View Full Version : Backfire after 3 grand! (Video)
05-26-2010, 11:03 AM
I went to pass someone and when my car got to about 3100 Rpm it fell on its face and let out a huge backfire. If I hold it in first gear and ease into it it will pass 3100 and go to redline no problem but in second it back fires really terribly. The Opti on the car is 170 miles old (about a week). I tested the fuel pressure and it read 35 PSI at idle and 45 PSI with the vacuum line removed from the regulator. The idle seems really low but the simulated WOT seems fine. If I drive it though it will go up to 3100 RPM, backfire and I lose all power and response. I have also noticed it likes to do it only when the car is completely warmed up. Heres a bad quality video of what is going on. Any ideas?
Edit: 94 Z28 A4 109,000 miles
05-26-2010, 06:38 PM
your rotor on your optispark is loose or broken.
edit: i re read your post, and if it only has 100 miles on the opti, its very possible that its loose not broken. you did put your fuel pressure regulator vac line back on right?
05-26-2010, 09:35 PM
Yes I put the regulator line back on. I was thinking it could possibly be the TPS?
05-27-2010, 08:59 AM
That's what my car sounded like when my rotor came apart. A sudden back fire then the engine died, it would restart and idle ok but any rpm above idle and it'd start to miss. I say pull your cap and see if your rotor's loose, you may be able to tighten it up before it destroys itself! Make sure to use loctite on the screws.
06-01-2010, 08:53 AM
Have you figured this one out yet?
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