View Full Version : Building a garage, any advice?

09-25-2010, 11:53 PM
Long story short, I built my house back in 2003. Since then it's about tripled in value. Refinace rates are low and I borrowed extra money to build a garage. In about three months I will close (the bank is backed up with everyone refinancing.) I have a 23X21 in my basement now, I keep the T/A and my 8N tractor parked in it. It's ok if you dont use it much (everytime I start the 8N the smoke detectors go off, not to mention the fumes you smell throughout the house.)
This will be my work garage/pout house from the future wife. I want room for two vehicles, my mower, and four wheeler. Anyone have any advice on how to set it up? (cabinets, storage, lift?, air compressor location) Im looking at building a 26X30 garage with storage in the trusses. Pictures of others garages would be awsome (I searched this topic but no post on garage pics since 2008.)

09-25-2010, 11:58 PM
Once, I get my parents moved out of my house (Haha...) I had considered tearing down the current 2 car garage and replacing it with a 3 car garage...w/ a two post lift in the first bay, a 4 post lift in the second bay, third bay empty for any ground work...and a paint booth in the back since it's going to sit back deep...my dad had one built out of metal for like 8,000...I think I want a brick one though to match the house.

Sorry, I doubt this helps...I've just been thinking about this a lot lately.

09-26-2010, 12:16 AM
Once, I get my parents moved out of my house (Haha...) I had considered tearing down the current 2 car garage and replacing it with a 3 car garage...w/ a two post lift in the first bay, a 4 post lift in the second bay, third bay empty for any ground work...and a paint booth in the back since it's going to sit back deep...my dad had one built out of metal for like 8,000...I think I want a brick one though to match the house.

Sorry, I doubt this helps...I've just been thinking about this a lot lately.

Gonna have to pour the walls with concrete due to the fact of living on a hill side. Prolly going to rock the exterior to match my house foundation.

09-26-2010, 06:29 AM
i did a 30 x 40 x 12 foot pole building. I just went with the steel colored to mathc my house. I know a lot of pole bulding companies can do custom work. Pole Building construction is very strong and efficient. I was lucky and live in a flat area. I am able to park the camaro, my 56 chevy and have room for 2 more cars even with the lift and tool boxes. WIth the concrete and insulation it came in around $25K. I put in a 40K BTU Split Unit A/C and a 50K BTU oil fired heater (old house heater). I got he cabinets for free and will one day get off my lazy butt and paint then so they look decent. I use it as a shop, so I gets dirty. I did not want to spend big money on fancy cabinets and such. I know it isnt exactly what you are looking at but here are a few pics:

Ryan Stout
09-26-2010, 07:21 AM
Imagine how big you want it, then add AT LEAST 6 feet both directions, and I'd go no less than 10' ceilings, preferably more in case you eventually get a lift.

09-26-2010, 11:49 PM
i did a 30 x 40 x 12 foot pole building. I just went with the steel colored to mathc my house. I know a lot of pole bulding companies can do custom work. Pole Building construction is very strong and efficient. I was lucky and live in a flat area. I am able to park the camaro, my 56 chevy and have room for 2 more cars even with the lift and tool boxes. WIth the concrete and insulation it came in around $25K. I put in a 40K BTU Split Unit A/C and a 50K BTU oil fired heater (old house heater). I got he cabinets for free and will one day get off my lazy butt and paint then so they look decent. I use it as a shop, so I gets dirty. I did not want to spend big money on fancy cabinets and such. I know it isnt exactly what you are looking at but here are a few pics:

Looks like you got a nice set up, love the pics!
I wish I could build mine that big, I'd say about 28' deep is all I'm going to be able to do with my situation (I'll run into my property line.) I'm probably going to have to pour concrete because of the bank Im digging out. Basically I'm going to have to dig the hill side out to get it flat (that's what I get for living in the mountains.)

Imagine how big you want it, then add AT LEAST 6 feet both directions, and I'd go no less than 10' ceilings, preferably more in case you eventually get a lift.
Yeah 10' atleast is what I'm shooting for. It will be fairly close to the house so I hate to get too tall and it look funny.

09-27-2010, 02:34 PM
You dont know how BADLY I wish I had your setup right now. Jealous.

I want my own freestanding garage on my property :cry:

09-27-2010, 10:00 PM
You dont know how BADLY I wish I had your setup right now. Jealous.

I want my own freestanding garage on my property :cry:

I've just been blessed with good credit.

09-28-2010, 01:14 PM
I've just been blessed with good credit.

You bought a damn house at the perfect time too :D

I dont even have space like that around my house, so a nice garage would be out of the question unless I moved. Its like a traffic jam of houses around here. I could spit through my neighbors window and hit him.... accurately.

09-28-2010, 03:17 PM
Make sure you get a door on the opposite side as well. My friends garage has this and it makes pulling a car/trailer so easy. You just drive right through the garage and unload the car. Then drive around the garage to the front. He never has to back the trailer up.

09-28-2010, 06:32 PM
Feel free to take all the notes from my garage you feel necessary :jest:

or my sisters:shiner:

09-29-2010, 07:17 PM
You bought a damn house at the perfect time too :D

I dont even have space like that around my house, so a nice garage would be out of the question unless I moved. Its like a traffic jam of houses around here. I could spit through my neighbors window and hit him.... accurately.

Yeah times were better back then, now isn't a bad time to build either (low interest rates, materials aren't too high,etc) May be different in you area, idk. Land is super high around here is the only down fall. I only had one condition when I bought my land, that was I had to be able to pee in my yard without the neighbors seeing me.:laugh:

Make sure you get a door on the opposite side as well. My friends garage has this and it makes pulling a car/trailer so easy. You just drive right through the garage and unload the car. Then drive around the garage to the front. He never has to back the trailer up.

That would be nice, but, id have to tunnel through a mountian side.

Feel free to take all the notes from my garage you feel necessary :jest:

or my sisters:shiner:

I remember that thread of your sisters. Awsome setup:claps:.

I turned all that paper work in today. In 60 to 80 days I should close. Probably wont start building until spring though. Keep the garage pics coming, love to see em!!!

04-27-2011, 03:28 AM
Bank loan came through. Here is my build thread......

I spent most of last fall cutting down tree's in the front yard (wish I had a before pic).

Here is a pic of the front yard (with tree's already cut.)

Because I was digging out the bank in the back yard, I had the excavator move some dirt, dig the stumps, and smooth everything out for a nice yard.

Here is the start of one giant hole/soon to be garage.
Another view

Giant hole/Soon to be garage

I plan on seeding the yard this weekend. Hopefully with weather permitting I will have my footers dug by the middle of next week.

Thanks for looking!!!