lucky bastard :-)
I didn't hear nothing about that before I got mine.
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