View Full Version : Do I have everything i need for my GMMG/LPP setup?

10-21-2008, 09:08 PM
Hows everybody doing? So my GMMG should be here any day now! I bought it used from a guy (SRZ)) on ls1tech. He had it on his lt1 camaro with custom CME tips so I am bidding on a set of Corsa clones on ebay(unless anybod has any GMMG ovals;)) for my trans am. I plan to extinguish my savings and buy the LPP headers and ORY and just do the install all at once. Following multiple peoples advice on here and on ls1tech, I am going to hold off on the cats for the time being and see how I like the freeer/ louder system.:metal: I have never installed anything on my car and I have no prior experience with cars and I dont want to ruin an fbody...SOOOO that is where your advice comes into play. HERES what I need to know. I have the GMMG coming in and it comes with the exhaust hangers. I have tips coming in(i will need some clamps for them). I have the Ory. I have the headers.

1.) What else do I need? I think I need 02 extensions and someone said to get new 02 sensors as well. What sizes brands?
2.) I'm going to buy stage 8 locking header bolts (any particular size needed ?)and new header gaskets(what brand/size should I get??).
3.) I dont know if i need to, but I thought while I am down there I could change the spark plugs and wires with better plugs and stronger wires(any reccomended brands?)
4.)Is that all I need besides jack stands and a tool kit to do the job myself.
5.) Should I buy anything kinda lube or spray to cover the headers or GMMG in to help them or whatnot. The GMMG needs a lil elbow grease to give it that nice shine again. What products should I use for this?
6.) Will I need a mail order tune tune? A cam is planned for the near future(next six months) and CAI, ewp, airfoil suspension components and pullies will also be going on soon(NEXT couple of months). Should I just wait until I put the other goodies and the cam on?

For all of those concerned with my lack of experience and taking on these tasks...Rest easy. I will have a automobile smarty helping me out...He owns a 2002 TA and I am confident he can navigate around my fbody(that sounds dirty :D.) I dont want to get started on the install only to realize I need this or that and have to put it off again...So please include anything I may need...even if it is some bolts or screws. Thanks people!:claps:

10-21-2008, 09:17 PM
1.) You don't NEED 02 sensors, but i'd highly recommend it. Wait a month or so and replace them after the headers have been on a bit. You'll need o2 extensions, look it up on CZ28 (I forget which are for which.... 93-95 use diff than 96+)
2.) 1" bolts for 3/8" flange. felpro gaskets
3.) If you need to change the plugs/wires nows the time. NGK TR-55's are widely used on bolt-on cars.
4.) Grab a buddy and a case of beer.
5.) I've never done anything to mine.
6.) A tune is recommended but if you're still constantly moding I wouldn't worry about it yet.

10-21-2008, 09:26 PM
1.) You don't NEED 02 sensors, but i'd highly recommend it. Wait a month or so and replace them after the headers have been on a bit. You'll need o2 extensions, look it up on CZ28 (I forget which are for which.... 93-95 use diff than 96+)
2.) 1" bolts for 3/8" flange. felpro gaskets
3.) If you need to change the plugs/wires nows the time. NGK TR-55's are widely used on bolt-on cars.
4.) Grab a buddy and a case of beer.
5.) I've never done anything to mine.
6.) A tune is recommended but if you're still constantly moding I wouldn't worry about it yet.

BAM! Got it all right there, good post.

10-21-2008, 09:27 PM
BAM! Got it all right there, good post.I did all the research, bought all the parts... then sold the car. :hail::jest:

Atleast I made a profit on the parts. :secret:

10-21-2008, 10:44 PM
I did all the research, bought all the parts... then sold the car. :hail::jest:

Atleast I made a profit on the parts. :secret:

Eric, you and 99fixxerTa continue to educate and assist me through the delicate times when I have to decide what the heck I want to do. Thanks a bunch. I will do as you recommend. How many 02 sensors and and extensions do I need? Is there any brand that shine against the rest??

10-21-2008, 10:48 PM
1. I needed one 18" O2 extension (flat) for the front passenger side and one 24" (square) for the rear passenger side. As posted above, I would recommend changing the O2s after breaking in the headers, but it isn't required. I bought mine from Marylandspeed.com.

2. I would not recommend the Stage 8 bolts. They were a huge PITA for me. I used ARP 1" SS bolts. Go with Fel-Pro header gaskets.

3. Yes, change the plugs (you have to pull them out anyway). Go with some NGK TR-55s. For wires I'd go with MSD. You might consider going OTVC (I burned one before I did this).

4. Both a short and long crescent wrench that matches the bolt head size of your header bolts. And beer :D. I had none and nearly lost my mind. And that extra set of hands you have will help a lot.

5. I didn't do anything like that, mine are stainless.

6. As stated above, it is recommended but not needed if you plan on future mods. I've been driving about 8 months on the tune I had before the headers. You didn't specify what year your car is (or I missed it), but if you have after-cat O2 sensors you will get an SES light for no cats.

10-22-2008, 02:41 AM
2. I would not recommend the Stage 8 bolts. They were a huge PITA for me. I used ARP 1" SS bolts. Go with Fel-Pro header gaskets.

I got the stage 8's and am waiting to do the install, but i cant even get the clips on when i am just sitting here and cant imagine how hard it would be in the cramped car.... how do you like the ARPs? where did you get them from? thanks.

10-22-2008, 04:17 AM
I got the stage 8's and am waiting to do the install, but i cant even get the clips on when i am just sitting here and cant imagine how hard it would be in the cramped car.... how do you like the ARPs? where did you get them from? thanks.

I got the ARPs from Summit. Part # ARP-400-1210. I had all the Stage 8 bolts on, and tried one clip, the very front one. It fell 4 times into the crossmember. I said screw it, took them all off, and put my ARPs back on. You just have to really crank them down and keep at it for a couple weeks until they seat.

10-22-2008, 07:29 AM
1.) You don't NEED 02 sensors, but i'd highly recommend it. Wait a month or so and replace them after the headers have been on a bit. You'll need o2 extensions, look it up on CZ28 (I forget which are for which.... 93-95 use diff than 96+)
2.) 1" bolts for 3/8" flange. felpro gaskets
3.) If you need to change the plugs/wires nows the time. NGK TR-55's are widely used on bolt-on cars.
4.) Grab a buddy and a case of beer.
5.) I've never done anything to mine.
6.) A tune is recommended but if you're still constantly moding I wouldn't worry about it yet.

1. was wrong

4. was also wrong,drinking and working under a car.....GREAT IDEA!:doh:

5. It show's!

Yes you should replace your 02's at this time, it would be easy. You need some Extension's...Casper Electronics's are good ones. This is also a good time to change your plug's and wires....not a must just a good idea. I highly recommended some Over The Valve Cover wire's with headers because there less likely to get burned.

10-22-2008, 11:23 AM
As for O2 extensions, I found the 24" ones to be perfect for the driver side and 12" for the passenger side. Use lots of lube on those old rusted bolts.

10-22-2008, 12:53 PM
1. I needed one 18" O2 extension (flat) for the front passenger side and one 24" (square) for the rear passenger side. As posted above, I would recommend changing the O2s after breaking in the headers, but it isn't required. I bought mine from Marylandspeed.com.It's different for various years and he didn't post which he had. He also didn't say if he was deleting the rear o2(s)

10-22-2008, 01:00 PM
Ah jeez.. I just bought the stage 8 locking bolts and now all of you are criticizing them.

Damn the luck.

10-22-2008, 01:03 PM
1. was wrong

4. was also wrong,drinking and working under a car.....GREAT IDEA!:doh:

5. It show's!
1. I'd love to hear this Russ. Why do you NEED new o2 sensors? I've been running mine for the past 2k since the header swap with non problems. I highly suggest it as the high exhaust temperatures and wearing of the coating with new headers will destroy your headers, however you shouldn't replace the o2s until you've given the headers a few miles to break in. I don't see the point in buying new 02's just to destory them.

4. And obviously drinking constitutes getting drunk. why don't you go tell Jerry this.

5. So you use exhaust wrap? Pretty sure you don't either.

If you want to troll, please do it in the lounge or via PM. The guy wants help for his header install he doesn't need to hear your douchery. This is LTxTech, not LS1Troll.

10-22-2008, 01:04 PM
Ah jeez.. I just bought the stage 8 locking bolts and now all of you are criticizing them.

Damn the luck.
It's no biggie. Any bolts are fine. I'd recommend 1" if your using a header with a 3/8" flange.

10-22-2008, 02:02 PM
It's different for various years and he didn't post which he had. He also didn't say if he was deleting the rear o2(s)

I know, that's why I posted what I needed.

Yes you should replace your 02's at this time, it would be easy.

If he is running coated headers it would not be recommended to change them when he does the headers. The coating can flake off and destroy them.

10-22-2008, 04:43 PM
1. I'd love to hear this Russ. Why do you NEED new o2 sensors? I've been running mine for the past 2k since the header swap with non problems. I highly suggest it as the high exhaust temperatures and wearing of the coating with new headers will destroy your headers, however you shouldn't replace the o2s until you've given the headers a few miles to break in. I don't see the point in buying new 02's just to destory them.

4. And obviously drinking constitutes getting drunk. why don't you go tell Jerry this.

5. So you use exhaust wrap? Pretty sure you don't either.

If you want to troll, please do it in the lounge or via PM. The guy wants help for his header install he doesn't need to hear your douchery. This is LTxTech, not LS1Troll.

Drinking wile working under a or on ANYTHING isnt a great idea, doesnt take a rocket scientist....but you go right ahead,then no one would have to read your GREAT post :finger:

As for 5, i miss read...I thought you were saying you've never worked on your car....and for that car's sake I hope you dont :whistle:

I know, that's why I posted what I needed.

If he is running coated headers it would not be recommended to change them when he does the headers. The coating can flake off and destroy them.

How? I've done acouple and none have had any kind of problem :confused:

10-22-2008, 04:49 PM
If he is running coated headers it would not be recommended to change them when he does the headers. The coating can flake off and destroy them.
Already gotchya covered bro. :whistle:

10-22-2008, 06:40 PM
Alright now, we get it...

Back to topic at hand now?

Stage 8 bolts are awsome, just get the right length for your flange thickness.

10-22-2008, 08:46 PM
Stage 8 bolts are awsome, just get the right length for your flange thickness.

I'm not debating if they work, I bet if I had spent a few extra hours to get the clips on they would have worked great. Just not worth the hassle IMHO.

10-22-2008, 08:55 PM
I'm not debating if they work, I bet if I had spent a few extra hours to get the clips on they would have worked great. Just not worth the hassle IMHO.Def more time consuming to get on, but they could be worth the peace of mind. I personally used the stock bolts.

10-22-2008, 08:58 PM
Def more time consuming to get on, but they could be worth the peace of mind. I personally used the stock bolts.

I hope you mean you used the bolt's that came with your headers and not the stock exhaust manifold bolts right?

10-23-2008, 09:45 AM
Youre gonna get a hardon when you fire the car up after these mods!!

10-23-2008, 04:05 PM
id suggest investing in some good header gaskets, if the headers come with some they are just gonna be the cheap paper ones

10-24-2008, 10:17 AM
I think the LPP headers comes with quality gaskets..