View Full Version : Tell me if i'm on the right track.

06-07-2010, 06:33 PM
Little History first, 1997 Firehawk, 383 76mm turbo. all new early 2009, late 2009 started having issues with the car just randomly shutting off, at first it would start back up in 5 or 10 minutes, every time this happened the the time it took to start was longer and longer until finally it will not start, cranks fine no start, when it ran it ran great never had the nomal opti issues no missing, lack of power, back fires, etc. I checked the fuel pressure, would go up to approx 30psi then right to zero, I fixed that ( ruptured line in tank) thought it was gonna be all good right? NO, great stable fuel pressure, still no start just cranks, next swapped out both coil and ICM with known good units, no luck. I did the test on shoeboxes site and from my shop manual, passed all test until getting to the one that says to have PCM tested at dealer, I purchased another PCM, same year etc, No differance, Still no start, I just autotapped it, it shows no codes, but while i try and start it, it shows zero engine RPM's and no injectors pulse readings, I also used the noid light on the injectors and no flash. I am at my limit, the opti is a new MSD unit and has never had any signs of backfiring ect like i stated above, Please tell me whats next, Is it Opti anyway, bad ground? loose wire?, I have also changed the crank sensor last year when this first stared, any help would be great, I really wanna drive it, Thanks in advance.

06-07-2010, 07:44 PM
First thing that comes to my mind would be to check your grounds on the chassis and the motor.

Just curious, what kind of power were you laying down? Have a 383/76mm setup goign into my T/A right now.

06-07-2010, 07:50 PM
I know i have to check all that, not looking forward to that., as far as my cars numbers, on 12 psi mustang dyno, 606rwhp, 644rwtq, was running 15 psi with meth, noticeable difference in power, but no numbers at that boost level.

06-07-2010, 09:24 PM
I know i have to check all that, not looking forward to that., as far as my cars numbers, on 12 psi mustang dyno, 606rwhp, 644rwtq, was running 15 psi with meth, noticeable difference in power, but no numbers at that boost level.

I would check your grounds and wiring around the hot parts of your turbo system. I bet youve either melted something or a ground has gotten loose.

06-08-2010, 05:26 AM
I agree with checking your grounds, but wondering if your "new" PCM is bad. Just because you put a different PCM in the car doesn't mean you didn't get another bad one.

06-14-2010, 09:17 PM
seems like a crank sensor...had the same issues with a 03 jeep awhile back..nothing was working,,would start and run for a few mins then quit...then wouldnt start at all...after awhile it would do the same thing over again..replaced the sensor,,problem solved..if you cant find any melted wires or loose connections...i would definately check the cps