View Full Version : Car won't start help

04-04-2011, 07:48 PM
My security light had been on for a month and I just ignored it until today when my car would not start. I tried to bypass the VATS by putting together resistors using this method http://vats.likeabigdog.com/. Well the security light is now off but my car won't crank. The gauges on my dash light up and my fuel pump turns on but when I turn the key nothing happens. Anyone input?

also would the VATS not allow my fuel pump to turn on? because mine is turning on

04-04-2011, 09:03 PM

check that link out and get an understanding of how it works, and you should be able to figure out your problem. sounds to me like the resistor trick you did isn't what the problem was. most likely the TDM

04-07-2011, 11:03 AM
Check the battery and alternator as well as the starter. Any bad combo of these will lead to not starting the car.

More than likely you are having security issues and from the links above you shoud be able to get it resolved (if you hadn't already). The security should cut out the ignition, not the fuel. Thats why it won't crank (if thats the case), but you can hear the fuel pump.