View Full Version : Wifeys new ride....

11-09-2010, 12:37 PM
Well since the ty is gone decided to get the wifey a new kid hauler.
honda touring....this thing has everything! The nav folds into the dash to reveal the 6 disk.:eek:
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll14/tomsws6/148330_465788578513_839003513_5460070_2356000_n.jp g
we looked at just about every known van in a 200mile radius for over a month till we found this one. Iv always said id never have one but wow. They are convienent! got your hads full with kids and grocery's? just hit a button and the r3ear hatch opens up and then hit another and the slidding doors open up


11-09-2010, 01:45 PM
I was more suprised you got rid of the ty!!!!!

but congrats!

11-09-2010, 02:34 PM
I was more suprised you got rid of the ty!!!!!

but congrats!

actually it had a misfortunate accident. it went to heaven......:cry:

11-09-2010, 02:45 PM
The shifter looks really weird, lol. I like column shifters on automatics, but not near as much as my T56 :devil:

11-09-2010, 02:54 PM
I agree that is a weird shifter.but looks like a nice ride with plenty of room

11-09-2010, 02:54 PM
The shifter looks really weird, lol. I like column shifters on automatics, but not near as much as my T56 :devil:

oh............how i miss my t56:cry:

11-09-2010, 04:19 PM
actually it had a misfortunate accident. it went to heaven......:cry:

Did you post on here about it... I remember nothing about that.....:face_shocked:

11-09-2010, 05:18 PM
I think he had a catastrophic firewall forward fire related incident that claimed everything in the engine bay.

11-09-2010, 05:25 PM
I think he had a catastrophic firewall forward fire related incident that claimed everything in the engine bay.
That's what happened.
Tom, you gonna buy the bird back?

11-09-2010, 06:32 PM
that thing is nice,,looked at those when i made the mistake of buying my yukon,,had to be macho dad,,wish i woulda been realistic dad lol,,they run pretty strong considering what it is

11-09-2010, 06:34 PM
I rock an Orange HHR, could not go the mini van route. Wife has an Equinox. I gonna trade the HHR on something smaller with a turbo and AWD sooner than later.

11-09-2010, 07:07 PM
That's what happened.
Tom, you gonna buy the bird back?

the guy hasnt got back to me yet.:frustrated:


11-09-2010, 07:07 PM
I rock an Orange HHR, could not go the mini van route. Wife has an Equinox. I gonna trade the HHR on something smaller with a turbo and AWD sooner than later.


11-10-2010, 06:33 AM
toss up between that or an Evo. I have a soft spot for Mitsu's since my DSM days. Been looking on carsense for a good low mile used one.

11-11-2010, 07:33 PM
A lot nicer then the 90 Plymouth Grand Voyager my parents had when I was a kid. Those new mini vans are really nice now a days.

11-11-2010, 11:14 PM
I got a feeling you will like the gas mileage on it. Ive heard they can get around 32mpg with the cylinder canceling.

11-11-2010, 11:19 PM
the guy hasnt got back to me yet.:frustrated:



11-11-2010, 11:20 PM
I rock an Orange HHR, could not go the mini van route. Wife has an Equinox. I gonna trade the HHR on something smaller with a turbo and AWD sooner than later.

oh noooo, you drive a Homo Hot Rod???? lol, sorry.

11-12-2010, 05:59 AM
oh noooo, you drive a Homo Hot Rod???? lol, sorry.


Wait till I am up in Shillington...(are we ever gonna get a GTG going?)

Anyway, yes.. I had all plans on getting an Equinox Sport AWD ( 2nd kid was on the way) but with my trade in and the sticker price the HHR had the room we needed and the monthy payment we could swing. After we had our 2nd boy the wife got he Equinox (not a fancy one) and now I really dont need the HHR. I liked at the time the HHR didnt look like everything else and it was kind of the anti PT cruiser. THe one i got had a lot of issues (first year car syndrome) but after 73K miles it dont owe me anything. I found a EVO IX in Ohio I like, but I have time. THere is one around me that is fully built that may be for sale soon. Will be nice to have a DD that is faster than any of my toy cars.

11-12-2010, 09:15 AM

Nice van.......for a minivan. That's AWESOME that you're trying to reclaim your bird. Good luck with that.