View Full Version : Idle too low?

08-10-2010, 11:08 PM
Idle was fine before, never had any issues with it in the passed week or so that the car has been running..

Disconnected the battery today, changed my fuel filter and fixed a wire on my passenger side O2 sensor. Battery was probably disconnected for about an hour. Reconnected it. Started the car. Idle was a little high at about 1100 in park. Backed the car out of the garage and left it running outside for awhile. I was cleaning up the garage and I heard it choking a bit so I went out to check the gauges. It was idling at about 800-900 in park. Dropped it into gear and the idle dropped to 500-600. The car is shuddering, and when I tried to drive it around the block, it was getting bogged down. How did this happen...?

08-11-2010, 01:46 AM
when i hook up my scanner it says the ideal idle for my 95 auto is 550 which it usually settles down into after a few second.

08-11-2010, 01:10 PM
I'd hate to ask this question, and i'm not trying to insult you, but is the fuel filter on correctly with the flow arrow pointing towards the front of the car?
If you didn't disconnect any other harnesses or touch anything else besides what you've stated above, it should have to do with something you did. I'd double check everything, and go from there.
You never know. It could also be the PCM needs to cycle through all the checks a few times before it gets everything dialed in correctly. It's usually around 50 miles or so.

08-12-2010, 06:28 AM
when i hook up my scanner it says the ideal idle for my 95 auto is 550 which it usually settles down into after a few second.

THAT seems low..... very low.....

08-12-2010, 11:04 AM
i just had the computer programed by madz28. i dont know if he changed any of that. when i throw my auto xray ez5000 it shows desired idle and then what your acutually idling at. so for me it said 550 if i remember correctly and my car idles very smooth.

08-12-2010, 01:06 PM
Stock idle speed for an auto is 550 in drive, 650 in park, 800 for an M6.