View Full Version : Jackasses at Big Box parts stores - Post about em!

08-22-2010, 04:09 AM
So, I'm up, can't sleep, and I'm bored. I was reading some threads about people getting cheap crappy parts at the "Big Box" stores (Autozone, Advance Auto Parts, O'Reilly, etc) and a few remarks about the "knowledgable professionals" they employ.
Most of us here on Tech know more about cars in our pinky finger than these guys and gals do in their whole bodies. That being said, if any of you here work at any of these places, you're more than likely excused from the following.
I applied at Autozone before SEVERAL years ago, and during my interview the guy asked me if I knew anything about car parts (what they are, their name, what system they belong to, what they do, etc) and I tore down an entire motor in my head and rattled off all the parts from oil pan to fuel injectors. I didn't get the job. Not sure what could have been wrong with me as an employment choice, but no big deal. Since then, I've realized why I didn't get the job....because I'm not stupid enough.
So, what's the reason for these people hiring complete idiots that know nothing about cars? I believe they think anyone that can ask stupid, meaningless questions that have no bearing on what you're actually trying to figure out, and can click things on a computer can help you. As we all know, they're sadly mistaken. Those of us that know what we're doing, work on cars often, and actually have the technical know-how realize that it takes a great deal of experience and intuition to get where we're at, to get on "our level".
So, I want to hear about your experiences with these folks at the "Big Box" auto parts stores. If anything, it'll be a great laugh to have at work. Feel free to include practical jokes you play on them too.
I can't tell you how many times I've called these guys asking for a water pump for a 68 VW Beetle. Hilarious. :claps:

08-22-2010, 06:46 AM
Feel free to include practical jokes you play on them too.

I worked at an Autozone and was specifically hired because of my knowledge. Not everyone knows about cars, but just about everyone needs to work, and this is a low paying job. You're guaranteed to run into people who don't know much about cars working at a car place just like you're bound to run into someone who doesn't know much about tools or home improvement working at a Lowes or Home Depot. Should these people be faulted for trying to make a living?

I have a BIG issue with the above though. WHY bother to go through wasting a companies time and resources of it's workers to simply get a giggle for yourself? Do something constructive with your time. That's great that you know that a Beetle doesn't need a WP, but you can't seriously expect everyone to know that.

Now......on the flip side. If someone less than knowledgeable tries giving you advice and it's horribly wrong.......game on. Feel free to put them in their place.

08-22-2010, 10:15 AM
yea, a few poeple have tried the whole wp thing on me, pistons for an rx7, muffler bearings, the works.
i've been doing this for 8 years. your not gonna catch me falling for that.
now that being said, it is a low paying job. i like it because i get to stay in the automotive field and i continue to learn something new all the time. fastbird's got a point though. i'll freely admit i got a job a canadian tire a while back and was doing parts and hardware at the same time. i know sweet fa about hardware and woodworking, but i still did it. people need to make a living, and they wont be the most efficient employees.
theres a few people on my counter that dont know as much as they should, but hey, i get recognized as a star employee because i do. i guess every place has them. the good employees and the not so good. not everyone will know everything aboutt heir job, it's difficult to train people to do so too.

Firefighter Z
08-22-2010, 02:51 PM
I went to AZ to have my starter tested for my Z28.
The Manager in which was a lady tested it out twice and came back as good, so I said ok I won't be buying a starter since this one is still good. The Manager tested it out a 3rd time after I said I wanted it back now.

She did the unauthorized test and ruined my starter, i knew it was ruined when sparks start flying out of it. She tried dumping the starter on me as I broke it and that I'll have to buy a new one. Oh did I raise hell in that store let me tell you.

After exchanging words , I told her I'm calling the District Manager. Wireless laptop comes very handy at this time for corporate numbers...
I called them up and asked to speak to a district manager, I got a hold of him and told him about the situation, he told me he was in town and just down the road from the other store and that he'll be at my location in 15 minutes.

The district manager arrives, we speak some more and go into the store to test my starter out himself. It's dead, he talks to other employees about how the store manager is handling business. He approaches me and states that this wont happen again, he then goes behind the counter to talk to the manager and fires her on the spot. He said it loud enough for everyone to hear.

The fired manager leaves, the district manager approaches me to ask what starter I wanted, I wanted the LT4 starter I state. He goes back hands me the starter and a store credit of $200.

He apologized for what has happeend and told me that he hopes I come back again to AZ and that if I have any other problems at store locations to call him direct and he gives me his card and says have a nice day!

08-22-2010, 03:06 PM
^now thats just awesome

08-23-2010, 12:50 AM
okay, I wasn't trying to talk any serious crap about anyone when I started this thread. I understand everyone needs a job and they aren't the best paying jobs, I'm just pointing out that the employment selection process seems to weed out the more qualified individuals, almost as if they want someone with a brighter smile and better phone answering skills than the more knowledgable people with the troubleshooting experience.

08-23-2010, 12:57 AM
i worked at autozone for a short time and that is the joke! it was sad the mang. would come ask me what this does or how this works or can this be fixed. it was truly sad! and when someone would call and try to play a joke like asking for spark pulgs for their powerstoke or something else retarded i would catch it and well they would not get the reaction they wanted

Ryan Stout
08-23-2010, 08:25 AM
Yep, worked at Advance for a while. Out of all the stupid calls, I'm still surprised nobody tried to buy parts for a 1983 Corvette from me. I kinda miss that job but $21/hr>$7.50/hr, so I work at Sony now lol.

08-23-2010, 09:53 AM
I've never really had any bad experiences with auto parts stores. I know what I want before I go in, and do my own research on what I need. I dont expect the person behind the counter to know a damn thing about my car or what it needs.. All I need them to do is get me the part.

I will not be going back to pepboys though.. Since the local one has terrable customer service. Most places around here have a Mobil 1 special, where you get 5qt's of oil and an oil filter for $29.99.. Well I went in to grab the full synthetic Mobil 1 5w30. I'm looking on the shelves, and couldnt find any. I grab an employee and ask if he can help me find, and sure enough. Not on the shelves. No big deal, I ask if they have any in inventory. He said no, so I grab one of the 5qt containters instead of the bottles (which they didnt have), find the filter, and head to the counter.

I place the container and oil filter on the counter and she rings it up. Total came to like $50.. So I ask if they could give me their mobil 1 special on this, since it is 5qt of oil and they didnt have any of their single qt bottles in stock. The bitch at the counter told me no, they couldnt do it, and I need to go grab the single qt bottles. I inform her AGAIN that they didnt have any. She said she knows for a fact that they have some back there... So she comes back with 5 bottles of high milage 5w20.. And begins to ring them up. :brows:

I tell her I need full synthetic 5w30, and she said oil is oil. Not worth arguing over, so I just walked out of the store and went somewhere else (advanced auto). I was soooo annoyed.

08-23-2010, 11:36 AM
Haha oil is oil,that's a good one

08-23-2010, 11:39 AM
My experience when I worked for Autozone is the gray shirt did the paperwork. The red shirt did the services. I worked there when they did wiper blade, battery and headlight changes. Everyone hated it because like 8 to 10 grand ams a week come in wanting a headlight replaced :cry: because the other Autozones everywhere refused. I wanted to say "change your own damn headlight!" :disagree: It was total BS but I did have fun while I was there.

I have people ask me about stupid things also... I think it comes with working at the parts store, I usually had a quick comeback though...

water pumps for the old VW beetle engines.... I came right back and said "I have to know what engine are you swapping in before I can get the right water pump."
The diesel spark plugs.... "you mean glow plugs? We don't carry them" (they really didn't)
Muffler bearing "Sir apocryphal parts are not listed in our computer, you will have to bring the part in to match it up." (it was obvious he didn't know what apocryphal meant because he thought he got me)

I never got carburetor belt or blinker fluid... but I did get another Autozone red shirt with both :laugh:

08-23-2010, 08:36 PM
Anyone have some piston pull back springs in stock? :D

I kid. I wouldnt be able to handle a place like that, where people go in any try to fuck with you. If someone told me they wanted muffler bearings I'd tell them to talk to me when they have a serious question, and then prob. throw something at them. :hmm:

Ryan Stout
08-24-2010, 07:45 AM
Bead stretcher, know where I can get one?

08-28-2010, 10:03 PM
^^^let me get you one its right here by the board stretcher handy i have a 2x4 here as well.

08-28-2010, 11:58 PM
autozone guy: u drive that camara?!

me: sure do

autozone guy: you need this fuel injector cleaner then its on sale!

me: what do the 5 fingers say to the face? SLAP

Joker Z28
08-29-2010, 02:27 AM
It use to be when I walked into the stores, I wouldnt talk to anyone, like said above somwhere, I did my own research I just needed the parts.
Recently quite a few friends of mine started working at the advance auto parts store that actually had decent knowledge.
Only problem is its half hour from my house, there is another one about 15 minutes from me. Damn locations.