View Full Version : 96 TA Missfires when it hit running temp.
SMok3 Em A11
02-04-2011, 09:36 PM
Runs great till it gets to about 160 degrees then it backfires like hell and eventually just dies or barley stays running. Please help spending too much money chasing this problem. So far have replaced cap, rotor, wires, intire air inlet, ect.
02-05-2011, 12:01 AM
Did you replace you coil and and or ICM? I'd start there maybe one is having issues when the engine is warmed up. Does it happen immediately or after its warm for a while? Take them to autozone and they can test it for you or you can do it yourself ! Need a multimeter of course.
Also create a sig in your profile so everyone knows what car and mods are done on it. Not many people bother if you don't !
SMok3 Em A11
02-05-2011, 12:26 AM
im putting new icm and coil pack 2mar also adding msd booster. but i really dont think thats the prob. im getting a P0336 CPS check engine code but i replaced that too.
02-05-2011, 01:39 AM
Whatever the "MSD Booster" is, save your money. Most aftermarket ignition systems can be more of a hindrance or completely useless, ESPECIALLY for a stock car. A properly running stock ignition is what you need, not to mention ADDING a part won't automatically fix any broken parts you have now.
SMok3 Em A11
02-05-2011, 09:10 AM
I am replaceing everything, distributer coils cap rotor all of it with all msd upgrades. will that help my powere at all. im also going to up the injector and throttle body.
02-05-2011, 09:41 AM
I am replaceing everything, distributer coils cap rotor all of it with all msd upgrades. will that help my powere at all. im also going to up the injector and throttle body.
Only thing that might add more HP is the Throttle body, and you are wasting your money getting all the MSD stuff... esp the OPTI. Do some research on it before u blow 500 bucks.
SMok3 Em A11
02-05-2011, 11:01 AM
Well if i keep the factory opti and upgrade the coil and add the 6AL Ignition Control System(not booster i feel dumb) and wires will it benifit me if its only gunna 150 bucks for the whole thing?
02-05-2011, 11:42 AM
figure out ur problem before you go and blow money on stuff you dont need. exhaust is the best way to go for cheap power. save that 250 bucks for the tb and get some longtube headers. as for your problem try spacein the coil/icm bracket off the head buy using spacers on ur bolts (between the bracket and the head). this will keep the icm and coil cooler. which will make your icm live longer.
02-05-2011, 01:38 PM
^^agreed I dont think you really need the msd stuff you wont really get any HP from it or the throttle body on a stockish setup. And definitely space you coil with spacers. That is after you get them checked out of course. No need to replace parts that aren't broke,put that money towards something else.
SMok3 Em A11
02-05-2011, 06:16 PM
I am not buying these parts because i think they will fix the problem I am buying the parts because ive been saving money for a build up my project is more than getting it running. and I am getting Headers with the throttle body and the ignition. the whole lot is only gunna cost me $350 for a proffesional performance 58mm TB BBK Shorties(will these bolt up to the factory exaust?) and the msd blaster coil and 6AL control mod. If I shouldnt jump on such let me know. the ignition system will def improve efficientcy regardless.
SMok3 Em A11
02-05-2011, 07:18 PM
I was also wondering anyones opinions on opti Vs. coils is it benifitial horse power wise to convert to coils? Pros and Cons anyone?
02-06-2011, 05:42 AM
I am not buying these parts because i think they will fix the problem I am buying the parts because ive been saving money for a build up my project is more than getting it running. and I am getting Headers with the throttle body and the ignition. the whole lot is only gunna cost me $350 for a proffesional performance 58mm TB BBK Shorties(will these bolt up to the factory exaust?) and the msd blaster coil and 6AL control mod. If I shouldnt jump on such let me know. the ignition system will def improve efficientcy regardless.
You really need to do some research. A stock properly running lt1 is going to outrun a bolt-on lt1 that misfires like your describing all day long. Buying shorty headers is pretty much a waste, you have no need for a 58mm tb, and MSD parts really won't improve the ignitions efficiency by any noticeable amount IF they work correctly. Don't buy band-aids. Fix your issues then buy the proven parts. Just pay attention to these forums to learn what mods work, but get it running right first.
As mentioned, get whatever parts tested you can first. If you can swap parts from another lt1 that would be even better
SMok3 Em A11
02-06-2011, 11:42 AM
I pulled my intake manifold yesterday and found that 3 or 4 bolts were loose and at the front of the block only cilicone was used and some of it had either been blown out or sucked in. there were a few spots that were nearly metal to metal.
SMok3 Em A11
02-06-2011, 02:31 PM
02-08-2011, 08:46 AM
My 96 formula did the same thing. it ended up being the opti sensor inside the opti was done for. it run for about 3-5 min got about to 160-170 and backfire like hell and die out woudnt start for about 35-45 min. and it would repeat! so i got a new opti and problem was solved!
02-10-2011, 11:06 AM
I have the headers you're talking about. They're useless to be completely honest. I would rather have stock manifolds than these but they came with the car. After I get the nice little tune it's needing I'm doing LT's and I have a hell of a muffler man that's going to hook me up with an X pipe and true duals for a little cash and 18 pack. As for the MSD I'm not a fan unless it's needed (kind of like what everyone else said). I prefere the stock ignition system over that on a bolt on only car. Also, I've heard some good things about the opti to coil pack set up but way the heck out of my price range. Hope all gets better for ya!
02-10-2011, 12:37 PM
man take it from me, a guy who bought his car that wouldnt spin the tires if he powerbraked it, to one that wheel spins at about 50mph. take you time to diagnose your problem. i wouldnt waste my money on shorty headers. you wont even be able to really feel the power they add. get on ebay and get some stainless lts for about 300 like i did. you will love the power and sound. also if you have any buddys around with lt1s see if they will let you use their coil/icm so you can see if its your problem before u spend like 150 on one. i know how you feel about getting those parts for 350 but its not realy worth your time to mess with it since your car has so few mods
SMok3 Em A11
02-10-2011, 09:13 PM
I am actually trying to find some long tubes and going true dual as well. I think i need to change some of my info lol. not think its the coil anymore either. I think its the distributor it has like 200,000 on it i got a short block jasper and the idiot that out it in really fd me over. althought the bad opti is prolly not his fault. I should have figured it out when i changed the cap and rotor it looked really ugly but i'd never seen 1 before so i didnt know what it was supposed to look like. I finally got the car local so I may have it running soon I will update.
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