03-13-2010, 03:12 PM
So I have been wanting a D3000 for the longest time. Over a year I keep going to Best Buy , Waiting for that killer deal to come along tell myself it is time to buy it. While I have the money for it I am very picky on making big purchases like this ( over 100-200 dollars is a big purchase for me.) It took me almost 5 months to buy a new laptop lol.
So Ive been reading about DSLRs for along while and it seems like the better choice would be to just jump to a D5000. While the kit for the D3k was almost 650 at best buy with a extra lens and what not. I am finding alot of stuff on ebay for a D5k kit with extra lens tripods etc.
What I am getting at is would you risk buying used to hopefully get a better product for the same price as the lower quality unit new?
So Ive been reading about DSLRs for along while and it seems like the better choice would be to just jump to a D5000. While the kit for the D3k was almost 650 at best buy with a extra lens and what not. I am finding alot of stuff on ebay for a D5k kit with extra lens tripods etc.
What I am getting at is would you risk buying used to hopefully get a better product for the same price as the lower quality unit new?