View Full Version : Need some opinions
03-27-2012, 08:27 AM
I'm 27 years old and work at a dead end job that I have worked at for almost 7 years. I have been going to college to get my 4 year in public policy and management. But at the rate I'm going It will take me forever to finish my degree. I never really liked my job which I am a warehouse worker for a large corp. They have been pushing me extra hard lately about production which is damn near impossible to hit in my job function. Every one else in my department is on a job function rotation except me so while I do the same function every day every one else does one easy day one hard day. I have fought to get out of this but management always has an excuse why they keep me on it.
I have contemplated quitting my job and getting a part time job at home depot or lowes and going to school full time and finishing my degree which will take 3 semesters. But this means giving up a 45k a year job. I also have a small side business but I only make between 5-7k a year at best which I use to buy parts for the car/boat. I am really on the fence and would like some opinions.
03-27-2012, 10:20 AM
I'm a junior, and I'm forcing myself to go to full-time starting in the fall until I get school done. I just have to do it at this point. It's not easy, especially with the stress level at my job. But I will just have to endure. I understand completely where you are coming from.
03-27-2012, 11:28 AM
If you can't take where you are now by all means, get out. Secure another job first. I just left my old business for a better job. My wife is getting ready to do the same. No need to be miserable. Looks like you gave it a lot of thought and have some plans. I too understand, I went back to school after 2nd layoff. Somehow I survived on less. It all works out in the end.
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03-27-2012, 03:30 PM
What jay said, sounds like you have given this some good thought already. Nobody deserves to be in a place all day that makes them unhappy, doesnt matter if its a job or a relationship or whatever it may be.....
I had the same problem recently, I had a job where the pay was decent and normal hours were described as 8-5 when I was hired. But 2-3 months into it they told me they expcted me to work until 8 most nights of the week and flat out refused to pay me overtime for it. Combine that with the fact that I had an hour and a half commute one way (so 3 hours total driving, each day.... just for work) because of traffic, and the price of fuel cutting out at least one and a half paychecks per month JUST to get to work... Things start not looking so good quickly. That good pay rate immediately gets cut down to a near minimum wage rate.
Needless to say I didnt stay with that job very long. I dont bounce from job to job, but that one was just never going to work. I am currently in the process of trying to decide if I want to go back to school or not for somehting better. Still contemplating for what, though. Ive had a few ideas.
But on your situation, start looking for something better. Even if you have to stay with that current job to make ends meet until you find something better, at least looking for something else will give you a good feeling of hope to keep you going. Something better WILL come along, but sometimes it takes time. Hell, you never know.... Maybe when you find something good enough to make the change and tell the current employer you intend on leaving, they realize that they will be short a good experienced (already trained/experienced and quick in the field) worker and start giving you what you want....
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