View Full Version : Payback is a bitch!

11-11-2010, 01:28 AM
Fucking neighbors dogs wont stop barking and its 130am. Theyre the worst pet owners ever. They dont keep their dogs on a leash and they're always wondering into everyone elses yard. Its not the dogs fault either, since they dont know any better.. Its the stupid fucking dog owners. I've had to go over and bitch at them numerous times about keeping their dogs on a leash and off my yard. They have this little ankel biter that always makes his way over and is pretty vicious too as well as 2 labs.

I'm thinking I'm going to have to park my car on the side of the house right outside their window with my cutout open and give it a few revs at 630am tomorrow when theyre all sleeping and let it idle until it warms up. See how they like it. Might have to do this for the next few days as well, since they piss me off. Might have to get my brothers CBR600RR out of storage too and warm that up too, then put it back.

Fuck you neighbors. I just yelled over to them to shut the fuck up and get their dogs under control. On top of this, they bought a POS bike and they always have their saturday night parties and start the thing and rev the piss out of it at like 3am also trying to show off their pile of shit bike to everyone.

I will end this by saying, payback is a bitch, and I hope you like waking up early in the morning, because their dogs wont let them fall back asleep and will bark until noon. Fucking neighbors...

11-11-2010, 06:30 AM
so it's 6.30, results?

11-11-2010, 07:37 AM
no balls. Vids to prove it

11-11-2010, 07:48 AM
Went well this morning. Opened the cutout, let it idle for about 5-7 mins, and gave it a few 3500rpm revs. One of my other neighbors was outside smoking and laughed and waved because he knew what I was doing. I plan on doing this for the next few days I have to wake up early too. His dogs were going nuts when I was doing it too, which made it better.

11-11-2010, 08:06 AM
My neighbors leave there little dogs outside 24/7 and they bark all the time. The last time they woke me up I was over there pounding on their door. After 5 door bell rings and about a dozen knocks I left a nice note that said every time I am awaken by your dogs you will be aswell. The dogs were soon brought inside. Only had to do that twice so far.

The kicker is the dogs will bark for an hour or so right outside their door on their deck and they can see and hear it but they don't do anything about it.

Joker Z28
11-11-2010, 08:10 AM
A nice 12 gauge can take care of stupid neighbors as well.
No sense waking up other neighbors as well with your car.

11-11-2010, 12:32 PM
and gave it a few 3500rpm revs.they slept right through that, you need to at least take it up to 5k.

11-11-2010, 12:44 PM
they slept right through that, you need to at least take it up to 5k.

Ha Ha! Yeah I'm not sure your rev limiter is working properly. Might want to test it around 6:30am.

11-11-2010, 12:53 PM
yea idk if 3500 will do it... bounce it off the limiter a few times should send the message.

11-11-2010, 01:58 PM
has the car felt like its been cloged up? you should un bolt the y pipe and take a look in the collectors to see if there is any blockage and maybe wind it kinda high to blow it clear:hmm:

11-11-2010, 02:05 PM
I have a dick neighbor too. I keep my dog in my yard most the time and am always outside with it. well a few times, I mean a few like 2-3 she has gotten loose and crapped in his yard. 3 times MAX this has happened in 7 years. Well the last time it happened I left my house for about a hour and he spread dog shit all over the top of my driveway and claimed he never did it and my other neighbor saw him....this is the drunk neighbor that doesn't wear a shirt, rides his lawnmower everywhere in boxers and revs his motorcycle for no reason all day and drives his rv around the block for no reason and has hit people's mailbox's...did I mention his dog shits in my yard all the time?

I start my car early now....let it warm up for 30 min. and pull out at 4k.....

11-11-2010, 05:30 PM
Im thinking 6:30 is to late 4:30 seems more appropriate and yeah 5k sounds bout right.

11-11-2010, 05:30 PM
Ya'lls doin wrong.


You want the Canine Controller. Rental is $75 bucks for 30 days.

Or pick up some of these for the owners


11-12-2010, 06:24 AM
haha this is awesome. battle of the crap neighbors

11-12-2010, 08:03 AM
i have 4 dogs. gt dane,gt pynreenis, white lab and a eskimo spitz. three are out during the day and all are in at night. the only time they are left out is twice a year for the nascar races. so about 6-8 nights a year. i let my neighbors know ahead of time so there isn't any surprise. i have never in 15 years had a complaint about my dogs. well aleast not spoken to me. in my neighborhood i guess i would be the alpha neighbor. also i have lived here the longest but everyone else i 10 -20 years my senior and i'm 45.

11-12-2010, 06:12 PM
I wouldnt have a problem if their dogs stayed in their yard and were on a leash. I'm not saying "dont let them out"... But its just they ALWAYS make their way over into my yard and it then pisses my dog off. I guess you'd have to witness their BS to fully understand what I'm going through.

11-12-2010, 06:27 PM
oh believe me i know. we used to have a rent house across the street. they were dealing drugs, fights in the middle of the street pits charging my fence stiring up my dogs, chased my wife once. i took my video camera and set it in my window. i walk over after a week, gun concealed. and pointed out the red flashing light on the camera. i told the punk weather that tape go's to the D A or in the trash is up to him but you got 48 hrs to move. 3 days later they moved!!!! the property owner sold it to the sweetest lil old lady

11-13-2010, 12:58 PM
oh believe me i know. we used to have a rent house across the street. they were dealing drugs, fights in the middle of the street pits charging my fence stiring up my dogs, chased my wife once. i took my video camera and set it in my window. i walk over after a week, gun concealed. and pointed out the red flashing light on the camera. i told the punk weather that tape go's to the D A or in the trash is up to him but you got 48 hrs to move. 3 days later they moved!!!! the property owner sold it to the sweetest lil old lady
Hell yeah thats awesome the neighbor behind me was selling drugs and shit and the neighbors kept calling the cops and finally they got kicked out but this guy went through 4 cars in under a year and none of them were shit.
96 mustang gt w/ rims
some old pontiac w/ rims and paint
90's lime green caddy w/ 24in rims
and then a brand new suburban