View Full Version : short block quote

10-19-2008, 02:13 PM
i just called a local machine shop in my area and talked to the guy for about an hour, turns out hes build quite a few lt1's and is very knowledgeable with them, even has a 96 z with a 396 lt1, offered to take me for a ride when i drop my block off, anyways...

he said if i brought my block to him, i could pick it back up as a complete 383 short block, with an eagle 4340 3.750 stroke crank and 4340 6inch h beams, and forged srp pistons, cam bearings freeze plugs all that good crap, he said it would be in the $ 2,300 to 2,500 range

thats a pretty good deal isint it? compared to some of the prices ive seen on websites and things, and ive asked around that heard mostly good things, only that he may take awhile to build it, but i have all winter so im not worried about that, just wanted some opinions on the price, thanks guys

10-19-2008, 02:53 PM
seems pretty good to me. I have seen comlete with block 383s for that price though.

10-19-2008, 06:51 PM
Thats a very good deal for fully forged components. That is a $700 crank, a set of $450 pistons and $450 rods. Add in bearings and you're talking $1700 just in hard parts. Figure $600 minimum for machining, and you're already over $2300, and that doesn't include assembly. Make sure he turns it into a 4-bolt main for you ;)